User talk:SkullnBones
Mobile Phone Mast Page
I've also got some alts doing masts in addition to their usual... In Ketchelbank, it's up to EHB but empty. With no one to watch the cades it seems useless to place a genny/fuel. Please advise. I listed my alts' profiles on my user page. I hope other MalTel members will put them in contacts - they are each in the process of finding a mobile. I've also decided to start listing gkers on my page, though I may be plowing the ocean. --Baruch 22:26, 7 June 2007 (BST)
Hi, I'm the player who broadcast a request to join MalTel, stupidly not thinking through the fact that I didn't give my name, etc! Lookout2 --Baruch 01:39, 7 June 2007 (BST)
- Of course! We can use all the help we can get! Just add your name to the list of Roaming Techs on the MalTel page and get started. The MalTel page contains a lot of useful information, just so you know. The newest piece of information is the establishing of a corporate HQ in Tollyton, Mordred Geralis is there, so if you want to get a more thorough briefing, you can stop by him.
- I'll also add you to my contacts, so we can use the phones!
A lot of them were already unknown, so I time stamped them. Others had status settings older than the 7 days recommended by the page discussion, so they were also set to unknown. I did set several to active, as I have alts in those suburbs; I also set one to destroyed because I have a zed alt who's goal in life is to destroy all masts. Asheets 00:05, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
- Depends which of my alts is being played. Permazombie is the mast destroyer. Hamradiodude might be interested when he isn't doing his duties with MPS. The other 3 haven't done much with phones other than call people -- they are more interested in using generators at hospitals, NTs, and malls. Asheets 15:24, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
I recently joined the company and as I don't yet have broadcasting thought I'd say hello. Nurelco03:19, 31 October 2007 (UTC)
Hey Skull it's me again. Thought I'd let you know(since I already told Ramona) that the forum is seeing quite a bit of action lately. I'm trying to extend a invite to the rest of the Maltel crew and I thought maybe you might join us over there? Check things out and let me know. Nurelco04:40, 5 January 2008 (UTC)
Let there be light
Hello SkullnBones
As you may have found out, we at the The Electric Light Torchestra try to illuminate all the buildings in the suburb of Dulston. Since we are constantly on the move searching for supplies and maintaining generators we appreciate a working phone mast. So whenever we drop by we try to power the phone mast if we're able to do so (and update our Dulston Light Map and the Mobile Phone Mast page) . But the phone mast is not our main target, so it might go unsupervised for a few days, if we're not around. Maybe we could work under licence for MalTel in Dulston? Greetings, --Balcony JediELT 18:07, 4 February 2007 (UTC)
Light? My eyes, the goggles do nothing!
I've been actively servicing the phone masts in Northeastern Malton. I got recruited a long time back by Nathan Callaway, sometime before the fall of Caiger Mall. We got separated in the aftermath of the siege, and since then I've been active in the Boundwood area. The only reason I haven't applied for official membership is that I like to be on my own, without much official hassle. But now that you're asking, it might be easier to be trusted as genuine if people can see my name on the official MalTel employee list. So hook me up.
Cheers, Goggles 08:05, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
Re: SearchDerelict
Mostly, I search for stuff for the Search Odds project. When I don't feel like searching and feel like a walk-about, I scout phone masts. I don't maintain them though.
--SearchDerelict 04:35, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, I've been in the north an north west latley. Although I have not been so good at updating the Mast Page. Anyway welcome aboard and keep at it. --–Spraycan Willy MalTel·T 02:56, 9 February 2007 (UTC)
Current location?
Where are you right now? I'm in Miltown, trying to get that mast online before I continue with my MalTel Grand Tour. Asheets 20:02, 14 February 2007 (UTC)
- Yea, I noticed the human war there, and they've managed to let the zeds occupy the entire center of the the burb (and the tower itself). I'm going to find myself a transmitter and try to call for a truce, or at least declare the mast building neutral territory or a revive point. I spent a good 5 days at a marked rp, only to find out that all of them in Miltown are offline. Very dangerous stuff. Asheets 22:06, 14 February 2007 (UTC)
- ey' you want an alliance with the OMC? that would be nice...from your information, we will be helping east malton soon so...Chris' 'Redfield 23:32, 16 April 2007 (BST)
signed by the --omc
Mobile phone operation page thing
- yeah, we got it on our page...Chris' 'Redfield 23:11, 17 April 2007 (BST)
I recently appointed myself Independent Cellular & Electric Technician for the Southwest. I was happy to see Buttonville got updated. I could start into the blue region if you want to check out Lerwill Heights, or vice versa. My goal is to keep the SW up and running, whether cell towers or powering malls, PD's, FD's, NTB's. Whatever.
Drop me a line on my Wiki...I haven't managed to find AP to obtain a cell in the game yet.
Cheers --Jonathan Frey 18:37, 30 May 2007 (BST)
Undead MalTel Manager
I Just looked up UrbanDead again after about, oh, a year and a half of not playing. I'm happy to see Malton Telephone is still going strong (well, as strong as ever). I still have access to the Malton.Telephone gmail address we used for newletters and stuff when we got started. If you want to use it, just send an email and maybe I'll check it in a couple days. RocketYam 06:12, 11 January 2008 (UTC)
Uh, Check your forums, And what happened to Erik, Rocketyam, and other? --Dr Cory Bjornson 18:55, 1 May 2008 (BST)
Mast Danger Reports
Hey there, I noticed your updated this danger report with a new mast status. Unfortunately the new system means you actually have to update the entire report at the same time. Otherwise the bot will come along, see the report is more than 10 days old and just set it to unknown again. I've filled in a new timestamp (Only because the bot may run before you read this message, and I wanted to preserve the mast status) but you may want to go and put in your own comment. Hope you don't mind. Nice to see there's still MalTel employees out there. -- RoosterDragon
13:33, 13 June 2008 (BST)
I missed out this other one originally and only caught it after the bot ran. Nessessary changes made, but please go and input some comments. Both reports below