War Criminal
Rot From The Moors.
Spreading of Rot and Ruin..
Will this zombie PK you if revived??
You bet your lilly white ass he will..
War Criminal's Biography
☠ Role Play Notice ☠
War Criminal is role played heavily. If you get offended by anything that he does or says in-game....well, I guess you can get over it. I play him as a death cultist who has a very dark heart and I stay in character at all times with him while i'm playing him. If you don't like that, learn to role with the punches you stupid bastard.
☠ End Of Role Play Notice ☠
War Criminal first appeared in Malton on August 28, 2006. He was one of the leaders of a little known PKer group known as Überleben (German for "Survival"). Überleben consisted of Lebende Tote members who wanted to give PK'ing a try & our basic belief was that certain members of Maltonian society did not deserve to live. We especially sought out those citizens who combat revived. Truth be told, we didn't make that much of a splash in Malton & the group eventially dissolved. I believe that it became clear that we were more of a nuisance than anything else.
After Überleben folded it's tent around April of 2007, War Criminal decided to travel around Malton & cause trouble wherever he could. He was known as a trouble-maker around Dulston and the surrounding areas. Life was good & people hated me....just the way I wanted it.
Then later that year, War Criminal heard murmuring voices talking about the return of D.A.R.I.S. He thought, "Could this be true?" And of course it was to an extent. This was the new D.A.R.I.S. and would eventially come to be known as D.A.R.I.S. V2. And this time around it was going to be a PKA led revival of the group and they also once again were looking to dominate Shearbank. Membership was very selective & only the best of the best were going to be invited to join D.A.R.I.S. Thankfully it didn't take long for War Criminal to get his invitation in the mail. He gladly excepted & moved into Shearbank. All non-D.A.R.I.S. survivors were forcefully evicted from the suburb. The survivors fought back but were out-gunned by the combined D.A.R.I.S. forces. The original D.A.R.I.S. (in the guise of Project T.I.M.E.) even came back to try to destroy us but they were no match to us. So we succeeded in our mission. Shearbank became a suburb which was under the total control of D.A.R.I.S. and all of our enemies had been crushed. Unfortunantly, once we met our goals...many of the group's members decided to move on to the next challenge. So although many groups tried to destroy D.A.R.I.S. V2, we finally succumbed from apathy which grew within the group.
With the demise of D.A.R.I.S., I decided to trade out my long standing Lebende Tote character of Balistic with War Criminal. Lebende Tote was the very first group I joined when starting Urban Dead. You could say I grew up in Grigg Heights. So once I moved Balistic out of Lebende Tote and into the extreme NE corner of the city to time out....War Criminal became one of the newest Totes. It was around this time that War Criminal took the position as leader of the Totes. He led the horde until real-life constraints became too much for me and I had to withdrawal from the Totes completely. It takes a lot of time to lead a group into battle and that was just something that I didn't have at the time. So, War Criminal laid down in the streets and took a well earned nap. That was until Alpharius came calling.
Alpharius is a friend from the PKA and a fellow member of D.A.R.I.S. V2. And he had a plan. You see, many of us had been talking since the end of D.A.R.I.S. about how to carry on with the mission. It just didn't seem to be getting anywhere because of the exodus of Red Rum from the PKA. Red Rum may be a pain in the ass at times but their numbers made up a huge bulk of D.A.R.I.S. membership and without them, we weren't going to be doing anything in the scope of D.A.R.I.S. again. So Alphy thought small was the answer. Create a small force of freedom fighters that could move into a suburb (Gibsonton would do nicely) and begin building a relationship with fellow survivor groups. The problem with Gibsonton though has always been that the DEM has always had strong ties to the area. What worked in our favor was that historically the DEM just gave lip service to the area and never sent much muscle to help it out....even when it was sorely needed. So in came the Gibsonton Nationals and Alpharius needed hired guns to get his message across. That's when he made contact with War Criminal. You see, War Criminal has never and will never have qualms about killing someone that gets in his way. And those boys and girls of the DEM have always been a major pain in his ass. In fact, he relished the thought of killing again and this gave him the mission he wanted. So he stood back up and lurched to Gibsonton. The cattle were quick to revive him and he was quick to dispatch as many of them as he could find. The DEM were falling as fast as they were moving in and a certain Malton Marshal named Themanwhocares4 was crying to his superiors about how bad it was getting in Gibsonton. Around this time a forum spy invaded the message boards of the GN to gather info against us so he could turn it over to the DEM. The conflict escalated further when a local group known as the Winchester Boyz decided to puss out and turn their backs on the suburb's plan for independence from the DEM. So the WB had to be tought a lesson....stay the course or get the hell out of Gibsonton. We ended up killing all of the Winchester Boyz in one night....a devastating blow to their moral. In fact, not long after that attack, the Winchester Boyz disbanded....a major coup for us. So with the DEM running for the hills, the Winchester Boyz collapsing under the weight of their own stupidity...that left one more major power within Gibsonton....The Imperium. Now, I never much cared for the Imps because of their under-handed way of doing things. They were forum spys and alt abusers. Those two reasons alone were enough to flame my contempt for them. I did not wish to do business with them at all but the rest of the GN seemed to be able to look past their short-fallings. So it was about this time that I decided to move away from Gibsonton and back into Grigg Heights. I rejoined Lebende Tote and worked as an Elder to help level up new Tote players.
But it just wasn't the same. There was something missing. War Criminal had been feared before and he craved more than just being an Elder. I wanted a challenge and I saw a challenge with the group Rot From The Moors. I knew many of the members of RFTM already and when I asked to join up with them they accepted immediately. The zetheren of RFTM are familiar family to me and I hope to help them grow larger and stronger while being a bridge towards my friends in Lebende Tote.