Flowers of Disease/QSG Discussion Archive: Difference between revisions

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Blood Stain Words.jpg


Aww, the flower children don't like books. And they think that death can prevent literacy! *chuckles heartily* --Buddhagazelle 23:39, 16 October 2007 (BST)

What? I love books. I wrote one today. It was called 'QSG - Like Shooting Fish in a barrel' --Hibernaculum 00:17, 17 October 2007 (BST)
does shooting pacifists make you feel like a big man? I hope we've helped you feel better after the bigger boys pushed you over and stole your action man. --Ropponmatsu 01:27, 17 October 2007 (BST)
{sigh}...we get these kind of 'intelligent' statements every time. The 'intellectuals' of Malton indeed. --Hibernaculum 01:46, 17 October 2007 (BST)
I fail to understand how anything that is "Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel" could be entertaining or fulfilling. After all, greater respect is given to those who hunt moose than those who hunt mice; fishing for shark or marlin will get one a greater thrill than fishing for minnow.
To Karth--I'd like to apologize for the whinyness of my initial post on your user page. All I said was true, but my tone was juvenile and vindictive--the shock of being massacred again was quite flustering to this librarian. That being said, in response to your position, I would say that a Zombie Outbreak is a time when literature and poetry are most needed! The proper study of man is man, as Wordsworth would have it, and the ultimate goal of literature is to understand the human condition. And what better way to learn about the human condition than when it is placed side by side--nay, in conflict--with the inhuman!
The scientists revive and the medics heal, the soldiers shoot and the civilians cower in malls. But the librarians, it is we who examine the philosophy of survival, the logic of being undead, the linguistics of zombie speak, and the Jungian archetypical sacred story of Man struggling against Death. Perhaps it is less practical in terms of day-to-day survival, but it is immensely practical in terms of the metanarrative of an uprising of the undead! In a world where death is temporary and no longer a singular event, what are the implications for our understanding of life and our place in it? For future generations, what will the impact be on world religion, on the workplace, on education? This is what we explore.
No, my PKing friend, what we do at the library is immensely practical. You might even call us the ultimate pro-survivors, as exploring the options for survivor/zombie coexistence may one day bring about a Malton-wide peaceful co-existence and an end to this conflict between the living and the undead, enabling all to survive. --Sirkus 03:38, 17 October 2007 (BST)
Apology accepted. I had fun writing the answer to that one. Sadly I'm right now very weary and must soon go to sleep, so the upcoming answer shall have to be somewhat shorter: I too must apologize: For I can see where you are right. Poetry and literature might have it's place in a besieged city. How many have not endured confinement through the company of a good book? That said about that:
I still however don't see the practicality of a unbarricaded library. I still see the debarricading as murder. And I still see our actions as right and righteous. I hope you can take that to heart and meditate on it until the next time we meet. Love -- Karth  FoD 03:58, 17 October 2007 (BST)
Oh sweet Karth, if you saw how often the newbs in our hometown overbarricaded the designated entry points for fear of zombies, you would understand how very useful an indoor revive point was. Alas, we play different games... Sir Fred of Etruria
Dearest Sir Fred, how saddened I become of hearing about your previous dealings with the devious Newbs. I am also sorry to inform you that I still don't understand the ingeniousity of indoor revivepoints. At least ones that arent in NT's (Rotter revives) and ones that are packed with unrevived zombies (yours). Why not just keep it to VSB and revive outside? Would save qountless of lives from the zombies I gather! As you say, sadly we seem to be playing different games (In my case I play a browser based mmorpg called "Urban Dead", which one do you play?). With love and hopes to see and hear from you soon -- Karth  FoD 15:20, 17 October 2007 (BST)

Fraternizing with the undead is just wrong and you know it. You (the QSG) are trying to be left-wing and clever, all you are doing is letting the enemy get closer to eating your brains. Regardless of your philosophies and witty little speeches, you tear down barricades, spray over defense tags, and invite the zombies into places they shouldn't be. You then fail to undo the damage you've caused when you've grown bored of that area, leaving it up to real pro-survivors to heal and revive the victims of your crimes. Do you really believe that zombies having heard your nonsense then go on to 'live' peaceful, killing-free existences? That's rhetorical, please don't answer with anymore of your necrophilic drivel. --Daisy Pusher 21:07, 17 October 2007 (BST)

Mrh-baggaz brazza-habban am bah? Mah baagrabbarz haz mannah zambahz nah harman harmanz. Harmanz ghan baaggrab an zambahz ghan baaggrab. Am mannah mannah mannah mannah barnz ahn Marzan. Baagbarnz nah haz barraghaz, am za-harman harm? Nah am harm. Agharh harmanz haz agharh barnz, baagrabbarz haz baagbarnz. An baagrabbarz am harmanz an am zambahz; zah baagbarnz nah haz barraghaz. Mah harman nah haz baan harman zambahz, nah haz baan harman harmanz, an haz baan habban na brabramz za!ban grh mah Banzaz. Mah baagrabbarz nah haz brabramz. Mah Banzaz haz brabramz, an mannah mannah brabramz, gabz mah zambah. --Babbagazaarh 21:27, 17 October 2007 (BST)~
Especially you! This is worse than l33t3-speak nonsense. This surely is evidence enough that zombies should be shot and not heard. --Daisy Pusher 21:41, 17 October 2007 (BST)
Arrah. Ghan bang-bang mah zambah, barrah nah ghan harm mah zambah! --Babbagazaarh --21:53, 17 October 2007 (BST)
Have you proof that we fail to undo the "damage" we've caused when we leave? I distinctly seem to recall barricading a library on our day of departure. And our revive policy (anyone who gives us a "Mrh?" gets a stick, anyone who doesn't must want to stay zombie) generally results in there being more revived zombies by the end of our stay than if we hadn't been in the area.
"Just wrong and you know it" is a subjective statement with no possible counter-argument, not to mention fallacious. It also fails to provide evidence or statistics to verify its claim, rendering it a "hasty generalization." As Buddha already noted, the QSG has many zombies in our group that do not harm humans--with the exception of those who break the library rules. They participate in singing contests, dancing, and drinking with us. Peace is possible.
*sings* Ah mah zambahz brazzahz am gabban... ahz braang M!rh ah Zhanz...--Sirkus
This gibberish is tripe of the worst kind. This is not some classic Greek battle of Orators to see who will out talk one another to death! This is a vendetta. You hide your terrible agenda under layers of carefully articulated nonsense and try to pass it off as 'reason'. We are not fooled. Your 'Dances with Zombies' act is not natural. You and your ilk are going down like a horde of buck toothed groupies at a Lynard Skynard concert! :) --Hibernaculum 00:24, 18 October 2007 (BST)
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen of the Flowers of Disease. I am Sir DT, of the Philosophe Knights. I am, by trade, a diplomat(though I have a medical practice on the side), and have brokered peace between the oft misunderstood Philosophe Knights(people always say we murder, which is a terrible way to describe our rather lenient punishments towards ignorance) and many otherwise hostile groups. However, I am shocked and alarmed at your attack upon the allies of the Philosophe Knights, the Quartly Study Group, whose quest to spread knowledge to the city at large is enthusiastically endorsed by our order, and I strongly suggest that you leave off your attacks upon the QSG, as the Philosophe Knights do not tolerate such attacks upon the messengers of Enlightenment. Good day, and Praise Knowledge. --DT 19:15, 20 October 2007 (BST)
Who are you knights to tell us who and who we cannot target? You are members of the PKA. Act like it. Mind your business. You cannot be joining in the Samhein Slaughter on one hand and then try to dictate our actions on the other. --Hibernaculum 00:54, 21 October 2007 (BST)
To whomever it was leaving an unsigned comment above(terrible wiki ettiquette, by the way): We dictate nothing. However, what sort of allies would we be to allow a mere associate to attack a close ally? We'd be better off as declared enemies of the QSG if that was the sort of aid we promised them. Therefore, we will suggest the course of inaction. We will tell you what specific things we do not advise you do. Very small, specific things, of course - no grand, sweeping demands will we make. We will tell you that you cannot attack the Librarians without the expectation of retaliation by the Knights. That is what we will tell you. It is courtesy, is it not, to warn an associate of the possibility of attack, is it not? I do not have the slightest expectation that you may be moved to change your position - one grows used to the stubborn and the proud in my line of work - but an unannounced act of revenge would be most impolite and uncharitable. Good day to you, and Praise Knowledge. --DT 22:38, 20 October 2007 (BST)
We in turn will grant you the courtesy of knowing we will not be put of course by your smarmy tones and veiled threats. We would advise you not force our hands in this matter. The QSG do not promote knowledge, only Tomfoolery. And we will not stand for it. Diplomacy on your part may have had a more desired effect. Threatening us at the barrel of a gun is not the answer. --Hibernaculum 00:54, 21 October 2007 (BST)
Hibby, as someone who has operated as Ambassador for other groups on other RPGs, it seems to me that DT did indeed come to you with diplomacy on his part. He was warning you that the group you've singled out for target practice is a close ally of their group. It strikes me as simple courtesy. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder toward anyone who questions your decision to target the QSG. I've been trying to tell you since the beginning that they're a very widely respected group.
I think the problem here is that your group's goal is at cross-purposes with most PKers' goals. Your front page says that you target, among other things, "Strange and Unusual cults." But many PKer groups are strange and unusual cults, and thus have friends in other strange and unusual cults. You've established yourself as a pro-survivor PKer group, but most PKer groups are anti-survivor to one degree or another. Some sort of conflict was almost inevitable. --Sirkus
You know, I suspect you may be right. --Hibernaculum 02:44, 21 October 2007 (BST)
It appears that I have come to this conversation at a time when tempers appear to have calmed. I did get your message Hibernaculum and hoped to speak with you on this matter. Yes, my friend DT does indeed speak for the Knights. QSG have been allies to we Knights since the very beginning and might I suggest that it would be wise to reconsider your stance on them. Though we hold them dear to our hearts and will defend their honor, they too have the ability to rally support for or against you by many within the walls of this decaying city.....not just the Philosophe Knights. I hope that we can come to some sort of agreement on this matter for your opinion on matters pertaining to the PKer community are respected. --Sir WV 03:16, 21 October 2007 (BST)
In the spirit of diplomacy, we are going to discuss the campaign on the QSG and whether to end it...However, a Philosphe Knight named Zane W killed Kalenium, one of our members. Zane, however, had the misfortune of fleeing and sleeping in the same building as Rob can guess how it ended for Zane. Ear cut off, gasoline poured on him, matches, Steve miller on the radio. That sort of thing. I am going to ask that no further revenge killings take place on our part while we discuss the QSG. I ask you to have your members do the same. --Hibernaculum 15:27, 21 October 2007 (BST)
Although we apologize for any harm Zane W has done you. We are unable to find any record that he is a Philosophe Kinght. Please disregard his actions. -Noc 06:25, 22 October 2007 (BST)

This is a fair proposal. I will pass on your message. --Sir WV 19:11, 21 October 2007 (BST)

Meanwhile, in a shocking display of brutality, Kalenium was subjected to a drive-by poeming by QSG member Sirkus. This use of Weapons of Mass Education by the QSG is sure to bring sanctions and censure from the United Nations. Kalenium is currently rehabilitating in a nearby hospital, after having had the dangerous poetry surgically removed from her mind through careful use of Spice Girls music.
Vandalism is a serious charge. Have any of the Librarians posted anything on your front-page ? Or are you having issues with our respones of poetry on your discussion page ? I wouldn't have written a single line if Hibernaculum had written me an honest poem. Sir Fred of Etruria
Er... *raises hand* That would be me, sorry Fred. I'm used to the Mall wiki pages where either side of a conflict can update the Recent Events section. So I updated their Recent Events section on the front page. If that's vandalism, then I apologize. --Sirkus
That bit about the drive by poeming above was one example. I kept that one and moved it here as I thought it was funny. I just don't like seeing additions to the main page of the wiki that we don't make. There have been other smaller changes by Budhagezelle that we have had to erase. As for the poetry, if we really had issues with it, we'd take it down. But alas, Karth has a soft spot in his heart for you guys and your tomes.--Hibernaculum 16:38, 22 October 2007 (BST)
I will mention the bit about your main page to my compatriots. I really wish this could be settled in a classy manner, as the book tour has caused more chaos than anticipated. Yet again, I apologize for any vandalism... as a Librarian, I respect your freedom of expression and hope this won't tarnish our good name. Sir Fred of Etruria
Now hang on just a dadgum moment, Hibbz: "other small changes by Budhagezelle [sic] that we have had to erase"? Yes, I did make a small change, which I promptly reverted as soon as requested. The edit in question remained on the page for less than ten minutes, and y'all didn't have to lift a finger to fix it; I reverted it myself. Agreed that I was in the wrong to call y'all "flower children" on the Slaughter at Skilliter page, and I did indeed apologize & make amends promptly, but you didn't have to erase a dang thing; I undid the damage myself. --Buddhagazelle 03:09, 23 October 2007 (BST)
I saw flower children stuff and reverted the wiki back to an older version of itself. --Hibernaculum 14:39, 23 October 2007 (BST)

Regarding a tentative truce

I do not claim to speak on behalf of the entire Quartly Study Group, but I am curious to know why you're reciting a funeral hymn (or epitaph - I won't split hairs on semantics) to the librarians. Seems to be a rather odd choice, no? --Gore Girl 23:13, 25 October 2007 (BST)

Seeing as I haven't carried a weapon scarier than a golf club since, oh, February? I don't have a lot of say in this truce business-- I mean, Buddhagazelle won't harm you whether you blow his brains out or share your gin with him. Nevertheless, Mz. Gore, I'm ready to give these folks a chance. I mean, a poem is a poem, and it's lovely to hear the Flower Children reciting poems. I figure, if their motives are honest, then the bloodbath ends and that makes this pacifist happy. If they're filthy liars; if they come into the Library waving a white flag and then gun us all down... well, we'll have plenty of screenshots and all of Malton will be crying for their blood. Trusting them seems like a win-win to me. --Buddhagazelle 00:33, 26 October 2007 (BST)
Ermm...Poetry isn't my strong suit. I was simply reciting a hymn I found for the fallen. And so long as yous now leave Libraries the way you found them (re-cade, put orginal tags back like locations of entry points etc... and have the zeds leave), you will have no further visits from us. Mr. Darwin wonders why you folks should spare us after this? It is a matter that we feel enough blood has been shed. You guys can agree with this or we can continue and follow you all around Malton for the remainder of the tour. Which we don't really want to do as there is other work that must now be taken care off. Cheers. Time for another brainrot from Elgala. --Hibernaculum 03:04, 26 October 2007 (BST)
I healed both you and Tania. Calm down and have another drink. Seems to me, y'all owe Jeffy a rot revive. --Buddhagazelle 03:56, 26 October 2007 (BST)

In Shearbank too?

Do you filthy hippies never rest? --Buddhagazelle 19:53, 23 October 2007 (BST)

Oh, some of them rest. --Gore Girl 01:51, 24 October 2007 (BST)
I will take your word Gore Girl that you are that sinister to coordinate that attack as opposed to the alternative. You have my apology for our earlier suspicions. And now, I must stretch these decayed arms and get to the business of finding you and giving you your bullets back.--Hibernaculum 03:36, 24 October 2007 (BST)
Hibbz, I can't imagine anyone being sinister enough to coordinate a planned attack, now can you? --Buddhagazelle 03:44, 24 October 2007 (BST)
Not only am I sinister enough to coordinate an attack, but I'm sinister enough to be willing to do it over and over again. You want to grief the librarians? Prepare to get griefed in return. --Gore Girl 04:32, 24 October 2007 (BST)
We don't grief. We punish...and keep punishing until we feel our targets have had enough. We allow yous to get back on your feet. We generally don't kill you as zeds so you can revive. There is a difference between griefing and a sustained attack, which is what the QSG is getting. And don't you seem awfully cocky Gore Girl considering how the head count is in our favor by a considerable amount. We have done this without bringing in outside help...although who could we bring in? You guys have half of Malton in your hip Pockets! :) We could use your moxy in the FOD. Why do you languish with the QSG letting your skills go to waste? Surely you must yearn for more than touring the libraries? Yeah, so you guys can manipulate pawns like the Columbine Kids and the Philosophe Knights. But why move the pieces from a distance when you can be one of the pieces and move yourself? It's not as far fetched as you think. And just think, every morning, you could toss some cornmeal to Karth in his cage.--Hibernaculum 05:06, 24 October 2007 (BST)
An argument that one should prefer to be a pawn rather than a chess grandmaster. Original, if somewhat fallacious.
Besides, what manipulation have we done? Unasked, unlooked-for, in a surprising and touching display of affection, friends of our group have come to our aid in our hour of need. 'Tis what allies do for each other, after all. --Sirkus
Oh my dear Sirkus, you misunderstand. Why move pawns...when you can be a king? That is what I am alluding too. And indeed, you do seem to have those in our great city who look on you with a family pet. --Hibernaculum 13:16, 24 October 2007 (BST)
What is perhaps most humorous is that if the Columbine Kids were not a member group of the PKA, the Philosophe Knights may very well be at war with them as well(for the obvious reasons of their attacking Centers of Learning as a priority). I tell you, these newer PK groups have so little class these days...Also, I am having a great time listening to the music kindly provided on the FoD forums by Hibernaculum. My thanks. However, that is niether here nor there. Praise Knowledge. -- DT 06:29, 24 October 2007 (BST)
Ahhh Mr. Dt, if only you would but open your eyes and see the QSG for what they are. We could do great work together. Perhaps in the future. Speaking of which, I have requested our group keep the days of the 29th and 30th as a ceasefire should we find some Philosophe Knights due to the event coming up in that time. WV from the Knights has told me he has asked you guys to do the same. Groups like the Columbine Kids were one of the reasons we couldn't offically join the PKA (we maintain diplomatic ties). We didn't know if we could follow the 'Honor Amongst Thieves' policy as some PKer groups, like some surivivor groups, would eventually be chosen for a visit. And they would be treated as harshly as any other target, should this happen. Incidentally, I looked over the Columbine kids as a possible target not too long ago. I brushed the idea aside as I didn't figure them worthy of our attention. We engage the Philosophe Knights with a heavy heart and becasue our hand is forced...but the Columbine Kids...we will enjoy every minute of it. --Hibernaculum 13:16, 24 October 2007 (BST)
Only the 29th and the 30th? We were of the understanding that both groups are to keep the peace up until the end of the month(which is what we intend to do). If we had gone back on our promise of a truce till November, you would be very aware of it by now. I agree with you about the Columbine Kids - they are a difficult group to swallow, especially for the Philosophe Knights. We will likely try to keep our association with them at an absolute minimum, though only time will tell. As for engaging you in combat - I must say I too wish you had heeded our advice when first we made our stance known. You may have gone on to do great things. Praise Knowledge. -- DT 23:28, 24 October 2007 (BST)
The truce until November is correct. But I want to make sure no one gets itchy trigger fingers when we are in the same space, which will most likely occur on the 29th and 30th. With our combined numbers, It is a shame we could not work toward a more constructive end. Contrary to their propaganda, this is not a war against literacy. You must understand we cannot simply abandon a campaign when the work is not yet done... And thus we will continue to punish the QSG until we feel they have had enough. If we must go through the Philosophe Knights to complete our goal, then that is what we will do. Perhaps the odds are against us as we are now greatly outnumbered. But the numbers do not always tell the whole story...and we will still go on to do great things. --Hibernaculum 01:05, 25 October 2007 (BST)
I know how you feel. We too, cannot abandon the quest to teach at any time, and we cannot abandon the keepers of our knowledge. Your punishment of the QSG has forced our hand: we must reveal to you, in its terrible nakedness, the full extent of your own Ignorance. Perhaps, someday, when this conflict has died in our memories, and the light of knoweldge has settled deeply within your hearts, our two groups will work together to achieve great works. Till then, I wish you luck, sir, and Praise Knowledge. -- DT 03:40, 25 October 2007 (BST)
My friend, there is peace in the valley. :)




There once was the QSG

And they were rather silly

Along came the FoD

And blood there was shod

And now they're all dead.


Here lies good old Fred,

A great big bullet splattered his head


Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

The Fod just came and killed all the traveling QSG,

for being death-cultists and necrophiles and roleplayers.


What did I see at the library today?

A roomful of fools who stayed in to play.

In we went to have a look round.

Soon my ears heard the most thunderous sounds.

For shotguns and pistols did ring with might.

As QSG members did fade from sight.

I only hope it's a lesson well learned.

Fools and their rantings our wrath they have earned!

For the QSG ...And the Great Cold Death of the Earth Agalloch

...And The Great Cold Death Of The Earth

Life is a clay urn on the mantle

And I am shattered on the floor

Life is a clay urn on the mantle

And I am scattered on the floor

We are the wounds and the great old death of the earth. . .

Earth is floating on the waters like an island,

Hanging from four rawhide ropes

Fastened at the top of the Sacred four directions.

The ropes are tied to the ceiling of the sky,

When the ropes break, this world will come

Tumbling down and all living things will fall with it and die. . .

Life is a clay urn on the mantle

And I am the fragments on the floor

Life is a clay urn on the mantle

And I am the ashes on the floor

We are the wounds and the great cold death of the earth

Darkness and silence, the light shall flicker out. . .

QSG Poetry for FoD

Untitled by Unknown

Oh dearest flowers of disease

Whatsoever have I done to cause you ill ease ?

We'll extend your library rentals if you please.

Quartly Haiku in kiZombie, by Sirkus

R!brar!anz ahn

Ah Braag Bazgha-zhanna Ra!n

Baagz ahz ranzagan.

(Translation: Librarians in

A rain of crimson blossoms;

Torn pages scatter.)

Bra!ngrabban zamrhm by Buddhagazelle

Mah zambah bra!ngrabz zamrhm mazh mazh maarh zan mah Brarahz.

An mah zambah ghan z!ng, arza. Ghan Brarahz z!ng? Brarahz nah ghan z!ng, gabz mah zambah.

Ghan z!ing Gabz what?? Now is that Ki-Zombie or Zombese? --Hibernaculum 04:32, 17 October 2007 (BST)
I'll leave the final translation up to BG, being that's he's our senior linguist, but going off the top of my head, I believe the translation goes roughly something like...
My zombie (I, understood) reads kiZombie much much more than my Brarahz. (Brarahz = Flowers? Probably, since before now kiZombie had no word for flower.) And my zombie can sing, also. Can Brarahz sing? Brarahz cannot sing, says my zombie. --Sirkus 05:04, 17 October 2007 (BST)
Very close, Sirkus! The title is "Understanding Poetry" and the meaning is basically: I understand poetry much much more than y'all do. And I can sing, too. Can y'all sing? I think not.
A word-for-word literalist translation would be My zombie understands poetry much much more than my Flowers. And my zombie can sing, also. Can Flowers sing? Flowers no can sing, says my zombie. --Buddhagazelle 18:52, 17 October 2007 (BST)

Sonnet for the Beflowered by Sirkus

Alas! for vengeance seized in shots afire,

Though sins that crave revenge have not been wrought;

Cry woe! for compensation men require

For purchases unmade, for goods unbought.

These payments made in flesh, cosigned in blood--

By bill collectors of a breed apart,

Those creditors a cold Shylockian brood:

The pounds of flesh desir'd nigh to the heart

--And further cheques requir'd, for such a use

Of paper is the only one they know.

Of books and Zmargh and Quartly's No-Kill Truce

They little care, and only death bestow...

And thus they inefficacious shall remain:
Undeath no stranger, our versant domain.

Bravo! --Goolina Gore Corps 05:29, 17 October 2007 (BST) (for Gore Girl)
I concur! (What!? Just because I happen to be killing you at the moment doesn't have to mean I must reject your poetry!) -- Karth  FoD 18:23, 17 October 2007 (BST)

The Life Not Taken I apologize to Mr. Frost and adapted by Sir Fred of Etruria

Two lives diverged in a rotted town
and I sorry I could not practice the twain
and be one survivor, I looked around
and met many an egocentric clown
my quest for class was in vain.

Then took the undead, just as fair
being perchance the more joyous
as much barhah there was to share
but as the players interest was snared
harman and zed were both played by us.

And both in ruin battle for Malton
with hate and angst they rue the day
Oh I left the undead, away I did run
as the linguistics was less fun
now at the revive point I do sway.

This tale is one of finding peace
as being most dangerous in a violent land
many warriors have snuffed our lease
and vengeance that would never be appeased
So in my open library I chose to stand.

UMMM how about this one. you missed me!----Sexualharrison ה QSGTStarofdavid2.png Boobs.gif 12:35, 17 October 2007 (BST)

Umm, how about this one: Sirkus missed me. Missed me quite alot. At least for somone who had scent trail on me while I had AP:ed out in an open building. :D So now it's fair. Love -- Karth  FoD 15:05, 17 October 2007 (BST)
Considering I only had 16 AP by the time I found you, did you expect otherwise? I was counting on my groans bringing zambah reinforcements. --Sirkus

Mrh am habbah? zaBabbagazaarh.

Mah harman am ahn mah baagbarn,
Baagrabban, abzarban Zh!m Baam.
Banzahz arrabhz, Banzahz bang-bangz,
Mah zambah baagrabz, abzarbz maarh Zh!m Baam.

--Buddhagazelle 19:02, 17 October 2007 (BST)

Invictus trans Babbagazaarh

Na-ahnna n!gh abbaram mah Zam,
Bragh ragh B!g, za Baarh ahn Baarh,
Zangz! gabz ah, zangz, mah Gaz!
Baggaz na ganna bang-bang mah Zaarh.

Hhan mah Habbanan grabz mah bra!nz,
Nah graanz, nah maanz, nah anazang,
Hhan mah Zhanz haz manna bang-bangz,
Bra!nbag haz braag, nabah agzang.

Na-ahnna haarh, grh angrah haz,
Am hangan Harrarh, hangan Zhaag,
Haahabarh mazh gamz bah-bah haz,
Mah zambah abargamz haz baag.

Mah zam nah ghaarh, am abban bah,
An manna banazhm!n haz Zgraarh.
Mah zam am Mazza zaZamarrah,
Mah zambah grabz mah zambahz Zaarh!

--Buddhagazelle 19:38, 17 October 2007 (BST)

Still Quartly Will Rise by Sirkus, written for Hibernaculum. With apologies to Maya Angelou.

You may write me down on the wiki

With your bitter, twisted lies,

You may dump me on the body heap

But still, like zeds, I'll rise.

Does my smarmyness upset you?

Why are you beset with gloom?

'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells

Pumping in my Large Print Annex room.

Just like moons and like suns,

With the certainty of zombie tides,

Just like survivor hopes springing high,

Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see us disbanded?

Missing heads and gouged-out eyes?

Bodies falling down like teardrops,

Weakened by our soulful cries.

Does my confidence offend you?

Don't you take it awful hard

'Cause I laugh like I'm intoxicated

When we're reading from the Bard.

You may shoot me with your shotguns,

You may cut me with your knives,

You may kill me with your illiteracy,

But still, like zeds, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?

Does it come as a surprise

That I dance like I've got parties

With my zombie friends inside?

Out of the Quartly back at home,

I rise

With literacy running deep, to the bone,

I rise

I'm an angry librarian, my wrath rages wide,

Welling and swelling I come like a tide.

Leaving behind trenchie dogmas and rules

I rise

Coming against Quartly's-Truce-breaking fools

I rise

Bringing the truth only literacy brings,

Bringing a place where n!z zambahz can z!ng.

I rise

I rise

I rise.

You rise alright. --Unsigned
^I don't get it. Is this a reference to a new form of critical review?--Sirkus

In Quartly's Depths by Sirkus, written for Kalenium. With apologies to Canadian army physician John McCrae

In Quartly's depths the undead file

Between the bookshelves, aisle on aisle,

That dance with us; and in the sky,

The flares, still screaming shrilly, fly,

Scarce heard amidst the guns below.

We are the Undead. Short days ago

We lived, built 'cades, saw sunset glow,

Healed, and were healed, but now we dance

In Quartly Library.

And so we struggle with the foe:

Toward you from rotting hands we grow

Our claws; So leave us by and by.

If you still make librarians die

We shall not sleep, and zambahz dance

In Quartly Library.

A Philosophe's Verse

Dining on Mice
By Sir DT of the Philosophe Knights

Said the Eagle to the Snake,
as they sat upon a log,
'The Mice shall be soon gone,
for you eat much like a hog!

'Let you look to other things,
such as rabbits, rats, or fish,
and leave the mice in the fields,
and not upon your dish.'

The Snake looked up quite shocked
Said he: 'You jest, you feathered tease!
You know that I have not your eyes,
and therefore eat as I do please!'

The Eagle shook his beaky head
'Good Snake, I surely do not jest;
the Mice are dear to me in my heart -
I beseech you on their behest.'

The Snake, thoughtful, flicked his tongue
and, nodding slowly, said:
'For you, Dear Eagle, I'll consider it,
and let you rest your head.'

The Snake then ate a Mouse in a snap
and looked up at the surprised bird;
'I cannot think before I have eaten -
Should I starve before I give my word?'

A Sonnet

  • 27.85 MHz: "A sonnet. For Sirkus, in honor of the Flower Children's"
  • 27.85 MHz: "assault against literacy. By Buddhagazelle."
  • 27.85 MHz: "**ahem**"
  • 27.85 MHz: "Books are not food, they are not drink at all"
  • 27.85 MHz: "Nor barricades, nor kits against the bite."
  • 27.85 MHz: "Nor yet a stick for undead friends who fall"
  • 27.85 MHz: "and rise and fall and rise and fall all night."
  • 27.85 MHz: "Books cannot fill the ruined room with breath"
  • 27.85 MHz: "Nor heal the rot, nor set the fractured bone;"
  • 27.85 MHz: "Yet librarians are making friends with death"
  • 27.85 MHz: "even as I speak, for love of books alone."
  • 27.85 MHz: "It well may be that in a difficult hour,"
  • 27.85 MHz: "lacking eggshells, moaning for release"
  • 27.85 MHz: "or nagged by griefing Children of the Flower,"
  • 27.85 MHz: "I might be driven to sell my books for peace,"
  • 27.85 MHz: "or trade my zombie literacy for food."
  • 27.85 MHz: "It well may be. I do not think I would."

--Buddhagazelle 19:23, 25 October 2007 (BST)