"Local physician Nicholas van Durn vanished from his safehouse in Pashenton four days ago. If anyone has any information of his whereabouts, please contact this number at..."
"...be on high alert, some sick motherfucker has been poisoning patients, the doctors want us to check identification...I heard a rumor it was..."
"Murderer Nicholas van Durn has evaded arrest by DEM authorities and is cited for the murders of...he himself claims more then..."
"Local murderer Nicholas van Durn has been seen wearing a white mask, the sign of the infamous Philosophe Knights. "That time for me is gone," van Durn said in a short interview with a bounty hunter, "I need to get over my guilt. I was ignorant, before the outbreak, and I helped it happen. No, now is the time for knowledge, for learning...and the way I see it, anybody can make the same mistakes I did. That's why I'm here." van Durn escaped after that, leaving the bounty hunter only with a bullet wound to the thigh and a library card with his name on it. In other news..."