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==Developing Suggestions==
''This page is for presenting and discussing suggestions which '''have not yet been submitted''' and are still being worked on.''

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Discussion concerning the suggestions system in general (including policies about it) takes place [[:Category_talk:Suggestions#Suggestion_Discussion|here]].
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== Please Read Before Posting ==
*''Be sure to check [[Frequently Suggested#The List|The Frequently Suggested List]] and the [[Suggestions Dos and Do Nots | Suggestions Dos and Do Nots]] before you post your idea.'' There you can read about many idea's that have been suggested already, which users should be aware of before posting what could be a '''dupe''', or a duplicate of an existing suggestion. '''These include [[Suggestions/RejectedNovember2005#SMG.2FMachine_Pistol|Machine Guns]] and [[Suggestions/24th-Apr-2007#Rooftops.2C_Sniper_Rifle.2C_and_Sniper_Ammo|Sniper Rifles]]'''. There users can also get a handle of what an appropriate suggestion looks like.
*Users should be aware that this is a talk page, where other users are free to use their own point of view, and are not required to be neutral. While voting is based off of the merit of the suggestion, opinions are freely allowed here.
*It is recommended that users spend some time familiarizing themselves with this page before posting their own suggestions.
*<font color="red">'''With the advent of new game updates, users are requested to allow some time for the game and community to adjust to these changes ''before'' suggesting alterations.'''</font>
== How To Make a Suggestion ==
====Format for Suggestions under development====
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===</nowiki><font color="red">Suggestion</font><nowiki>===
|suggest_type=</nowiki><font color="red">Skill, balance change, improvement, etc.</font><nowiki>
|suggest_scope=</nowiki><font color="red">Who or what it applies to.</font><nowiki>
|suggest_description=</nowiki><font color="red">Full description. Check spelling and be descriptive.</font><nowiki>
====Discussion (</nowiki><font color="red">Suggestion Name</font><nowiki>)====
====Cycling Suggestions====
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<span style="font-size:1.5em"><font color="red">'''Please add new suggestions to the top of the list.'''</font></span>
===Soccer Ball===
|suggest_time=[[User:A Big F'ing Dog|A Big F&#39;ing Dog]] 21:53, 24 October 2008 (BST)
|suggest_scope=The map
|suggest_description=Before I start let me say that this is a serious suggestion even though it might seem humorous. What I'm going to suggest is ridiculous and not in genre one bit. This is more of an interesting way of experimenting with how the Urban dead population reacts to a silly addition than any sort of change for the game itself.
I suggest that Kevan place a soccer ball somewhere outdoors in Malton. The soccer ball can't be attacked or picked up. However if you're in the room with it you choose which direction to kick it in (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW). Kicking it would cost 1AP and move the ball 1 space in that direction. Both zombies and suvivors can kick the ball.
The current position of the ball would be added to the game stats. Perhaps teams would form to compete moving the ball to different destinations, or "goals." I'm not sure I'd make a point of playing with the ball for long but like [ where's george] it'd be interesting to see where it is.
====Discussion (Soccer Ball)====
Ok, I'm alright with this. I don't think it should be able to go indoors, however.  - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 23:55, 24 October 2008 (BST)
I don't think it would be implemented, But it is an interesting idea nevertheless. {{User:Dr Cory Bjornson/Sig}} 04:08, 25 October 2008 (BST)
Yeah, indoors is silly but yeah could be interesting. Sort of stupid though...i mean isn't there games like this somewhere?--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 04:27, 25 October 2008 (BST)
If this is "ridiculous and not in genre one bit" then WHY would you suggest it?--[[User:Pesatyel|Pesatyel]] 04:37, 25 October 2008 (BST)
:That is an AMAZING suggestion. I would really vote keep on this. Just make sure it can only go outdoors. Also, make it so if it hits the W border, it adds +1 to a tally on the stats page under 'Goals on the West Border', and visa versa for the East border, and if that happens, the ball resets in the middle of Ridleybank or something. {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig}} 05:18, 25 October 2008 (BST)
::OOOOOMMGGGGGGG I love this idea SO much. And yes, implement Charlies idea, imagine it....would be loads of fun even if it just happened for a week or so. Maybe Kevan could implement it while the 2010 World Cup is on?--{{User:Sexylegsread/sig}} 05:27, 25 October 2008 (BST)
:::And no, don't let it go inside--{{User:Sexylegsread/sig}} 05:31, 25 October 2008 (BST)
I would vote Keep only if 1) the ball was only in-game for a day (like April 1st) or for a week, as a kind of annual special event. 2)It be called a '''football''' since Malton is presumably in the U.K. --[[User:Silisquish|Silisquish]] 05:39, 25 October 2008 (BST)
Would vote keep.  Possible other formulations include making it an attackable object such that when zombies attack it, it stands a chance of going NW, W, or SW, and when survivors attack it it stands a chance of going NE, E, or SE.  Thus making it a zombie v. survivor game.  --{{User:Galaxy125/Sig}}05:48, 25 October 2008 (BST)
::::I was thinking similar. Maybe once a year we could have a week long zombie v humans football match, where the opposing sides let down their hair and just have a bit of fun....killing is still possible though, to gain an advantage over the other side--{{User:Sexylegsread/sig}} 05:52, 25 October 2008 (BST)
A zombie apocalypse is serious business, not a ball game. --[[User:Midianian|Midianian]]<small><sup>&#124;[[User talk:Midianian|T]]&#124;[[Developing Suggestions|DS]]&#124;[[:Category:Recently Closed Suggestions|C:RCS]]&#124;</sup></small> 11:14, 25 October 2008 (BST)
:Just like the interwebs? It is a browser game. Opting-In or Opting-Out of updates is the way to go.--{{User:Sexylegsread/sig}} 15:53, 25 October 2008 (BST)
Co-ordinated with the football season or major competitions and it might be fun. I would however make its inclusion optional... ie you can choose to see and receive news on the "ball" much like you can choose to ignore feeding groans and radios! That way those who don't care or who actively disagree with its inclusion don't have to be bothered with it.--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 15:50, 25 October 2008 (BST)
===Beer/Fuel Stains+Flare Gun=Bonfire!===
|suggest_time=[[User:Kolechovski|Kolechovski]] 23:26, 23 October 2008 (BST)
|suggest_type=New attack
|suggest_scope=fuel/alcohol-soaked clothes
|suggest_description=When you attack a survivor or zombie with beer/wine bottles, their clothes may become alcohol-stained if the PR suggestion to do so is implemented.  Currently, fuel can hits may cause fuel stains on clothes.  If a survivor or zombie is shot with a flare while their clothes are soaked, they will ignite, receiving 5 damage points immediately due to the flare-up, in addition to the Flare shot.  Flare damage can be reduced by Flak Jackets, but the fire that ensues has no reduction.  While on fire, every action made by the victim will deal 1 damage point until they put it out (this stacks with infection).  While on fire, the victim has an additional option to “Put out the fire” via the stop, drop, and roll method, at a cost of 1 AP.  After the fire is extinguished, the burnt clothing falls away.
If a burning victim directly interacts with another soaked person (melee attack), the other person will ignite.  Items can’t be used by survivors while on fire, though standard movement and attacks are still optional.  Those who drop dead from the fire will remain burning as a dead body, but unignited dead bodies can’t catch fire since you can’t interact with them.
====Discussion (Beer/Fuel Stains+Flare Gun=Bonfire!)====
Have you ever tried lighting Budweiser? -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 23:36, 23 October 2008 (BST)
Eh. I find a problem with people purposely lighting up, and then continuosly healing and meleeing survivors in a buildings. - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 23:43, 23 October 2008 (BST)
no. overpowered and also not realistic. if this were realistic, every time i dropped a smoke on my clothes that i drunkenly spilled beer or vodka on :P i'd have gone a la michael jackson... and, last i checked, i don't look like diana ross. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 04:38, 24 October 2008 (BST)
No. Overpowered-grieftastic-duped. {{User:Dr Cory Bjornson/Sig}} 04:22, 25 October 2008 (BST)
===Dragging Corpses===
|suggest_time=[[User:Mithos Yggdrasill|Mithos Yggdrasill]] 22:28, 23 October 2008 (BST)
|suggest_scope=Survivors, may cross over to zeds
|suggest_description=An ability that allows survivors (and zeds, if the skill crosses over) to drag a corpse to another square with them for, say, a 2AP penalty to movement. This could be used to drag bodies to where they'll be less of a threat when they ?rise, or just for getting a buddy to a revive point faster. If a corpse is on your contact list, you can select them specifically to drag, either that or the ability ONLY works on people on your Contacts list. The corpse isn't damaged in any way when transported. Of course, since this is my first time trying this "Suggestion" thing, I'm willing, nay, eager, to accept constructive criticism.
EDIT: Nevermind, go ahead and delete this idea. Several people have pointed out how it's a "pied piper".
====Discussion (Dragging Corpses)====
Pied piper. -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 23:00, 23 October 2008 (BST)
:What does that mean?--[[User:Pesatyel|Pesatyel]] 04:17, 24 October 2008 (BST)
A griefer's dream.  People put enemies on their contacts lists, too.  And I know I've seen at least one suggestion like this before. --[[User:Jen|Jen]] 23:37, 23 October 2008 (BST)
This is an old dupe, no need even for a link, its on the FAQ and frequently suggested. - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 23:44, 23 October 2008 (BST)
This is, as stated, suggested a lot.  Here is why it is bad:
*Allows a zerge character to act as a taxi for "real" characters, saving their AP.
*Can be used to fuck with other players.  Imagine YOU log in expecting to be in Caiger mall to find your somewhere else, several suburbs away.  Or, worse, dragging you into some place that you will not survive.--[[User:Pesatyel|Pesatyel]] 04:17, 24 October 2008 (BST)
===First Aid helps you find/assemble FAKs in Hospitals===
|suggest_time=[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 04:39, 22 October 2008 (BST)
|suggest_type=search rates & skill buff
|suggest_description=Nerfing mall FAK rates was a great idea which I myself and others were screaming for on these pages a little while ago. It's a great change. However, most of us were also calling for a parallel increase in FAK search rates in Hospitals. This doesn't appear to have happened, thus IMNSHO FAKs and healing and newbie Scientists have been nerfed a bit too much.
Therefore, I'd like to propose that characters possessing First Aid gain a search % buff in Hospitals, in addition to its normal benefits. The exact amount is up for discussion, but I am thinking 10% right now: Hospitals should never be 50% like Malls were, not even close... Also, this could require Surgery, not just First Aid... But I actually wanna help newbies and Scientists a little with this.
====Discussion (First Aid buffs FAK searches in Hospitals)====
I don't know. This doesn't really seem that necessary. Malls weren't '''that''' huge of a FAK source for most people because not a whole lot get Bargain Hunting or Shopping very quickly and even when they do, I don't know of many who depended on malls for their main FAK source. The change was really only an inconvenience.--{{User:SirArgo/Signature}} 04:45, 22 October 2008 (BST)
Nup. You just need to get out of the mindset that FAKs are a dime a dozen, now they are something of a rare commodity.--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 05:40, 22 October 2008 (BST)
Argo... I relied on Malls a lot for FAKs. I mean how can you turn your nose at nearly 1 in 2 odds??? And I am pretty sure most people played the same way. Which is why this change was so welcome, overall... Especially considering that FAKs are easily the most powerful pro-survivor item after syringes. Now, J3D might have a point... However, the new drugstore nerf really does make survivors a lot less survivable... And it actually sorta buffs trenchcoating because "FAKing your way up the ladder" just got a lot less efficient... Though, if anything, in practice I think this is going to favour PKers more than anyone... Which is interesting: the last two big updates ended up being PKer buffs... It's also given a wonderful new idea for a death culting strategy, hmmmmmmnnnn............ --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 05:56, 22 October 2008 (BST)
:I don't think it benefits trenchies, surely now they'll recognise the importance of FAKKing? --{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 06:02, 22 October 2008 (BST)
Malls really where a great source of FAK's and reducing their role as port of first (often only) call can only be a good thing. However my recent searches seem to suggest that Hospitals might actually be getting worse too. Yesterday i spent well over 20AP in an unpowered hospital with no success and my other survivor only found 2 in a powered hospital and a whole days AP. Could be bad luck I know but still...--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 08:22, 22 October 2008 (BST)
:I think that's bad luck; my survivor spent 30+aps searching a autorepair and got nothing. Less than 10 ap on a hospital and I got 2 FAKs --[[User:Silisquish|Silisquish]] 01:44, 23 October 2008 (BST)
Wan, I think this is a good idea. It promotes spreading away from Malls. I think Kevan has upped the search rate in PDs recently to do the same thing, so you would be promoting a game change in accordance with Kevan's vision. If I am right, of course. {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig}} 08:58, 22 October 2008 (BST)
I'd say no to this on grounds that yesterday I searched an unpowered hospital and was getting a consistent 1 in 3 success rate. Search rates ''always'' fluctuate after an update, they need a lot longer to properly settle down before we start suggesting ideas related to it. -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 09:32, 22 October 2008 (BST)
Heh... when I read "assemble FAKs" I thought you were going to suggest something like manufacturing a FAK for 10aps, sort of like manufacturing syringes. Anyways, I'm undecided. Healers already get a buff that was underappreciated: Surgery. Maybe now to counterbalance the lower search rates more people will have to go to hospitals to get healed for that 50% extra FAK effectiveness instead of healers coming to them and burning an extra FAK to heal a recently revived bodybuilder to full health.
Also, since Kevan would want to control and tweak FAK/syringe search rates to balance the game better, if characters with First Aid get a boost in hospitals, he might use that boost as the base FAK search rate (since almost everyone has that skill), thus nerfing the % rate of those without said skill; so if he saw that hospital FAK search rates are too low he would boost it so people with the First Aid search bonus would get a search rate that he'd deem appropriate, (just like when determining syringe search rates he might assume that most NTs will be powered). So this would effectively be a nerf to people without First Aid...hhmmm does that last part make any sense? --[[User:Silisquish|Silisquish]] 01:52, 23 October 2008 (BST)
As I see it, First Aid would be improved by this.  I'm sure Kevan realizes the search rates might need to be altered now, but this would be a good way to do it.--[[User:Pesatyel|Pesatyel]] 05:50, 23 October 2008 (BST)
===Players inside barricaded buildings can listen to others smashing it===
|suggest_time=[[User:Janjones|Janjones]] 01:01, 21 October 2008 (BST)
|suggest_type=Role Playing, Flavor
|suggest_scope=All players and classes
|suggest_description=I suggest that players inside a barricaded building could listen the noise made by players smashing and tearing down the barricades. Whenever someone attacks the barricades from outside (independent if the barricade is damaged or not), the people inside should receive a message like "You listen something pounding the barricades", just to add some sense of terror and expectation to survivors inside a building.Of course the message could be disabled just like Feeding Groans, flares etc. In order to avoid spam, there should be some kind of percentage to determine if the blow will produce noise or not (something between 15% and 25%, the same chances of damaging the barricades).
====Discussion (Players inside barricaded buildings can listen to others smashing it)====
I think it makes some sense.  But it should be a precentage chance to hear I think.  I mean think about it.  Sure, you can switch it off, but that would kinda defeat the purpose.  But if you have it on that would be a LOT of spam in heavy attack areas.--[[User:Pesatyel|Pesatyel]] 01:55, 21 October 2008 (BST)
:Good point about the percentage. [[User:Janjones|Janjones]] 02:30, 21 October 2008 (BST)
What about people tearing down the barricades from the inside?--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 07:19, 21 October 2008 (BST)
Given that a maxed out zombie can easily burn 50AP and not get through EHB's you are inviting a whole lot of SPAM and probably server lag. Also consider this... If a survivor is active he already has a chance to spot that his cades are falling and thus that there is an active zed outside this would just make it even easier to foil his dinner plans. To even attempt to balance this for the zed side you would have to notify them that they heard sounds of frantic searching coming from inside (not implausible) so that they have an idea how much activity is going on in the building they are attacking. --[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 08:49, 21 October 2008 (BST)
X Ray vision. No. -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 10:49, 21 October 2008 (BST)
:Technically, but it is logical.  You don't think people would hear someone banging on the walls/doors?  And there IS precedent in the game.--[[User:Pesatyel|Pesatyel]] 04:15, 22 October 2008 (BST)
:::If survivors can hear people smashing cades from the outside then I'll be wanting groans to be heard inside buildings. You can't hear groans inside buildings, therefore no barricading noises. -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 09:34, 22 October 2008 (BST)
::That was a novelty addition, don't forget. I think this suggestion may be supported more if it were limited soley to humans/zombies tearing down barricades from the '''inside'''. {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig}} 09:06, 22 October 2008 (BST)
Perhaps the spam level could be reduced by making it so that only noticable drops in barricade levels (VSB to QSB2+ for example) can be heard? --{{User:Blake Firedancer/sig}} 09:18, 22 October 2008 (BST)
None of this addresses the problems with this type of suggestion.  The main effect of this is to clearly flag something which is noticable to an active survivor anyway. Basically if it happened more than 5 minutes ago it is old news and a bit pointless to most players, if you are on-line and don't notice the cades dropping you deserve to die anyway and spoon feeding you the vital news that something is trying to get in will just make it that little bit harder for a zombie to get in. Not only this but if you are in a well defended stronghouse which zeds keep trying to get into you would be able to spot when they are most active and log in accordingly... what are you going to do to counter-balance that potentially zombie raping advantage? It may make sense but it would provide a very one-sided advantage, in any event seeing shadows inside lit buildings makes sense, smelling large crowds inside cramped insanitary buildings and hearing the screams of the dying are also realistic but potentially unbalancing features that are not in game... where do we stop? --[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 09:50, 22 October 2008 (BST)
I'm gonna sing the DOOM song, [ DOOM]-[ DOOM]-[ DOOM]-[ DOOM]... --[[User:Silisquish|Silisquish]] 01:38, 23 October 2008 (BST)
Dupe. Many times over.--[[User:Kolechovski|Kolechovski]] 23:11, 23 October 2008 (BST)

===Ignore based on Radio Broadcast===
|'''Timestamp:''' [[User:Khwud|Khwud]] ([[User talk:Khwud|talk]]) 17:27, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
|'''Type:''' UI enhancement
|'''Scope:''' Interface
|'''Description:''' Allow 'ignore' from radio broadcasts; users are hiding behind their anonymity to allow them to broadcast things that would broadly trigger them to be ignored, if their user ID was visible.  Adding their name, or an auto-generated call-sign (it is for a radio, after all) or something so that they could be blocked based on their broadcasts would help user experience.  In addition, and broadcasts that get more than a threshold number could get tagged for review, and the user potentially having their (in-game) ham-license revoked.
====Discussion (Ignore based on Radio Broadcast)====
===Shrink the map===
===Expanding the search button===
|'''Timestamp:''' --[[User:Uroguy|Uroguy]]<sup>[[Zookeepers|TMZ]]</sup> 16:28, 14 February 2023 (UTC)
|suggest_time=[[User:KarandaDemon|KarandaDemon]] 20:08, 20 October 2008 (BST)
|suggest_type=Slight improvement to existing game function.
|'''Type:''' Map change
|suggest_scope=All players and classes.
|suggest_description=I suggest that a new expansion for the 'Search the area' button be added. This will, at the cost of 5AP or more (I haven't decided yet, as I think nothing definite should be established yet) allow the player to 'Search Thoroughly' in a building and will add a 10-20% chance (added to the exisiting percentage chance of finding something while searching) that the player will find an item.
|'''Scope:''' Everyone
<b>NOTE:</b> Actual number changes aren't definite, so any suggestions are welcome in discussion.
|'''Description:''' There are just over 3000 active characters in the game currently likely counting a significant percentage of alts and zergs. Shrinking the map by eliminating the outer first two rings of suburbs would increase the amount of interactions between the remaining characters. This shrink could be increased or decreased depending on future changes to the playerbase.
====Discussion (Expanding the search button)====
====Discussion (Shrink the map)====
Nice idea, but the numbers will need tweaked a little for sure. I'm not one of the search odds crunchers but it does seem a bit high to me. They can give you a bit more help than I can. I'm more of a mechanics and hit rates guy. -- {{User:Krazy_Monkey/sig}} 20:10, 20 October 2008 (BST)
Hmm, well, I haven't given definite numbers, because I ain't no cruncher either. I should outline that in the description as up for discussion. Just to be clear. :) --[[User:KarandaDemon|KarandaDemon]] 20:19, 20 October 2008 (BST)
Let see. Um. 10% chance of finding something (Random current rate) compared to 30% at 5 times the cost? 0.9 chance of finding nothing 5 times is about 0.59 (O.9 to the power of 5.) So the chance of finding something is 41% as opposed to 1x30% chance of finding something through this proposal. I think. Someone want to check that? --{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 20:33, 20 October 2008 (BST)
:Expected return for 5 AP spent searching for a 10% item, with no other items checked in your preferences is (1 x 0.9^5 x 0.1^0 x 0) + (5 x 0.9^4 x 0.1^1 x 1) + (10 x 0.9^3 x 0.1^2 x 2) + (10 x 0.9^2 x 0.1^3 x 3) + (5 x 0.9^1 x 0.1^4 x 4) + (1 x 0.9^0 x 0.1^5 x 5) = .50 items.  Or the same as .1 (items/AP) x 5AP.  No special voodoo needed.  Expected return for 5 AP spent searching thoroughly for a 30% item is (1 x 0.7^1 x 0.3^0 x 0) + (1 x 0.7^0 x 0.3^1 x 1) = .30 items.  Or the same as .3 (items/5AP) x 5AP.  Again, no special voodoo needed.  Under this suggestion for 10% items, searching thoroughly 10 times versus spending 50 AP searching would yield (on average) two fewer items.  And that discrepancy will only grow as the search likelihood increases.  The break-even point, incidentally, is where A = (A + B) / C.  Under the above numbers (B = .2, C = 5) we can solve for A as .05.  That means items found with search rates of less than 5% will be found more often when you search thoroughly.  Again, that is just for the given numbers.  --{{User:Galaxy125/Sig}}21:02, 20 October 2008 (BST)
::Man. Thats cool! --{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 21:03, 20 October 2008 (BST)
:::So AP-wise it would be a better idea just to search normally? -- {{User:Krazy_Monkey/sig}} 21:07, 20 October 2008 (BST)
::::Yeah, obviously, apart from hyper rare below 5% find items. Pay attention cheese! There may be a test. --{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 21:09, 20 October 2008 (BST)
:::::I'm not stupid. =p I did pass Higher maths. I'm just too lazy to read. -- {{User:Krazy_Monkey/sig}} 21:11, 20 October 2008 (BST)
:::::See what happens when you eat your Wheaties? Of course, my above numbers assume that you're searching for consumables.  FAKs, etc.  Things where you're dedicating 5 AP to the search rather than stopping once you find one.  --{{User:Galaxy125/Sig}}21:13, 20 October 2008 (BST)
::::::Yep. After all. How many flak jackets do you need? And why do i have more than an average number of legs. I may have andered off the point somewhat. --{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 21:15, 20 October 2008 (BST)
Quick vote? I think I also forgot to mention that the 'Search thoroughly' idea would exist alongside the existing Search function, if it were ever to come into effect.--[[User:KarandaDemon|KarandaDemon]] 22:53, 20 October 2008 (BST)
:Quick vote? Are you reading this? With what Galaxy says is this is a silly suggestion. Basically any further skills or changes in how searching happens need to be thought about a while to make things work. This will not help or work, and is not worth the time it would take to code it. - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 23:23, 20 October 2008 (BST)
::According to your logic, the 20AP syringe manufacture is a bad idea, yet Kevan put it into the game? I believe this is an alright idea. With the perfect numbers, it could be accepted. {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig}} 09:10, 22 October 2008 (BST)
:::No, those are two totally different things. Adding a fixed cost to manufacture something against the risk of getting the same item cheaper but with no guarantees is different then creating another search button that searches at a different rate, which is not actually any higher, but costs more. Its worthless, and sucks ap with no gain. - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 20:46, 22 October 2008 (BST)
::::Sorry, you are right. But even still, people vote on the suggestion, not the amount of time it takes to code. It's Kevan's job to worry about that. {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig}} 05:22, 25 October 2008 (BST)
:::Manufacture used to be ''better'' than the search rate. Then the search rate got tons of small boosts and a few notably massive ones.--<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev/OmegaMap|maps?!]]</font></sup></small> 05:25, 25 October 2008 (BST)

===New Newspaper Article-Length of Pipe===
===Action Points===
|suggest_time=[[User:Kolechovski|Kolechovski]] 19:21, 20 October 2008 (BST)
|'''Timestamp:''' [[User:Wolldog1]] 10:07, 26 July 26, 2022
|suggest_type=New article
|'''Type:''' Action Points Increase Regeneration Rate
|suggest_description=I suggest a new article available to the newspapers floating around the city.  As most people know, newspapers contain flavor and advice for newbies.  We all know that eventually, survivors learned how to block the doors with a pipe and create a loose barricade.  Maybe this info came from a batch of newspapers that was eventually discovered.  The article can read as follows.
|'''Scope:''' Everyone
It’s a quarantine information pamphlet.  Citizens who are unable to build barricades can still add a layer of protection to their safehouse by jamming metal pipes between door handles.
|'''Description:''' Due to the passage of time with mobile games and other real time action games without restrictionI think that we should address the action points system of the game. This game can only realistically be played for 5 minutes a day. So it's not really a seller for new blood. If we want to see this game survive it needs to evolve into something more exciting than 5 minutes. My suggestion is double the regeneration rate to improve activity. I love this game. I want to play it more. And the die hard fans I'm sure feel the same. More will go on in a day, sure. But that's for both sides. We're ready for it. Let's get this game moving again. We need this.
====Discussion (New Newspaper Article-Length of Pipe)====
====Discussion (Action Points)====
Not even role players bother reading newspapers anymore. and i don't think this justification really adds up. would someone need a newspaper to tell them to block the doors with pipe? this mixes realism with gameplay a little to blurred. thus, this is really not needed. - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 20:44, 20 October 2008 (BST)
:I don't see anything wrong with suggesting things to put in newspapers.  The point of reading them is NOT for roleplayers.  It is to help newbies.--[[User:Pesatyel|Pesatyel]] 02:35, 21 October 2008 (BST)
::I know! ''The main article describes an incident where a Kempsterbank resident was locked out of the house by his wife when she barred the front door with a lead pipe. You feel the urge to try this out for yourself.'' --{{User:Blake Firedancer/sig}} 10:38, 21 October 2008 (BST)
::But the information gained from the newspapers is better gained metagame. I never read a newspaper when i was a newb. it seemed like a waste of AP. I think a better idea is a one time message the first time a newbie picks up a lead pipe about its uses. - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 21:26, 21 October 2008 (BST)
:::ALL game info should be available in game... its a simple principle and one we should encourage. Not everyone lives on this Wiki and the majority of players probably never visit. --[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 00:35, 22 October 2008 (BST)
::::YES.--[[User:Jen|Jen]] 03:48, 22 October 2008 (BST)
:::::I agree. You should be able to play effectively without playing metagame. This is especially true for Zombie players who are the most dependant on the metagame for effective hoard gameplay (Flailing Gesture and Zombie Speak notwithstanding). This kills the roleplay element. Survivors should have more resources in game that they can turn to such as more info in newspapers, flyer drops, posters and maybe even a Malton Street Map (I appreciate [ Red Rum's] excellent work but it would be great if this was in game).--[[User:Serpentine Green|Serpentine Green]] 12:22, 22 October 2008 (BST)
::::::Again, part of my statement said "I never read a newspaper when i was a newb. it seemed like a waste of AP. I think a better idea is a one time message the first time a newbie picks up a lead pipe about its uses." I never read a newspaper, even before i was on the wiki. Having to spend AP to learn mechanics sucks balls, and thats not how it should happen. - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 20:48, 22 October 2008 (BST)
:::::::Well, I've decided to take it to voting.  For those of you who prefer it as a one-time in-game message that appears when you pick up a pipe, include that in your reason for your vote, whichever way you vote.  Remember, much of the game's basic mechanics are explained by newspapers, and I think a lot of newbies come across and read them for info.--[[User:Kolechovski|Kolechovski]] 23:24, 23 October 2008 (BST)
===XP for AP===
|suggest_time=[[User:Serpentine Green|Serpentine Green]] 16:36, 20 October 2008 (BST)
|suggest_type=New game concept
|suggest_scope=All players
I hope this won't get shot down just because it involves changing the crucial 50 AP max per day but remember that Kevan states "There may eventually be character skills which modify the maximum AP and its recharge rate, but the basic starting-character settings will remain the same".
Before anyone says DUPE I am aware that something similar has been discussed [ before]. What I'm proposing, however, is by no means a way of permanently upping your daily AP quota. This will merely be a means of cashing in unwanted XP for AP at a ratio of 20 to 1.
Here goes: '''Once per day, you may exchange 200 XP for 10 AP'''.
Veteran players will have some reward for cashing in their surplus XP. 5000 XP will get whittled down fairly quickly if a player chooses to cash in 200 per day. Soon we'll all have the same amount of XP.
Players can opt for believable character specialisation. While previously a military character, for example, will max out their military skills and then proceed onto the all the others (thereby creating a grunt that knows surgery and advanced laboratory operation) with this game mechanic in place a character may choose to expend XP on additional AP rather than skills that they do not want or are playing against type.
In game terms, this new system can be described as "Concentration" to perform the skills you have learnt with greater efficiency. As you become more experienced (acquire more XP) you become more efficient at performing actions (more AP).
I suggest the option only becomes available after reaching level 10 when you will have a defined character. The option to expend XP on AP would be available as a "Concentrate" button on the "Buy Skills" page.
====Discussion (XP for AP)====
Pretty much any suggestion that involves AP for XP training gets shot down-as it gives older players a huge advantage over newbies (when they choose to "cash in" their XP)[[User:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DodgerBlue">Linkthewindow</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DarkRed">Talk</span>]] </sup> 21:29, 20 October 2008 (BST)
:I certainly agree that for a period of time, this mechanic is going to heavily benefit those players that have racked up a substantial amount of XP. However, within a few months everyone will have used up their bonus AP from their massive XP surplus and we will '''all''' be at the same level of XP, '''all''' attaining our bonus AP at a similar rate. This mechanic fixes the infinite XP problem as no one will want to hold onto it any more. If we still want a ranking system, we can have the character level up each time they use the function. That means the highest ranked XP player will become the highest levelled player. --[[User:Serpentine Green|Serpentine Green]] 11:56, 21 October 2008 (BST)
One of my 3 characters could trade in all 20,000 XP and gain nearly 2 weeks AP in one go.... how exactly is that fair?--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 00:07, 21 October 2008 (BST)
:Actually, it says 200 XP once per day.--[[User:Pesatyel|Pesatyel]] 02:08, 21 October 2008 (BST)
::Oops, my bad... still not a good mechanic given how many players have 10,000+ XP banked. Remember too that those extra AP could potentially be turned into extra XP thus fueling even more bonus AP!--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 08:57, 21 October 2008 (BST)
:::A person who has acquired 10,000 XP will have 50 days of +10AP per day. If you use your '''entire''' 500 bonus AP to gain more XP by, for a survivor example, attacking Zeds with the fireaxe at 40% (i.e. 1.2 XP per AP) you will gain 600XP from that extra 10 per day. This can converted into just 3 extra days of 10 AP so we see '''heavily diminishing returns'''.--[[User:Serpentine Green|Serpentine Green]] 11:56, 21 October 2008 (BST)
I don't see a problem with giving perks to higher level players, to an extent. Why not?  Because it would hurt new players?  Maybe.  The thing here though is maybe it should include a penalty of some kind.--[[User:Pesatyel|Pesatyel]] 02:08, 21 October 2008 (BST)
:I agree. Veteran players deserve something other than recognition for their dedication. I’d like to point out that I have only been playing Urban Dead for a few weeks and my highest level character is at level 9. As a newbie, I do not consider this game play mechanic unfair any more than higher level characters being able to inflict more damage, have more HP, a greater hit percentage etc, etc.--[[User:Serpentine Green|Serpentine Green]] 11:56, 21 October 2008 (BST)
::I disagree. I think veterans should only get recognition. And I'd like to point out that I have 5 maxed out character with over 15k XP banked total. [[User:Midianian/Archives/Rants/No Uses for Excess XP|No Uses for Excess XP]], please. Though I have to thank you for finally getting me to write that thing <tt>:)</tt>. --[[User:Midianian|Midianian]]<small><sup>&#124;[[User talk:Midianian|T]]&#124;[[Developing Suggestions|DS]]&#124;[[:Category:Recently Closed Suggestions|C:RCS]]&#124;</sup></small> 19:22, 21 October 2008 (BST)
:::Ok, recognition.  How?  If "game affecting" XP expenditure is bad, why not other kinds?--[[User:Pesatyel|Pesatyel]] 04:23, 22 October 2008 (BST)
::::Midianian, your article is thought provoking and had me considering this suggestion further. This game mechanic does not lead you to choose XP gain over tactics. Where a player has acquired all the skills they want, the only way to spend XP is now to gain AP. If they use the tactically pointless hurt-heal method of XP gain, garnering 20XP would require a minimum 10AP (using fire-axe, searching and using FAKS- I’ve not worked this out exactly) and reward you with 1AP. Its simple economics- there’s no point in using AP to acquire XP to gain back AP because the returns are so small. AP would be much better spent used tactically with the extra AP an occasional bonus. Bragging rights are preserved by Levelling Up each time the function is used. See below a consideration for how to deal with the 50,000+ players.--[[User:Serpentine Green|Serpentine Green]] 08:39, 22 October 2008 (BST)
:::::Thanks for reading it. There actually is a point to using AP now to gain a smaller amount of AP that can be used later. Most of the players (well, survivors at least) play rather stationary, ie. they pick a suburb and stay there, come rain or sunshine. It's the sunshine part that causes the problems with this. Since there are no enemies around, there's no "smart" thing to use your AP on, so why not put it in store even if it is at a lossy ratio? It's still better than using the AP on "worthless" stuff like [[RP]]. That's partly what items are about. You use AP now to stock up, so that later on when you need the items, you won't have to. However, there's a limit to how much you can carry, but there isn't a limit to how much XP you can gather "for a rainy day".
:::::I didn't mean they should be able to spend XP to get recognition. [[Malton_XP_Leaderboard|This]] is recognition enough (in my opinion) for people with lots of XP. If they want more recognition, they should ''do'' something worthy of recognition.
:::::Don't get me wrong, this isn't nearly as bad as some of the other suggestions of this type, but I just think XP shouldn't be usable for something like this. --[[User:Midianian|Midianian]]<small><sup>&#124;[[User talk:Midianian|T]]&#124;[[Developing Suggestions|DS]]&#124;[[:Category:Recently Closed Suggestions|C:RCS]]&#124;</sup></small> 14:43, 22 October 2008 (BST)
Hmmm... I think this might possibly work. But someone with 20,000xp would have 100 days of +10 aps. Still a little bit unfair. What if the skill needed to transfer xp to ap cost half your current xp? (Even if you had 2 xp and bought it, it wouldn't matter since you still need to spend 200xp to get the benefits of the skill) --[[User:Silisquish|Silisquish]] 07:07, 21 October 2008 (BST)
:Ok let’s try this. The function would require 200 XP or 10% of your total XP – whichever is the greater. The following is a list of starting XP with corresponding days of +10AP: '''(50,000XP: 40 days); (20,000XP: 31 days); (10,000XP: 25 days); (2000XP: 10 days)'''. This means in 40 days, we’d all have the same XP. If we implement the level up system everytime the function is used, the higher XP players will be higher levels but the gap will have closed considerably.--[[User:Serpentine Green|Serpentine Green]] 08:39, 22 October 2008 (BST)
::Thatcould work too, but it's not quite what I had in mind; what I was trying to say was, to even be able to press that "convert 200xp to 10ap" button, you would have to buy a skill beforehand, and this skill would not cost a set amount of xp but a percentage of your current xp.  
::Those with tons of xp would benefit greatly from this xp to ap conversion ability but would lose much xp to buy the required skill for it, and those that pay nearly no xp to buy the skill, still won't benefit from having bought the skill as you need to spend excess xp to get extra aps. --[[User:Silisquish|Silisquish]] 00:50, 23 October 2008 (BST)
No. Once people reach level 41 or 43 or wherever they choose to stop they should be no longer motivated by xp. this encourages trenchcoatery, people can play however they like but don't expect me to endorse a suggestion that encourages such a style of play.--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 12:51, 22 October 2008 (BST)
:Ouch, you make a very strong case... --[[User:Silisquish|Silisquish]] 00:50, 23 October 2008 (BST)
:It is bad why?--[[User:Pesatyel|Pesatyel]] 05:55, 23 October 2008 (BST)

===New Class:Construction Worker===
|suggest_time=[[User:Yungblood|Yungblood]] 23:23, 19 October 2008 (BST){{Yungblood}} 17:09 (EST) October 19 2008
|'''Timestamp:''' [[User:Rosslessness|<span style="color: MidnightBlue ">R</span><span style="color: Navy">o</span><span style="color: DarkBlue">s</span><span style="color: MediumBlue">s</span><span style="color: RoyalBlue"></span>]][[User_Talk:Rosslessness|<span style="color: RoyalBlue">l</span><span style="color: CornflowerBlue">e</span><span style="color: SkyBlue">s</span><span style="color: LightskyBlue">s</span>]][[User_Talk:Rosslessness/Quiz|<span style="color: LightBlue">n</span><span style="color: PowderBlue">e</span>]][[Monroeville Many|<span style="color: PaleTurquoise">s</span>]][[The Great Suburb Group Massacre|<span style="color: PaleTurquoise">s</span>]]<sup>[[Location Page Building Toolkit|<span style="color: DarkRed">Want a Location Image?]] </span> </sup> 19:10, 23 July 2022 (UTC)
|suggest_type= New Civillian class
|suggest_scope= New Survivors
|'''Type:''' Survivor Item
|suggest_description=What type of city doesn't have the construction worker cliche? well, this suggestion is to bring the construction worker to Malton. he starts off with the construction skill, and maybe a couple of toolboxes. this is just a another option for a variety of people.
|'''Scope:''' Survivors
====Discussion (New Class:COnstruction Worker)====
You clearly have no understanding how the game works if you think someone needs multiple toolboxes. Also dupe, but Iscariot will have the link shortly.
|'''Description:''' Portable drone, found in mall tech stores, which are pointless as we all know. Encumbrance is 10%. When activated for 15ap they provide an image of a 10x10 grid centred on the survivor, showing the current outside status of all blocks including zombies, survivors and dead bodies. Like DNA scanners, Drones are multi use.
Please read the FAQ's and frequently suggested pages if you want to continue making suggestions here. Also, please spend some time researching the data involved with your suggestion, as it gives us something more to talk about. Please check Peer reviewed and Rejected to find out if its been suggested before. - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 23:33, 19 October 2008 (BST)
:Annoying to zombies because survivors can keep on creating disposable alts that can cade a building and then meatshield, or repair a building thats 50+ap to repair without caring if their eaten afterwards. Annoying for survivors because zombies could create a few characters and overcade an entire suburb. --{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 23:57, 19 October 2008 (BST)
====Discussion (Drone)====
Would there be a message displayed to the players to the effect of "there's a drone buzzing overhead", similar to a flare? --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 02:19, 24 July 2022 (UTC)
Zergers dream and also [[PR_Class_New:_Survivor_%26_Zombie#Science:_Engineer|dupe]]. -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 00:05, 20 October 2008 (BST)
Besides the ONLY difference between the classes is within the first 5 or so levels, so the game doesn't NEED new classes as they are all the same by level 6 anyway.--[[User:Pesatyel|Pesatyel]] 01:07, 20 October 2008 (BST)
:Actually, this isn't true: I play scientists a lot, and getting them military skills is a bitch and usually takes me a LONG time... though, it's rarely a priority with my scientists, admittedly... However, this doesn't change the fact that this suggestion is uber-zerg-abusable... Also, check out [[MCWU]] if it's a lunchboxer you're lookin' to play ;P --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 09:48, 20 October 2008 (BST)
:Of course its not 100% true.  My point is that there are a handful of skills nearly all players go for (Free Running, Diagnosis, Body Building, Construction, Shopping and a combat related skill).  Yes there is, of course, variation, partly based on what STARTING skill a player has and partly based on what the player has in mind for the character.  But agreed, its relatively moot, as far as the suggestion goes.--[[User:Pesatyel|Pesatyel]] 02:29, 21 October 2008 (BST)
It's a dupe anyway. Construction would be useless as a starting skill anyway-very limited XP growth potential. [[User:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DodgerBlue">Linkthewindow</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DarkRed">Talk</span>]] </sup> 02:14, 20 October 2008 (BST)
ZERGZERGZERGZERGDUPEDUPEDUPEDUPE--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 04:29, 20 October 2008 (BST)
Okay, Okay, i guessed i missed that engineer class while I was looking it up, and im still fairly new to the game and wiki so i guess i missed most of these points. but i wanna make another point on how this is useless as a beginner skill. shopping is a nearly useless skill because most new civillians can't even get into a mall. so i thought it was a good idea because at least teh construction worker had some use, but you guys proved me wrong. [[Yungblood]] 7:56, 20 October 2008 (EST)

==="Did I leave the gas on?......No."===
|suggest_time={{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 15:32, 19 October 2008 (BST)
|'''Timestamp:''' [[User:Wild Crazy|Wild Crazy]] ([[User talk:Wild Crazy|talk]]) 20:55, 20 September 2021 (UTC)
|suggest_scope=Players of the game urban dead.
|'''Type:''' New item
|suggest_description=You can't talk if you are the only player at a location in urban dead. I just think you should be able to. I mean, if you're a corpse you can still hear, so why not speak when you're somewhere special? Its not as if it would bother anyone.
|'''Scope:''' Survivors
====Discussion ("Did I leave the gas on?......No.")====
|'''Description:''' This will be a new item found in schools with a 2% find rate and sports stores with a 4% find rate. The low numbers are because, like a flak jacket, once you find it you have it forever. It increases you encumbrance by 30%. However, you can't use an item that is in your backpack until you remove it from the backpack. It costs one AP to add an item to your backpack and one AP to remove an item. An item affects your regular encumbrance until added to the backpack. Items such as GPS, radios, cell phones, and flak jacket do not work when in your backpack. Items in your backpack will not be shown in your inventory, but the backpack itself will be shown in your inventory. There will be a drop box next to the word backpack that shows all the items inside. When you click on an item in that drop box, it removes it from your backpack (1 AP).
I'm almost positive this is in game. Checking... yeah. I just talked to myself with corpses present. - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 23:38, 19 October 2008 (BST)
:Iwitness[] I also just checked it with a standing zed no chance to mrh?. appears you can/can't do it with reviving bodies only present. But not if you're on your lonesome. --{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 23:55, 19 October 2008 (BST)
::See how ive just screwed over an alt to prove myself? FOrgot he'd idled out in penny heights. --{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 23:59, 19 October 2008 (BST)
:::That sucks! - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 08:42, 20 October 2008 (BST)
I've been meaning to bring this up for a while. You can't talk if you're the only one at a location, and you should be allowed to. Take this straight to voting, it requires no work. -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 00:02, 20 October 2008 (BST)

You can talk to yourself if someone was at the location and moved away but then it tells you that you are talking to yourself (I think). Anyhow, I'd vote keep, we like talking to ourselves, oh yes we do. - [[User:Whitehouse]] 00:11, 20 October 2008 (BST)

Are you sure corpses can hear speech? Radios and groans, yes, but I don't remember ever hearing someone speak when I'm dead. But then again, I don't really pay much attention to what happens after I die... --[[User:Midianian|Midianian]]<small><sup>&#124;[[User talk:Midianian|T]]&#124;[[Talk:Suggestions|T:S]]&#124;[[:Category:Recently Closed Suggestions|C:RCS]]&#124;</sup></small> 00:15, 20 October 2008 (BST)
Q: Wouldn't this buff survivors, since they can carry more bullets and kill more zombies?
:Corpses can't hear speech, correct. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 00:21, 20 October 2008 (BST)
::Correct. Making this pointles. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 09:49, 20 October 2008 (BST)
:::Firstly it's flavourful. And would probably be the easiest implemented tweak ever. Secondly It would make the speak button static, and not another annoying box that moves around your screen. --{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 11:07, 20 October 2008 (BST)
::::You know, you ''could'' also suggest that corpses ''can'' hear speech... --[[User:Midianian|Midianian]]<small><sup>&#124;[[User talk:Midianian|T]]&#124;[[Talk:Suggestions|T:S]]&#124;[[:Category:Recently Closed Suggestions|C:RCS]]&#124;</sup></small> 11:24, 20 October 2008 (BST)
:::::True. Its not as if they can't hear groans and radios, and would be logical. --{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 11:43, 20 October 2008 (BST)
:::::Corpses used to be able to hear speech. This was removed because dead people can't hear. {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 12:43, 22 October 2008 (BST)
::::::Show me the dead people in urban dead. I havent met any in the last year. I've seen lots of zombies, and survivors and reviving bodies and fallen zombies, yet no one '''Actually''' dead. Also. Explain to me why they can hear feeding groans and radio broadcasts. Selective deafness? --{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 13:57, 24 October 2008 (BST)
:::::::I've always thought dead in UD was more a state of unconsciousness. Still, doesn't explain why people can hear.  [[User:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DodgerBlue">Linkthewindow</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DarkRed">Talk</span>]] </sup> 21:46, 24 October 2008 (BST)
I would vote keep if you where going to take it up for voting. Good for roleplayers or people who like wasting AP :P. [[User:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DodgerBlue">Linkthewindow</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DarkRed">Talk</span>]] </sup> 02:16, 20 October 2008 (BST)

Yeah i agree. Voting thyme! --{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 04:31, 20 October 2008 (BST)
A: Since it costs an AP to add and remove an item, it wastes a lot of AP to put bullet clips in your backpack if you are planning on using them right away.

Keep!! Keep!! Imma like being crazy!!! =D -- {{User:Krazy_Monkey/sig}} 20:42, 20 October 2008 (BST)

Q: If it wastes AP, what is the point?
|suggest_time=[[User:A Big F'ing Dog|A Big F&#39;ing Dog]] 15:24, 16 October 2008 (BST)
|suggest_type= Building
Malton is a big city so it makes sense it would have a few courthouses. Kevan could replace a handful of buildings around Malton with a courthouse. So the Kahn Building would become the Kahn Courthouse.

Inside they could contain a few logical items like mobile phones, newspapers, and books. People would also be able to loot artwork like in a museum but the pieces would have a legal/governmental theme. "A painting of a distinguished judge", "a bust of Artistotle", "a reproduction of the Magna Carta", "a blindfolded statue of justice", "the city flag of Malton", etc.
A: It will be useful if you want to carry around an extra stash of items, such as FAKs and Revivification Syringes, or if you are going far away from any resource buildings and need some extra supplies.

Available clothing could include judge's robes, police jackets, white shirts, ties, etc.

What do you think?
Please give your thoughts.

====Discussion (Courthouses)====
====Discussion (Backpack)====
{{SNRV|5}}--{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 18:54, 22 October 2008 (BST)
[[PR_Buildings:_Specific_Types#Malton_Court|Can you guess what this link is to?]] -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 16:05, 16 October 2008 (BST)
:Do you think suggesting that it basically becomes like a museum makes it different enough? The flavor thing of the building itself is the same, and who cares about the items, but that kind of art is a new idea.--[[User:A Big F'ing Dog|A Big F&#39;ing Dog]] 04:52, 17 October 2008 (BST)
::It's curious that the current suggestion system does not support revising PR'd suggestions.  But if the suggestion system is a think tank for UD and Kevan, you would think we'd be able to better suggestions a posteriori, and to enable multiple possible implementations of a single suggestion depending upon need.  --{{User:Galaxy125/Sig}}06:24, 17 October 2008 (BST)
:::The suggestions system is in no way for the benefit of Kevan, it is not a think tank in any way. It is an outlet for you all to be creative/vent about issues of the game. Your opinion means fuck all. The system exists so that the wiki is not clogged up, not to assist the additions to the game. -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 11:47, 17 October 2008 (BST)
:::::Kevan has stated time and again that not only does he does look through sugestions but that he also uses some for inspiration/additional detail. A number of notable updates first saw light as suggestions including pretty much everything in the last batch. Whether Kevan was already working on them or not is a moot point. They still appear to have been motivated in some way by community suggested ideas.... Of course giving suggestions a page of its own keeps some of the chaffe from Kevans door :)--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 15:06, 17 October 2008 (BST)
::::::The system doesn't work though, I remind you that Ankle Grab came from Peer Rejected. -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 15:09, 17 October 2008 (BST)
:::::::How does a suggestion making it into the game prove the system doesn't work? If anything it proves that kevan reads and makes his own mind up regardless of whichever clique is currently dominating suggestion votes. Hell i think most things that go through suggestions and get into game are rejects but I bet all of them had supporters and a lot of the kill/spam voters were yelling stuff about how it would unbalance the game and kill all the (insert side) The biggest problem with suggestions is not whether or not Kevan reads em but how people vote. Can we agree that there is a tendency for large numbers of voters to vote only with their favoured side in mind, indeed many vote only based on how they feel that side should play or even what browser people should use??? --[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 16:06, 17 October 2008 (BST)
::::::::I've been reading through a lot of the earlier suggestions, in part as I was looking for dupes of things the other day.  And you know what? It seems people had a lot more FUN on the suggestions page back then.  People could suggest major, major game-changing changes, and people would go, "that's kinda cool and interesting...why not?"  But given how things changed since then, I wouldn't blame Kevan if he just read everything suggested, made up his own mind, and completely ignored the whole "peer reviewed" hoop, which now basically takes a miracle to jump through. --[[User:Jen|Jen]] 00:06, 18 October 2008 (BST)
:::::::::Yeah we're all assholes, now clear off this page unless you're gonna abuse someone *takes out shotgun and waves it threateningly at jen* --{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 01:09, 19 October 2008 (BST)
::::Agreed. Basically the suggestion is to introduce a new theme of art, and give it through something other than a museum. It's definitely related to the other suggestion but only in one detail. --[[User:A Big F'ing Dog|A Big F&#39;ing Dog]] 14:52, 17 October 2008 (BST)
::::::::::Discussion concerning this page takes place [[:Category_talk:Suggestions#Discussion_About_Talk:Suggestions|here]].
::::::::::Discussion concerning the suggestions system in general (including policies about it) takes place [[:Category_talk:Suggestions#Suggestion_Discussion|here]]. - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 23:27, 19 October 2008 (BST)
Meh... to minor a theme, and not really in-genre... --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 21:36, 18 October 2008 (BST)
|suggest_time=[[User:JTR|JTR]] 12:04,16 October 2008 (BST)
|suggest_description=Civilian skill,players are allowed to search body's that have died weeks early that have not showed sighs of life or unlife.
====Discussion (Scavenger)====
{{SNRV|4}}--{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 18:54, 22 October 2008 (BST)
:<big>FUCKING HUGE DUPE! read frequently suggested, then come back.</big> --{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 07:04, 16 October 2008 (BST)
Searching dead bodies is a frequently suggested idea, the idea of only allowing it on long dead bodies is possibly new though and would be a significant enough difference to make a dupe arguable. However I suggest you search through the past suggestion to read why this will probably be killed anyway!--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 11:51, 16 October 2008 (BST)
Yes i know it was going to die but i had to try and thanks i'll go look. --[[User:JTR|JTR]] 06:00, 16 October
Umm... most people stand up right on the next day. Aaand long dead bodies aren't shown as they idle out after a week. --[[User:Midianian|Midianian]]<small><sup>&#124;[[User talk:Midianian|T]]&#124;[[Talk:Suggestions|T:S]]&#124;[[:Category:Recently Closed Suggestions|C:RCS]]&#124;</sup></small> 12:01, 16 October 2008 (BST)
:5 days i think.--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 12:01, 16 October 2008 (BST)
::Its something like that and this would obviously need to make a change in that arrangement... something like "there are 18 bodies here, 5 of them smell strange, 3 of them are obviously long dead" I can't be bothered searching the past versions (i reckon they are rejects) but the fact that you would be looting the body of a probably ex-player might make this worth consideration especially if it were tied to a chance of becoming infected as a balance. Most of those bodies are abandoned level 1's and this would be a zergers paradise if some limit was not included perhaps it only works for corpses over a certain level, no sense realism wise but gamewise it would avoid mass creation and abandonment of privates to provide easy ammo!--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 12:08, 16 October 2008 (BST)
:::Lying dead on the ground is a strategy I don't think should be punishable by having your long-kept items stolen. {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig}} 04:29, 17 October 2008 (BST)
:::: Pretty much. This would punish carrier zombies (who probably won't get [[Flesh Rot]] until the very late game, and don't want their flak jackets stolen) and people on vacation who can't check in for some reason. [[User:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DodgerBlue">Linkthewindow</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DarkRed">Talk</span>]] </sup> 12:01, 17 October 2008 (BST)
:::::The vacation thing is a valid point but easily negotiated by having bodies time out as normal and only become lootable after 30 days. In any event its not like its too big a deal if you lose your stuff as unless its a limited ed novelty you can just go find more.--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 12:59, 17 October 2008 (BST)
'''Please, please, PLEASE read through Freq. Suggested...''' Thanks. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 21:36, 18 October 2008 (BST)
===Advanced Diagnosis===
|suggest_time=[[User:Srdestructiveche|Srdestructiveche]] 03:26, 16 October 2008 (BST)
|suggest_description= A sub-skill of surgery, players with this skill will know how to operate advanced hospital equipment and will be able to detect infection in a hospital with power.
====Discussion (Advanced Diagnosis)====
{{SNRV|6}}--{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 18:53, 22 October 2008 (BST)
Why not just get whatever skill it is that lets you see infection? Some zombie one i think...--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 04:43, 16 October 2008 (BST)
: I don't think that carries over if you are a survivor. [[User:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DodgerBlue">Linkthewindow</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DarkRed">Talk</span>]] </sup> 06:45, 16 October 2008 (BST)
::It doesn't but I am almost certain that this is a dupe anyway.--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 11:52, 16 October 2008 (BST)
:::Oh yeah you're right it doesnt. Still you might as well just fak the ones on 29, 24 or lower, chances are they're infected and if they aren't they could do with a faking.--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 12:03, 16 October 2008 (BST)
[[PR_Skill_New:_Survivor:_Science#Prognosis_.28See_Infected.29|I'm under appreciated on this page]]. -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 21:10, 16 October 2008 (BST)
:hug?--[[User:Silisquish|Silisquish]] 03:37, 17 October 2008 (BST)
:::Only if you're pretty :D -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 12:54, 17 October 2008 (BST)
::Big Hug...--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 11:22, 17 October 2008 (BST)
:::You look like a hobbit, so sod off :P -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 12:54, 17 October 2008 (BST)
::::I don't know, you try to be nice and what does it get you? *bites the troll in the ankles and runs off to rummage through someone elses belongings for a snack*--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 13:00, 17 October 2008 (BST)
It's pretty rare for someone to have an infection and not have at least some HP missing.--[[User:William Told|William Told]] 21:18, 16 October 2008 (BST)
:Yeah, so they get FAK-ed pretty quick anyway. This suggestion is a bit redundant :|. Besides, it's already a dupe. [[User:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DodgerBlue">Linkthewindow</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DarkRed">Talk</span>]] </sup> 21:40, 16 October 2008 (BST)
To be honest... with the much needed nerf to Mall FAK rates... I'd like to see something done to beef up Hospitals a little now... And/or Doctory skills...  However, yup, this is a dupe and not a good idea... Basically, if someone is injured, heal them... Then you know if they were infected ;P --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 21:39, 18 October 2008 (BST)
:Surgery already exists, that makes them basically as efficient as the old malls were, they really don't need more benefits.--<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev/OmegaMap|maps?!]]</font></sup></small> 23:09, 18 October 2008 (BST)
:Wan, some people report a rise in hospital find rates over at the [[Search Odds]] page. Ether way, the find rate for malls is now 1:4 (the same as hospitals.) [[User:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DodgerBlue">Linkthewindow</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DarkRed">Talk</span>]] </sup> 00:39, 19 October 2008 (BST)
===Blood-curdling Scream===
|suggest_time=[[User:Midnight Reviver|Midnight Reviver]] 04:58, 15 October 2008 (BST)
|suggest_type=Flavor text
|suggest_scope=Survivors low on HP, newbies looking for people to heal, baby-z's looking for a coup d'grace,
|suggest_description=I forgot if this was mentioned last year, but what about an announcement in buildings or on the street to the nearest 50 people when a human-player is brought down to 10 HP or less be it from a zombie attack, infection, or human attack?<br>
This will paint a bullseye on the victim as someone that needs immediate healing (or eating for up-and-coming zombies).
Alternatively, this also gives humans a slim chance to foil a parachute attempt, a possible PK attempt, or even help a dying survivor with a heal. This pop-up message will give people a chance to jump to someone's aid, save the dying player any AP cost to speak, and even reduce the number of IP hits it takes to heal someone in a crowded building (you can now heal a screaming person via the FAK drop-down menu instead of expanding the name list).
====Discussion (Blood-curdling Scream)====
{{SNRV|6}}--{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 18:52, 22 October 2008 (BST)
Forgive me if i misunderstand, but this seems to do exactly what diagnosis already does. Furthermore i don't want my page spammed with "john let out a blood curdling scream" "john died" etc etc.--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 07:46, 15 October 2008 (BST)
:[[Diagnosis|Dupe]] - Man i've always wanted to do that... --[[User:J3D|Iscariot <sub><sub><sub>but not really</sub></sub></sub>]]07:49, 15 October 2008 (BST)
How is this a dupe of Diagnosis? This actively notifies everyone present that someone is on low HP, a better dupe would be Feeding Drag as that notifies people that a survivor is on less than 13HP with an in game message!--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 14:03, 15 October 2008 (BST)
:People's hit points '''are''' an in game message. The message (the information of how many hit points they have) is restricted to certain people (purchasers of the skill) in the same way other in game messages are restricted (feeding groans not being available to people in buildings). You people should know by now to trust me when I say it's a dupe. -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 14:11, 15 October 2008 (BST)
::I do trust you, thats why I've started following your links. So far you have not dissapointed... I have not seen you make a valid dupe call yet ;)
::The HP display is in game info but that is not the same as an in game event message, they are in fact fundamentally different. To argue this is not the case would be to argue that events like character death, body dumps, barricades falling and hell even taking damage are dupes as you already get notified of these things if you bother to look at the screen properly. I mean, well done for trying and everything but do you think you might be able to find a real dupe next time? --[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 14:23, 15 October 2008 (BST)
:::Tell you what, you put this up for voting and I'll remove it on the grounds of being a dupe of diagnosis and then you can take it to A/VB and we'll see who wins. -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 14:45, 15 October 2008 (BST)
::::I'm not putting it up for voting... I'd wold vote '''kill''' because it would annoy me as a zed, be ignored by me as a survivor, be bloody useless to almost everyone outside of 2 or 3 very specific cases and in any event it is a partial '''Dupe''' of Feeding Drags message!--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 14:53, 15 October 2008 (BST)
:::::Iscariots right. Having Diagnosis means that you see the health of 50 people around you, on a street or in a building. The only difference is this would mean that it was free instead of a skill. It dupes the same effect but makes it available to all. Unless its supposed to be a new skill, which makes it the exact thing as diagnosis, but coming from the injured rather then those around. - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 21:09, 15 October 2008 (BST)
::::::Nowhere in the suggestion does it say it shows actual health. This suggestion gives an in game message that such and such a survivor has just reached 10HP (or less) By the time the players gets that info it could be several hours old and thus several hours out of date.... Hell most of the time the next entry on your log will probably be that he is dead! As far as I can see the suggestion is for a game mechanic change rather than a new skill.
:::::::Diagnose on the other hand '''is''' a skill and provides constant, up to date information on every survivor present. It does not give you some sort of alert in your log at any time and does not require a trigger event to function... These are pretty significant differences from the suggestion.
:::::::In comparison Feeding drag at least has some similarities. Most notably that it gives all players present a heads-up that a survivor is badly wounded. However that still isn't really a dupe because it operates in a totally different way, namely is triggered by an active players choice/action and is tells you the survivors rough HP's only because they are a function of the skill that triggers the notification. Go read the '''Dupe''' rules and tell me where I am wrong because if I am I would really like to stop having this argument.--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 22:45, 15 October 2008 (BST)
:::::::: I'm not saying they're exactly the same, but the serve the same purpose, that of identifying another players wounds. Why would someone need a skill to see how healthy they are if they don't need a skill to see that they dipped below a certain level? We're this in the game, it would significantly reduce the importance of diagnosis, as it serves the same purpose. - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 22:59, 15 October 2008 (BST)
:::::::::They really don't serve the same purpose at all. This would serve to annoy everyone (see Galaxy's comment below) whilst almost never being useful. Diagnosis on the otherhand is one of the most useful skills in the game given that it easily and unfailingly shows you who is hurt and how badly.--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 11:59, 16 October 2008 (BST)
:::::::::Bahaha HM/iscariot's exchange brought me the lulz. <3 talk:Sugg :D --{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 04:52, 16 October 2008 (BST)
::::::::::I second that. --[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 11:58, 16 October 2008 (BST)
I can see it now.  <nowiki>*shoot* *scream* *FAK* *shoot* *scream* *FAK* *shoot* *scream* *FAK* *shoot* *scream* *FAK* ad nauseum.</nowiki>  Please, this isn't necessary.  Survivors have wonderful in-game communication options, and need reasons to use them.  --{{User:Galaxy125/Sig}}00:17, 16 October 2008 (BST)
For a less spammy and already PRed version, see [[PR_Skill_New:_Zombie#Horrific_Handling|horrific Handling]]  {{User:Swiers/Sig}} 20:20, 19 October 2008 (BST)
==="Ignore this Voice"===
|suggest_time={{User:Swiers/Sig}} 19:52, 5 October 2008 (BST)
|suggest_scope=radios / radio broadcasts
|suggest_description=Net to every radio broadcast and speech, there would be a button that says "Ignore this Voice".  The code for the button would contain an "encrypted" version of the broadcaster's user ID, or other reference that the server could use but which would NOT reveal the broadcasters ID.  Clicking the button would ad that user ID to a list stored on the server for your character; if an ID is on this list, you never hear radio broadcasts or speech from that character.  As a player, you would never be able to see this list.  The list would have a limited length (50 voices or so) and adding new voices "to the top" would bump old ones of the bottom.  In your settings, you would have the option to have the list active (ignoring those voices & their broadcasts), inactive (listening to all voices & broadcasts you can normally hear), or to clear the list completely as you change your settings. 
====Discussion ("Ignore this Voice")====
{{SNRV|6}}--{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 10:00, 18 October 2008 (BST)
So if i'm ignoring a player its as if they aren't even talking? - [[User:Tylerisfat|tylerisfat]] 22:30, 5 October 2008 (BST)
:Yep.  It would have exactly the same effect as the "ignore contact" setting in the contacts list, except the character is not a contact, and you don't even need to know who they are- just that anything said by that voice isn't worth listening to.  {{User:Swiers/Sig}} 23:06, 5 October 2008 (BST)
Heck, why not? The only problem with this is what if you meet the player later on, become friends, and never realize that you have them radio-blocked? Perhaps there should be a (player-set) expiry. Spam which is obviously coming from the same person could be set to dodge this. [[User:Linkthewindow|Linkthewindow]] 23:14, 5 October 2008 (BST)
In order for this idea to work it would need to be kept very simple so i'm against Link's expiry etc. Also, the people you wanna block are douche bag's who spend all their ap spamming the radio (speaking of which is real gamer still at his lulz?) so it's not really an issue anyway. I quite like the idea assuming it's logistically possible. Although you should only be able to ignore them over the radio, if they talk to you in person you shouldn't be aware that it's the same person and should hear their comments as normal (explantion = people sound dif on the radio or whatever).--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 00:39, 6 October 2008 (BST)
Yeah... we need this. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 20:12, 6 October 2008 (BST)
Wan's right, bring this on somehow. {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig}} 05:54, 8 October 2008 (BST)
Are you going to submit this Swiers? It's been a while. [[User:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DodgerBlue">Linkthewindow]]</span> <sup>[[User talk:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DarkRed">Talk]] </span> </sup> 22:30, 11 October 2008 (BST)
This is a good idea --[[User:A Big F'ing Dog|A Big F&#39;ing Dog]] 18:27, 15 October 2008 (BST)
==Suggestions up for voting==
===Useless use for the Crucifix===
[[Suggestion:20081016 Useless Use for the Crucifix|Suggestion]] is up for voting. Discussion moved to [[Suggestion talk:20081016 Useless Use for the Crucifix|here.]] [[User:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DodgerBlue">Linkthewindow</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DarkRed">Talk</span>]] </sup> 11:19, 17 October 2008 (BST)
''Note: This was [[User:William Told|William Told's]] suggestion. He forgot update this section and move the talk across, so I did it for him.''
===Save Monroeville===
[[Suggestion:20081017 Save Monroeville|Suggestion]] is up for voting. Discussion moved to [[Suggestion talk:20081017 Save Monroeville|here.]] [[User:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DodgerBlue">Linkthewindow</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Linkthewindow|<span style="color: DarkRed">Talk</span>]] </sup> 11:31, 17 October 2008 (BST)
''As above, this was [[User:Super Nweb|Super Nweb's]] suggestion. He forgot to move the discussion across.''

Latest revision as of 17:27, 8 July 2024

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This section is for general discussion of suggestions for the game Urban Dead.

It also includes the capacity to pitch suggestions for conversation and feedback.

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  • Scope is who or what the suggestion affects. Typically survivors or zombies (or both), but occasionally Malton, the game interface or something else.
  • Description should be a full explanation of your suggestion. Include information like flavor text, search odds, hit percentages, etc, as appropriate. Unless you are as yet unsure of the exact details behind the suggestion, try not to leave out anything important. Check your spelling and grammar.

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Ignore based on Radio Broadcast

Timestamp: Khwud (talk) 17:27, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
Type: UI enhancement
Scope: Interface
Description: Allow 'ignore' from radio broadcasts; users are hiding behind their anonymity to allow them to broadcast things that would broadly trigger them to be ignored, if their user ID was visible. Adding their name, or an auto-generated call-sign (it is for a radio, after all) or something so that they could be blocked based on their broadcasts would help user experience. In addition, and broadcasts that get more than a threshold number could get tagged for review, and the user potentially having their (in-game) ham-license revoked.

Discussion (Ignore based on Radio Broadcast)

Shrink the map

Timestamp: --UroguyTMZ 16:28, 14 February 2023 (UTC)
Type: Map change
Scope: Everyone
Description: There are just over 3000 active characters in the game currently likely counting a significant percentage of alts and zergs. Shrinking the map by eliminating the outer first two rings of suburbs would increase the amount of interactions between the remaining characters. This shrink could be increased or decreased depending on future changes to the playerbase.

Discussion (Shrink the map)

Action Points

Timestamp: User:Wolldog1 10:07, 26 July 26, 2022
Type: Action Points Increase Regeneration Rate
Scope: Everyone
Description: Due to the passage of time with mobile games and other real time action games without restriction, I think that we should address the action points system of the game. This game can only realistically be played for 5 minutes a day. So it's not really a seller for new blood. If we want to see this game survive it needs to evolve into something more exciting than 5 minutes. My suggestion is double the regeneration rate to improve activity. I love this game. I want to play it more. And the die hard fans I'm sure feel the same. More will go on in a day, sure. But that's for both sides. We're ready for it. Let's get this game moving again. We need this.

Discussion (Action Points)


Timestamp: RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 19:10, 23 July 2022 (UTC)
Type: Survivor Item
Scope: Survivors
Description: Portable drone, found in mall tech stores, which are pointless as we all know. Encumbrance is 10%. When activated for 15ap they provide an image of a 10x10 grid centred on the survivor, showing the current outside status of all blocks including zombies, survivors and dead bodies. Like DNA scanners, Drones are multi use.

Discussion (Drone)

Would there be a message displayed to the players to the effect of "there's a drone buzzing overhead", similar to a flare? --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 02:19, 24 July 2022 (UTC)


Timestamp: Wild Crazy (talk) 20:55, 20 September 2021 (UTC)
Type: New item
Scope: Survivors
Description: This will be a new item found in schools with a 2% find rate and sports stores with a 4% find rate. The low numbers are because, like a flak jacket, once you find it you have it forever. It increases you encumbrance by 30%. However, you can't use an item that is in your backpack until you remove it from the backpack. It costs one AP to add an item to your backpack and one AP to remove an item. An item affects your regular encumbrance until added to the backpack. Items such as GPS, radios, cell phones, and flak jacket do not work when in your backpack. Items in your backpack will not be shown in your inventory, but the backpack itself will be shown in your inventory. There will be a drop box next to the word backpack that shows all the items inside. When you click on an item in that drop box, it removes it from your backpack (1 AP).

Q: Wouldn't this buff survivors, since they can carry more bullets and kill more zombies?

A: Since it costs an AP to add and remove an item, it wastes a lot of AP to put bullet clips in your backpack if you are planning on using them right away.

Q: If it wastes AP, what is the point?

A: It will be useful if you want to carry around an extra stash of items, such as FAKs and Revivification Syringes, or if you are going far away from any resource buildings and need some extra supplies.

Please give your thoughts.

Discussion (Backpack)