| Quiz | Hall of Fame | Rules|
The Quiz Master. But then he would, wouldn't he?
Quiz Prize 1
Bronz93 knows his Dawn of the Dead,
and has been awarded a knitted zombie.
The Quiz Master. Fact!
Quiz Prize 2
Bronz93 knows about
Zombies and Sharks.
User:Midianian. Some fresh blood on the scene.
Quiz Prize 3
Midianian knows Shaun of the Dead &
would be welcome at The Duke of Albany.
User:Zombie slay3r. Who took my clues at face value.
Quiz Prize 4
Zombie slay3r knows that zombies are a girls best friend.
User:X1M43 A welcome change.
Quiz Prize 5
X1M43 knows when someone is not a zombie.
User:Axe Hack Who Im glad won after naming almost every game possible apart from RE4 in the previous quiz.
Quiz Prize 6
Axe Hack Knows a little too much about Valentines.
User:Zombie slay3r For being brave enough to have watched it.
Quiz Prize 7
ZombieSlay3r Has seen House of the Dead. Why am I giving him a prize?
User:Scurley7 More fresh blood.
Quiz Prize 8
Scurley7 knows better than to mess with the Death 1 compund..
User:Airborne88 Who then went and stole my idea.
Quiz Prize 9
Airborne 88 knows about both Dawn of the Deads.
User:Axe Hack
Quiz Prize 11
Axe Hack knows his remakes! (Eventually)
Quiz Prize 12
Nallan Gets a prize.
Quiz Prize 13
Pedentic knows what Hopper's talking about.
Quiz Prize 14
Jared Gets a cookie.