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The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new 18:42, 17 July 2010 (BST)

Scrapped Suggestions

Fire Axe vs Barricades

Suggestion type
An upgrade to the accuracy of the fire axe against barricades.

Suggestion scope
Survivors with a fire axe, attacking a barricade.

Suggestion description
Due to pretty much the exact reason real-life fire axes are used, I figure a slight boost to the fire axe's accuracy when being used to destroy barricades would be a logical step within the game. At present, attacking a barricade with anything other than a crowbar results in the accuracy of the attack being halved - this suggestion is merely that the fire axe be given the same bonus as the crowbar and allowed to strike barricades at its full accuracy. After all, would Jack Torrance have been anywhere near as menacing breaking that door down with a crowbar?

Nabbed from the Random Events page, saved for future ignoring

Developing Random Events

This page is for presenting and discussing suggestions which have not yet been submitted and are still being worked on. Specifically Random Events.

Random events will remain on this page for a period of a week after which time they will be moved to Random Events/Overflow.

NO suggestion should be deleted apart from by its original creator.

Random Events?

A Random Event is an Idea suggested on Developing Suggestions that every time a specific action is performed there is a tiny chance something random will happen.

Random events may do one of the following things.

1. something that is beneficial,

You fire your pistol at PKer1. Your bullet strikes them just above their flak jacket for 5 damage.

2. something that is harmful,

You fire your pistol at PKer1. Your gun Jams and the bullet is wasted.

3. flavor text.

You fire your pistol at PKer1 for 4 damage. They scream in pain.

What a Random Even is not

1. Anything with a long term effect.

searching you find a sniper scope. All firearm accuracy is increased by 5%

2. Instakills

You hit target zombie severing their head. They take 50 damage and die.

Suggesting A random Event

Firstly, this is just an extension of developing suggestions. As such the chance of Kevan implementing any of this is pretty much nil. But if enough events are suggested that people deem fair a suggestion could be suggested through the normal Suggestions system.

To suggest a random event. You will need to tell the community.

1. The type of random event (Positive, Negative, or Flavour}

2. When it occurs. (When ransacking a building for instance.)

3. what a player would see on the screen.

4. Effect in Game.


Please use this template for discussion. Copy all the code in the box below, click [edit] to the right of the header "Suggestions", paste the copied text above the other suggestions, and replace the text shown here in red with the details of your suggestion.

===Random Event Name===
|suggest_scope={{udspan|What is displayed on screen.}}
|suggest_description=Full description. Check spelling and be descriptive.

Please add new suggestions to the top of the list.


Ransack Messages

"Ransacking further rooms you discover a picture of a child. It looks familiar." RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 19:12, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

"Rat nest: Destroying the room you discover a nest of rats... the baby ones tasted best!--Honestmistake 17:21, 9 January 2009 (UTC)

"Destroying the room you injure your hand leaving a bloodied print on the wall" In addition to other details a bloody handprint will appear in the locations description until the building is repaired... the zombie will also take 1HP of damage (unless it was only on 1 anyway!) --Honestmistake 17:21, 9 January 2009 (UTC)

"You find a better way for ransacking buildings, and gain some experience (variable.) Linkthewindow  Talk  10:57, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

Repair action

"fixing the room you find a part eaten body... removing it is not a pretty job"--Honestmistake 17:24, 9 January 2009 (UTC)

"While repairing the room, you find a (random item.)" Linkthewindow  Talk  10:57, 11 January 2009 (UTC)