I was born long ago in a town far, very far, away. My childhood was a normal one, watching Evil Dead and other zombie movies, playing War with my micromachines and playing Soldiers of Fortune with my friends, reading survival guides, things like that. As I grew older I decided that I should go out and see the world. After graduating from my community college, with a PhD in Kicking Your Ass, I ventured from town to town trying to be the nameless hero. It didn't work out too well since I spray painted my name on a wall saying "The Most Sinister of Denisters Saved the Day" after I had uncovered and halted an illegal bacon smuggling operation. Well the typo wasn't meant to be there but the name stuck. The name Senister Denister was labeled in the tabloid underneath a depiction of me as the Riddler from Batman. I wasn't happy with that. Anyway, I finally stumbled across the quaint city of Malton. I gathered up some of my most prized possessions and hid it all in a police station. Luckily no one has found it yet to my knowledge, but then again neither have I. I forgot what police department I put it all in. But I ventured from the Suburb of Ridleybank to a nightspot called Yagoton. It was a nice place but I wanted to head out more to the south. But that's when the outbreak happened. I got holed up in Bale Mall for a series of months before I had it in me to go explore the rest of the city. I did manage to get to the south. After a little while I got bored of Spicer Hills and heard about a large number of survivors holed up in a laboratory in Ridleybank, where my journey of Malton began. My buddy, whom is known as Bigheadman, went with me to check it out and luckily for us we were branded as the Blackmore Bastard Brigade as he had stayed till the bitter end. It was, up until recently, where my journey had ended.
I created another account shortly after I had arrived at the Blackmore Building who was known as Welsfred. He's a native of Yagoton and a mighty damn good soldier even though he's a bit of a drunkard. But after I had ultimately been defeated and lost the will to play as SenisterDenister when the siege was over I began to level up Welsfred and kept him localized around Bale Mall, working loosely with the YRC, though not as a member. I doubt I'm remembered by any of them. But then I heard about the second siege that was going to take place on November the 5th. I gathered supplies and booked it down there being apart of the first in to get into the building and secure it, even if I was a lower level. Once again I met a bitter end at the end of the siege. But this time I didn't give up. I kept on moving. I headed out east to Caiger and stayed put there until I joined the Malton Rangers, and I've been working with them ever since.
Mr. Q is my very first Urban Dead account, he's been around and has seen a lot. I've been playing this game for six whole years in October.
SenisterDenister has been fighting alongside the Channel Four News Team. He's dressed in a brown suit and looks classy.
Welsfred is my alcoholic cigar smoking ex-soldier now survivor in Malton. He's been in the Rangers for quite a while, and is a proud Blackmore Bastard.
Ash 'Williams is a role playing account I got bored of, he's idled out at Pole Mall.
Isaac Clarke is my most recent account. I named him after the protagonist of Dead Space, I beat the entire world to the name. I'm proud of that. He works for the Kilt Store.
All my characters, except Ash Williams (but I don't care about that account anymore), are level 41. So I got bored. Then Monroeville happened. I did the only rational thing any man would; I moved. Mr.Q, who's full name is Adam Quark, moved to Monroeville. He lives in Newtown. He joined the Monroeville Rangers. He also has several friends there, Chubbs McGill, and Harold Digsby. They all died. Everyone, I got to level 21 without buying headshot, lived for about a month. As soon as I got the chutzpah to buy Headshot I was pked. Very frustrating. Chubbs and Harold never made it out of the city to Newtown. Poor bastards.
My profiles:
As of March 9, 2011 I have a whopping total of 32,764 experience points accumulated between my six accounts made, Adam Quark included.
Odd Facts Contained Within Images
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B-A-N-A-N-A-Z! |
This user knows exactly what to do with a banana. |
C4NT Approved | |
C4NT heartily endorses this product and/or service. |
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I'm Ron Burgundy? |
This user isn't sure if he claims to be Ron Burgundy. |
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Channel 4 News Team Affiliate |
This user or group entered Glorious Battle beside the Channel 4 News Team. There were horses and a man on fire and this user or group killed a guy with a trident. Afterward, we could barely lift our arms because we killed so many zombies. I don't know if you heard us counting. We killed over 1,000. |
Blackmore Bastard | |
This user or group proudly wears the badge of the Blackmore Bastard Brigade.
8/18/06 - 10/13/06, 11/5/06 - |
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Malton Rangers |
This User or group supports the Malton Rangers in their never ending quest to aide the fair citizens of Malton, pursue classiness to the utmost, and stop barhah in all areas it rears its ugly head |
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Dickhole The Great |
This user or group has entered glorious battle alongside Dickhole The Great (pictured at the left), there were horses, sabres, and muskets all around. After the Battle was over, This user or group stampeded the enemies women and raped their cattle. It was a glorious day indeed. |
A Colossus Of Class | |
This user or group is part of the New Malton Colossus. Bringing Glorious Battle to you since 2006. |
Member of The Kilt Store | |
Isaac Clarke has found true freedom at The Kilt Store, in Nichols Mall, and vows to keep the store open so we can provide the finest in customer service. |