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Crew Avenue Police Department
1 human
Waiting room
An Office
5 humans
an Outsider. You have 50 Hit Points and 0 Experience.

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You are standing in the waiting room of the Crew Avenue PD, Lines of benches have been set out and discarded newspapers litter the floor.

You shout hello.

Since your last turn:
Michaleson Stirs behind the desk (1 minute ago)
A Civillian Stares at you (Now)
Possible actions:
Make a rude gesture Ask for assistance
You carry nothing. You are also quite nude.

Crew Avenue Police Department
an Outsider. You have 50 Hit Points and 0 Experience.

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You are standing in the canteen of the Crew Avenue PD, Tables and chairs are set out in a disorderly manner, you can smell the faint scent of rotting meat drifting from the kitchin.

Since your last turn:
SumoSnipe Shuffles around in the Kitchin (1 minute ago)
A Civillian Falls face first into his food (Now)
Possible actions:
Help the civillian
You carry nothing. You are also quite nude.

You are inside a military command tent. In the distance, you can see the quarantine wall and the city beyond it.

There is a portable generator set up here. It is hooked up to an electrical socket. The irony is sickening.

Someone has spray painted "The general is a fink!" onto the wall.

There are two privates being berated by an officer nearby.

Searching the building, you find a popular news journal, featuring an article on the zombie outbreak. You begin reading it.


By Glenn Rogers

Throughout the Malton Incident, encounters between the city's living and undead population have remained a curiosity. Despite open hostility towards each other, there have been few instances of both sides openly engaging in violence. Rather, they seem to have taken a more subtle approach towards combat. To shed light on the unique aspects of combat in the city, we asked Ivan T. Cotur, a grizzled veteran of many attacks, as he hunted the undead in the streets:

  • Cotur: "Damn zeds, always trying to eat you in your sleep! Once, after a good, hard day at bullet-hosing some Z's, I go to sleep. What do I find when I wake up? My spleen half gone and a zed chewing on my intestines! I blew his brains out, then went on to blow his buddies brains out too! The next day some medic dropped by and replaced my intestines, but I wasn't able to eat for days! Honestly, What gives? Why can't those..."

At those words, Mr. Cotur promptly fell asleep. Shortly after, a nearby zombie, who until that point stood comatose and swaying slightly, shambled over and began attacking the sleeping hunter. We asked the zombie for his impressions on fighting, to which he responded:

  • Zombie: "Graaah! bang bang harman ZZzzzz! Hambargar! BARHAH!"

Finding the zombie hunter's brains unsatisfying, he proceeded to attack our crew. We fled to a nearby building, where the pursuing zombie was unable to follow. At this point, more questions presented themselves than were answered: Why did the entire population appear to suffer from severe narcolepsy? How was a simple first-aid kit capable of healing mortal wounds? Why did zombies hate journalists?

Seeking the answers to these questions, we turned to one Dr. Francis Busch, an accomplished zombologist:

  • Busch: "I fear that there is no easy answer to your questions."

Already, things were not looking good for our investigation.

  • Busch: "I... Where to begin? Life in the city... it is like a turn-based game. The survivors scurry around, doing this and that, yes? At night, as they sleep, the vampires..."
  • Reporter: "They're zombies, Francis."
  • Busch: "Zombies awaken and attack. Due to the nature of the virus, they have increased strength, but their agility and fatigue is sharply afflicted; they are rather clumsy and can only remain active for a few minutes a day before exhausting their energy. These symptoms carry over after revival- thus why you see some carrying insane loads and surviving severe wounds, yet sleeping away most of the day."

Despite our initial reservations, the doctor proved to be a valuable source. Seeking more input, we asked a local police officer his views on combat:

  • Officer: "Forget whatever those trenchies told you, around here, fighting is an art. You don't just run around shooting up zombies; they'll just stand back up like nothing happens. No, you gotta wait till they break in, THEN you shoot them."

Based on these testimonies, it was clear to us that combat, no, everything, in the city was controlled by erotic sleep patterns. We...

The officer finishes berating the privates, and turns to you. You quickly hide the magazine and return to work.

Possible actions:

P.L.A. image.jpg People's Liberation Army
This user or group proudly wears the patch of the P.L.A..
P.L.A.image.jpg Liberator
This user proudly wears the patch of the People's Liberation Army


Fire zombies.jpg
Dotty.jpg User fe328 Zombie.gif User fe328 Fireman.gif