User:Sean Connolly/Meh journal
The Journal
You seem to have a found a large pile of well kept but messily organized notebooks, as well as some digital camera cards, a VCR tape and VCR, and an old desktop with a shortcut to a folder filled with Microsoft Word files all labeled 'meh journal'. A generator and a can of fuel sit in the corner, as well as a pile of supplies. A sticky note reads:
To whom it may concern,
Stay here, and help yourself to the rum in the cabinet! If I'm not back in three days, help yourself to everything else!
Oh, and if you plan on stealing anything, I've got a burglar alarm that'll bring every zack within a good five miles down on your arse, as well as a few hidden cameras.
But remember, have a good time, and you had better not be dead when I get back!
Sean Connolly, leader of The Survivor's Republic
The VCR turns on, showing a video file of a messy, bright orange haired man with dark brown, almost black eyes. He seems to be the one holding whatever camera recorded this, and you see a dark haired in the background scrubbing blood out of her jacket.
"Hey! If you're watchin this, yeh been in mah favorite safe-house fer a good five minutes. Either get out, or get drunk off yer arse, cause I'm sure you'll be a nicer person t' meet when yer inebriated!"
"Damnit, Sean, we're trying to rebuild society, not protect a bunch of drunks with guns!" the girl shouts.
"Sorry, Mau!" the man grins apologetically,"Now, whosoever's watching this, read t'e sticker note, and be free to read my journals. Everything's in order bottom to top from oldest to newest fer anyone feeling curious. Now if ye'll excuse me, I think the search party just got back!"
The video cuts to a halfway taped over old movie show, NCIS.
The real Sean Connolly is dead. Weep.
It seems the safe zones shifted over. I'm still in Foulkes Village though, garnering help from the CAPD to protect Fuller Drive School and the Boon Museum. This one crazy bastard Miles Otoole, thinks I'm a PKer and keeps killing me, but I'll teach him good next time I see him. Ignorant bastard.
Welp, Foulkes village is safe, but Crookeston is red, Kempsterbank has gone back to yellow, and all of our safe zones are surrounded by a sea of yellow and orange. Also, whilst in a pet store, I found a little brown mouse. I now carry him in my pocket. i shall name him...hmm...somethign with an m...
MOOSE! HA! Bet you weren't expecting that!
Ah well. I have to get back to letting evryone in Grigg heights know their about to be attacked. The zacks are gettin' smarter. Instead of doing a full on occupation, turning Grigg heights red on the safety map and scaring the northerners they haven't caught away, they're attacking the buildings on the borders, ransacking them, and leaving. Plus, some dumbass combat revived a bunch of murderers like Henrietta Blaze and they tore up the Melson or Merson or whatever NT.
W00tings over teh l00tings! East Grayside is safe! Now, however, I venture back into what was once a shining beacon of saftey, now fallen into dis'ray. If there's anyone still alive in Foulkes Village, Ima comin' fer ye! Saddle up, lads an lassie's, the th' homeland needs us.
Ah, I re'ember my first week in UD. Foulkes Village was on o' th' last safe zones, so after spawning, prettymuch evryone in our group had run on down there. By the time we got there, those old freaks in the Foulkes Village Guardianship had snapped and started PKing anyone even remotely new or strange or suspicious. Not a single suburb was green on th' danger map those days.
The next week, Fort Childe had been made, and the entire southw'st area o' Malton (except fer New Arkham, which was still a ghost town) was safe. I miss those good old days, and I aim to bring 'em back, tenfold.
- This is a sound file on the computer. You can hear Sean's voice in the background, and he sounds like he's scared. And psycho. Very psycho.*
"Within the burning, flames, an unseen eye watches. A menace, a menace that cannot be seen by those who refuse to fear it. It lurks not for your life or your soul. Nay, it harms thee not. It sulks within your shell, refusing to cause you fear.
No. This menace cares.
Foster love, and trust no one. The ashes of the past must be blown away by the exhallation of newer flames. Keep Malton alive, for I have forseen the future.
Keep Malton dead, as I have reviwed the past.
I'm sorry, Mau, it was for Alison's own good."
- You hear a gunshot and a thud. Someone start's crying and you can hear Weird Al's "Everything You Know Is Wrong" playing in the background.*
"Everything melts away with the rum..."
Happy 2010! It seems our fight for survival has entered a new decade. It continues to snow, so I've been putting freerunning to good effect. No way in hell I'm leading the zombies back to my pals. I have a duty to protect these people, and i'm not screwing that up. Zack-Shit Crazy seems to be following me around, so I woke up today to find three death cultists destroying my telly. Had to kill 'em, dump the bodies, and find a new plasma screen TV. But hey, now I have HD! Thank you crazy zahmbah worshipping freaks of nature!
Happy New Year's Eve, all! It seems the military has stopped dropping airdrop packages, so we're flat broke again. The good news is, I stocked up enough to last as long as it will take to get about a year's worth of supplies, as if I didn't have enough already. The MOB is pushing pretty damn hard on our doors, but no matter what the danger map says, southwest Malton's still full of survivors. I found a cool new gun today, an old Winchester rifle. It may not be good for fighting with, but it's still going in the display case. Wish I had some good automatic weapons for getting rid of those pesky death cultists, but the SKS and Benelli will do for now.
The rest of the page is covered in drawings of what looks like an armored car.
Merry Fnuckin' Christmas! Sorry I haven't written anything in a while, the MOB is keeping us busy with the constant attacks. We've been holding them off much better tha anyone did last year, thanks to the help of survivors who believe in our cause. I can't even tell you how many times I've woken up in a ruined building with torn up clothes and a ringing sound in my ears. My zombie kill count for this week is already up to 12. I got a giftwrapped crate this morning from some guy named Michael Warton. Apparently he had the military drop a supply box just for me, and it was full of the supplies I usually use, and then some! Lemme see here, rum, soju, 7.57 rounds, gun cleaning kit, .45 ACP rounds, 12 and 20 gauge shells, glasses cleaning and repair kit, a new jacket with The Survivor's Republic symbol on it, more rum, a shiteload of plastic explosives (oh, the fun I'll have with that!), dog food, people food, cooking utensils, a titanium crowbar, a highway hooligan, an auto repair kit, and a titanium hatchet that's one solid piece of metal. Lovely. Dunno who you are, mister Warton, but you kick ass. I will be leaving presents on my friend's pages later today!
Zombie scouts (probably from the MOB) are starting to invade Wyke Hills and East and West Grayside in groups of 5. I suspect many more are soon to come. Vigilance and intelligence are key! Keep a clear head, DO NOT PANIC. If we all contribute accordingly and keep from making rash actions, we should succeed in the removal of the MOB.
Well, I'm leaving Botting towers today. Headed for some Vault Buildings in West Grayside to help out with Operation:Asskick. If all goes well, West and East Grayside will be safe within a matter of days.
Got Mau to teach me how to make a proper barricade today. I've been mostly nomadic, and up till now haven't found a use for it. But now that I got more ammo for my good old SKS, I've decided to take more actions involving my group. Monty found out that the spy we were worried about was some guy named Count Smackula, some weirdo greenie. who'd been following us around. Killed him damn quick. After the Repopulation of New Arkham, I was left with a good bit of territory, and just decided to pass it out as a peace offering to our allies. Nothing much happened today, so that's all.
Sorry not to have written anything for a while. I was busy hunting down Winston Lurchill, Zakk Daddy, and Baby Zombie Hitler, the three main leaders of the Children of Zack. They've been focusing on destroying churches, libraries, and hospitals lately. I figured cut off the head of the zombie worshipping snake, and the body will die. I died once along the way, but got a quick revive from a kind doctor. I found Winston Lurchill GKing a NecroTech building and shotgunned his ass, ran out of shells on the way to Baby Zombie Hitler (who was in a ruined church) and had to smack him upside the head a few times with an axe, then finally got Zakk Daddy (stuck outside a church) with a few pistol shots. Unsurprisingly, I woke up to find three zombies outside the police station I was bunkered up in, and the surroudning buildings ruined. There was no way they could have set up a trap not even a freerunner could escape from (or even found me, I'm not on their contacts list) without there being a spy in The Survivor's Republic, so all operations are to be shut down for a while. Sorries.
Went out looting today. I'm think I'm starting to dry out my supplies. If I'd listen to Maureen, I'd be with the rest of the survivors(and I probably should be, being their leader and all) but I just don't feel right being around all those people. I'm maintaining a section of the maze for Operation Freerunner, but I'm trying to keep in an area where I can still see the main fort.
Speaking of Fort Childe (It's what we named a bunch of buildings we barricaded and connected together. Now it just looks like a giant metal and wood box, we named it after Vivo's great grandfather, Eduardo Childe.), I'm wondering why their hasn't been a major siege on it. You figure a group of people that big (it's mostly made up of people who were too afraid of the zacks to be more nomadic like the rest of us) would attract looters or zombies, but they mostly stay away. I guess they're avoiding our snipers.
It's getting harder to search for more survivors. I guess that the supply of people finally ran out. EVeryone's been saved or eaten. Then again, it's harder now that WE DON'T HAVE A WHIRLYBIRD! Some idiot tried to fly over the quarantine border in the news chopper we use for emergencies and got himself shot down, so now we don't have an extra form of transportation.
Also, I ran out of ammo for the SKS I love so much, so I've had to resort to using some of the other guns I've got stockpiled. They're not bad or low on ammunitions or anything, I just don't like the feel as well. Plus, Aileen said I look hot sporting my carbine of choice. So instead of hunting me some zack, I've had to pass time by drawing and looting, which, like I said, isn't going too well. At least we got the satellite dish back up so we have cable. I haven't seen anything about Malton on the news. I wonder if the world's ignoring us, or just forgotten about almost 10,000 people?
Anywhos, checks out what I drew up on the old scratchpad.
(The following pages are detailed drawings of a dog, an SKS rifle, a woman smiling(she looks like Maureen from the VCR tape that first showed when you came in), and what appears to be plans for a flag based off of the Republic of Ireland's Flag and the U.N. symbol.)
When I get out of here, I'm gonna sell my story, get richer then Bill Gates, buy an island, and start a country on it for all the survivors I lead. And it will perfectly guarded against zombies. That's all for today.
Holy shit, it happened! I've been hearing reports of zacks massing near Spracklingbank, but I just ignored it. Just today a horde of zombies just tore through the place, killing everyone! Richard's dead, the rotting bastards got him, so we've got no one to maintain our radio posts now! The only good part of this is that the areas near Spracklingbank seem to have emptied, but I'm worried that won't last.
Vivo went in searching and took out a sizeable group of zacks, but all he found was remains, two shotguns, and a video card.
(There is a video card taped to this page, a spot of crusty dried blood covering some scribbled writing on it. Scaping off the blood with your nail, you see that it's dated 11/22/08. You slide it into the cumputer.)
The video shows a group of children (appearing to be about 10 or 12 years of age) sitting around a table with a cake on it singing 'happy brithday'. They're in a wide room that's been soundproofed with blankets and soiled mattresses. Three adults guard the only uncovered window, peering cautiously outside whilst clutching their shotguns fearfully. Whoever's holding the camera goes up to a girl in an old pink dress wearing a birthday hat with the ribons torn out.
"Smile for the camera, April," the lady ( you can tell from her voice) holding the camera says," You are the birthday girl!"
"It's my 11th birthday!" the little girl grins(a boy in the background waves and sticks his toungue out)," There are monsters outside, but that's okay because daddy and Uncle Joe, and Mr. Will keep them out!"
"That's right honey," one of the men at the window nods," You just eat your cake and have fun."
In the background, behind the table, a pair of pupiless eyes glare out from beneath a grate.
"Um, Rick?" the lady holding the camera begins to panic, and the men near the window look over at the grate, where more eyes are coming out of the darkness. A rotting hand lifts the grate, it's owner crawling out and beginning to groan.
"Run!" someone screams and the camera drops to the ground. All you can see are feet. Someone fires off a gun and a rotted corpse falls to the ground in front of the camera, still alive and grasping at the people near it. A red light in the corner flashes "Replace batteries" and the camera turns off.
Just sad, and on the poor lassy's b-day, too! Vivo says the hallways of the place were smeared with blood. I wonder though, the camera didn'tshow proof of anyone dying, and Vivo only found two out of three Remingtons, s there's a good chance some of them are still alive! I guess I'll go searching for them tommorrow.
(The rest of the page is taken up by a detailed drawing of a cat in a cherry tree.)
See? Three whole days! I'm too damn lazy to keep up a journal. Oh, well.
The past three days have been boring. We've been rebuilding Foulkes Village from the ground up. The place was blood red on the danger map a two weeks ago, and now it's nice and green, like the rest of southwest Malton. Except for New Arkham, that place is a ghost town. I'm worried that a group of people will wander in and get bit by a feral, and that some sort of zack army will build up down there and take over our protection zone.
We found a church full of zack worshipping bastards that had fed the people holed up in there to their 'pet' zombies yesterday. Blew the freaks to kingdom come and took their supplies. I'm worried it may have something to do with this 'Children of Zack' cult that keeps spraypainting an image of a rotted hand holding a cross all over their murder sites. I'm thinking about making the curfew earlier for the younger and weaker people, but I don't think it'll pass by the Top 5. I know it's not right for a democratic society to have 'sceret' senators, but it's currently the safest thing to do. Im sure once the crisis is over Malton will be part of the good old U.S. of A. again.
Oh, and happy turkey day!
Well, I found myself a good pile of notebooks, and couldn't think of a story to write. I've always been great at writing (though I'm to lazy to publish anything), but the zacks were bothering me too much. Richard suggested I write a journal, so I guess I will!
I'm Sean Connolly, an ex-IRA member with extensive military training and a hate for Russian alcohol (don't ask why). Currently, I am leader of a survivor group here in Malton, The Survivor's Republic. We're trying to rebuild democratic society here in good old Malton. We've already got 47 official members, a good bit over 100 citizens, and quite a few allies. We've slaughtered all the zombie hordes in our area, and driven out all the death cultists and survivor killing freaks, except for those Goddamn Children of Zack. Just today, I got to declare victory over the Foulkes Village Guardianship, a buncha crazy old fools with guns who decided to try and keep Operation Freerunner from working. I fired the shot that killed the last one!
(There's a video card taped to this page, you pop it into the computer and watch.)
The video feed shows the man from the VCR tape, Sean. The person taping this video is behind him, and appears to have somehow attached the camera to their head. The view peers around the corner of a ruined building, and bullets whiz by, barely missing Sean. The source of the bullets is 3 old men down the street, taking position behind a pile of sandbags next to a McDonald's. A few zombies lurch behind them, ignoring them and heading for the now defenseless people hiding in the McDonald's.
"Shite," Sean says,"Monty, cover me! I need t' gat those people out o there!"
The cameraman (apparently Monty) nods and the camera shakes up and down. The view peeks out behind the corner again and the camera man fires his gun at the old men, causing them to duck behind their cover. Sean runs out, followed by an Asian (or maybe Pacific Islander?) woman with a fire axe. The two break down the windows of the McDonald's, and Sean pegs one of the zombies with an SKS carbine, the large caliber bullet popping it's head like a ripe melon. The woman lops off the head of a second, stomping on it for good measure.
The camera shakes as Monty's rifle pumps rounds out at the old men. Seeing what has happened, one of them raises a molotov cocktail.
"George, wait!" one of them shouts and leaps over their cover, attempting to escape from the crazed man. The molotov is shot-you can't tell who shot it-and explodes in the man's hands, setting all three of the old men on fire. The one who leapt over the cover rips off his jacket-the only piece of clothing that was caught in the flames- and runs for it, making it to a corner before Sean fires three rounds, one hitting his neck, the other his head, and the third, his leg.
"Ha!" the Asian woman laughs,"Nice grouping there, Anny Oakley!"
"Shaddawp," Sean grins,"That last one was fer if the first two shots didn't kill the arse!"
The camera view raises and approaches Sean, the Asian woman, and the group of people they just saved.
"Oi, Monty, turn that thing off. I only gat so many video cards!" Sean says, reloading his carbine.
"Sure thing, boss, I'll make a few copies of this and the other videos, send 'em out and let everyone know we won."
The camera is pulled from its mounting and the last thing you see before it blips off is the bullets the two burning men were carrying overheat and fire off into the sky.