User:Weemawap Man

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Weemawap Man

A solitary man climbs over the large mounds of rubble and corpses scattered through out the city. He grabs his head, the headache still pounding in the back of his head like a large drum. How long had he been awake now? 2 days? 3 days? He had lost count. He looked around at the destroyed city around him. He had woken up a few days ago, in a police station, bleeding profusely from a wound in the head. It had left a headache that wouldn't go away, and a question that had been flowing through his mind for days. He looked down at the solitary item he had, a necklace made of a curious white glowing metal in the shape of a W, and asked that question out loud: "Who am I?"

He limps over the mountains of dead men, and broken roads, heading towards no where. He suddenly collapsed, not able to go on. His body had given up, after not being able to sleep since he had woken up. He had to rest... Then, suddenly, on the horizon, the first sign of life he had seen in days. With a new burst of energy, he stood up, and sprinted towards the figure. He could see the shape growing larger, and could make out more of it. He could see a bloody, torn shirt, ripped pants, then, when he was well within a 10 feet of the figure, he noticed for the first time the large hole in the side of it's head. The creature noticed him for the first time, and wobbled towards him, slowly, moaning slowly. The man stopped in his tracks, frightened more than he had been since he had woken up. Suddenly. he looked downwards, and noticed a dead man, probably a firefighter, who was still clutching a fire axe. The man bent down slowly, not taking his eyes off the zombie, and slowly grabbed the axe. Suddenly, he jumped up, spun around, and chopped off the Zombie's head in a bloody fury of metal against decaying flesh.

He collapsed, out of breath, kneeling right next to the headless corpse on the ground next to him, which now had blood flowing out of it's neck. He looked at it for a second, then looked at the axe in his hand. Then, at the necklace, which seemed to be glowing brighter than it ever had before. Suddenly, like a shot on the wind, a solitary word rushed across his mind: "Weemawap".

He stayed there for a second, thinking. Then he stood up, and picked up the axe. He looked at it for a second, then looked up, and smiled. Thats who he was. He knew nothing about where he was, or what had happened to make him this way, but at least he had a name. And with that, he walked off down the street, feeling more powerful then ever.

Current Status

Weemawap Man now lives in Danversbank, a self proclaimed Zombie Hunter, who helps out his fellow survivors fight against the zombie hordes whenever possible. He is currently an ally to the DRRP.

Random Guy With a Shotgun

In danverbank, there can be many raids. The battle goes on strongly to keep the survivors alive. Weemawap Man had to come up with a secret identity to fool evil survivors who wanted him dead. However, it was more out of comedic relief then anything. One day, Weemawap Man found Danverbank under siege, and, suddenly, he decided that now was the time! So this is what happened: "The raid is going on strongly! This looks like a job for... *rips of clothes* some random guy with a shotgun! *runs away laughing insanly*. No one knows why he exactly did that, as he normally seems very cool headed, but, hell. Its a tradition now. Normally, when he suddenly shouts this out for no apparent reason, it is followed by the ripping of clothes, and people saying, "Who the hell WAS that guy?!". It is thought that these outbursts and switches to an insane alter ego are caused from too much stress, and ale.

Famous RGWASG quotes

The raid is going on strongly! This looks like a job for... *rips of clothes* some random guy with a shotgun! *runs away laughing insanly*.

Well, the attack against the zombies didnt go so well. 1 down, 1 down to near deathness. Oh well, some random guy with a shot gun shall be back! *once again runs away naked, laughing insanely*

The raid is going strongly in the south! I am needed! This looks like a job for... *rips of clothes* Oh, damn. I forgot I was wearing underwear today. *rips off underwear* There we go! *Runs off laughing insanely*.

Weemawap Man's Policies

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

Drrp-new-1.jpg Danversbank Relief and Reconstruction Project
Weemawap Man is a member of the Danversbank Relief and Reconstruction Project and probably needs carried back to his safehouse from The Standfast Arms.
Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.

Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.

Police Helmet1.jpg Malton Police Departments Group
This user or group supports the MPDG in their attempt at restoring law and order in Malton.
Know what you are talking about.
Malton Citizens Broadcast
This user or group follows the
Radio Transmission Conduct Protocol, and uses the callsign RGW-ASG