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Starting Occupation: Fireman
Group Membership: I'm a Red Rummah!
Goals: uber-H@X0R4G3!
Username: Me
More details: Urban Dead profile

Kill Count


  1. October:5zeds
  2. November:3zeds
  3. December:1 zed, 11 humans
  • Cumulative: 20


  1. January:9 + 1 zed
  2. February: 14+2 zed
  • Cumulative:30 31 32 45 47

2007 Entries

November 2007

November 16, 2007

Found a journal along with a ballpoint pen today. I decided to write in it.

Made my way into an auto repair today, after a break-in at the hospital I stayed in. Third time my safehouse got broken into. First it was my workplace, Prolesthwaite Crescent Fire Station, then it was the Fort Creedy Armoury, and then it was St. Benedict's Hospital.

I don't get it. I see troopers everywhere, but where the hell are the L85's? Where are the Glocks? I see only revolvers and 12-gauge double barrels. I see American troopers without Land Warrior or their M16's. Where are the figgin' assault rifles? Where are the MP5's?

Something I don't see every day:

  • Geeks wielding a gun (WTF?)
  • People running around, stabbing zeds with little syringes.

November 24, 2007

I survived Thanksgiving. Not much thanks to give, and I think a lot of people in St.Ben's Hospital share the same thought. 700,000 people stuck here, zeds clawing at your door day in and out, yeah, staying alive's the only thank you you'll give. And here, no one wants a aristocratic priss that dresses up like a prep and says "thanks" for staying alive. I don't think there's an elitist here in Malton. Everyone pitches in, without complaint.

I met a lot of religious rights, all thinking this is either the End Times or God will come to them. I also saw a copy of Left Behind:Eternal Forces on the street, bloodstained and marked with 00 buckshot. From my atheistic point of view, God isn't gonna come, zombies aren't Satan's soldiers and we'll make it out of here. The work of human hands and minds-the barricades, the bullet-ridden corpses, the victorious sieges-were all done by humans, and not by miracle.

Now that I'm done with my philosophical talks, Ft. Perryn is safe! Whee! This was the first time in months that it wasn't totally blasted to shit by flying gore!

December 2007

December 3rd, 2007

Home stretch '07! Woohoo!

I got a bandolier of .45 ACP and 12-gauges. I think I might go on a Christmas Massacre.

December 30th, 2007

Damn. Can't touch the fort, no Christmas massacre. I can't believe I evac'ed from the Big Bash III and left to the PKA the Armoury. Shit. Well, at least I'm not dead... I've heard of the BB3 coming in before SNS was fully over and some PKA members gettin' killed. Anyways, Fort Creedy is screwed, and probably Fort Perryn too. Both forts gone-maybe a mixed blessing, cuz it'll give all the sedentary dumbasses in Creedy something useful to do...

Almost done with 07......

  • Killed a not-so-hunky Agent Hunk today
  • Killed "yellow sticky" last week
  • Applying for PKA

2008 entries

January 2008

January 9th, 2008

I killed a few2 people today, along with my first repeat kill, a person named "Aiace"(killed 2 times). Getting used to the scavenger doctrine: kill the weakest in the crowd, although I alternate with full kills with totally healthy people, usually dressed as soldiers, or other cool people. A lot of Pitneybankers want to look soo cool.

All these people have flak jackets now. it's so annoying, especially when I'm using my guns. This is why I love my Darvall Heights Fire Department standard-issue axe. It lost the red paint, so now it's dark silver-ish or something like that. What did they call it-graphite? Note to self: must clean axe soon

Hmm... It's getting dark. Bye.

January 20th, 2008

I died a couple of times in the past couple of weeks. My reputation as a killer's starting to spread. Aiace has money on my head, so do about 25 other people.

Bright side, I'm becoming a crack shot at guns. My pistol shot's deadly, and my shotgun's like a sniper rifle. My fire axe is getting used less and less frequently, but I still like to break it out for parties and supply crates.

January 21st, 2008

One more kill today, Aiace. He hates me now. I also checked around in Giddings Mall and found a huge list called Rogues Gallery, along with the weekly book edition. Looks like I'm bountied there, rating of 2. I'm starting to get noticed... Mad Gunman of Pitneybank...Heheheh.

January 29th, 2008

I died 3 times in 8 days. People know that I'm a killer now.

I saw the Giddings break-in today. Seventy-something zombies coming from the northeast section. I killed somebody and killed a zombie today. Freaking massacre at the mall, which I expect will snowball into something more violent, maybe because of my bad corpse disposal ethics leaves the dead to just stand up seconds later, postmortem. Fortunately, I had enough strength to haul ass out of Giddings. It'll be gone by the 1st, I know it.

Can't tell you where I am, somebody who wants me could read this and know where I am... even though they would be within shooting range if they were reading this. I've already put misinformation on this, and will continue to do so until Rogues leaves me alone.

February 2008

February 5, 2008

It's Super Tuesday across the pond in the US. I mailed out an absentee ballot for Obama. Hillary is a robot. Peel off the facemask and you'll find that Terminator skeleton thingy.

I'm now writing from Heytown, after evacuating Pitneybank. Strange, how in just 5 weeks the well-fortified bastions of Creedy and Giddings could fall. Creedy didn't put up a fight, but Giddings held strong until the end of January. I got killed in Morrish and I remember shambling off to somewhere in Santlerville, getting R'ed, killing a zombie and a human, then getting out into Spracklingbank.

February 6, 2008

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. Hillary won more delegates. Damn it.

I got killed yesterday night~early today in a break-in. Got revived today, and gave out my first revive, first thing I did when I stood up, just turned around and stabbed a zed with a syringe. It was pretty random, but it was in a revive point, so what the hell.

I'm now recovering. Planning to strike again...

February 24, 2008

I'm alive and well today. I've been gravitating back towards Darvall Heights after Dowdney fell. I'm currently in a suburb that starts with S.

Northern Malton's seriously screwed up lately. All the suburbs seem to be mostly ruined. Can't find a fixed buidling between here and Yagoton.

Now Obama's winning (yay!) and Nader entered the race (he's screwed before he came and he doesn't even know it).

February 28, 2008

I'm in Havercroft. Checked the danger updates. Seems like Darvall isn't a good choice. South Malton seems like a good place to stay. Seems pretty safe.

I helped with the Chaffey Cinema break-in. It's down to 9 zombies by the time I left. Of course, I killed somebody today before I left. Oh yeah.

March 2008

March 9, 2008

I'm back where I came. Zombies have a hold of western Malton, so I shambled across to Pitneybank, where I'm hiding in a warehouse.

Qstone is a fag. Kill him on sight. He killed me for being a zombie sympathizer. Hell no I'm not. I just kill whoever seems killable, and most of the time it's the damn dicks crowding out the forts, and more recently malls since both Creedy and Perryn are down. Creedy seems possible to retake, there's only a small group of zombies, I'd say no more than 5 per area and 10 for the Armoury and Gatehouse, could be taken by a small force in a few days. Or one if we sent a corner of Giddings to do it.

I'm packing lighter on ammo. 60 rounds tops on pistols, two loaded shotties for emergencies. Plus the usual melee weapons- axe, crowbar, knife.

March 11, 2008

Lol. I'm bountied for 9 in Rogues. I know where Qstone is, and I'll kill him in his sleep. Yay.

April 2008

April 7, 2008

I killed QStone! I'm very happy. I also killed a semi-famous, Wan Yao.

I'm now out of Pole, trying to swing around the southeast and grab a toolbox, steel toe-capped boots (sooo cool!) and head for the ghost town. Or procrastinate at Buckley.

April 9, 2008

I've implemented everything practical in Malton. Field surgery is pretty nasty, though.

I don't know what to do now. Maybe try rebuilding a GT.

May 2008

May 17, 2008

My trusty ballpoint ran out of ink and I've been searching over a month for a good pen to write with. I found a good clicky pen with some more ink thingies so I'll be recording my deepest thoughts for some more time.

The status quo is tipped toward us now. The red burb tide's gone, and northwest Malton's safe (really!?). Hooray....