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===Ignore based on Radio Broadcast===
===Change in Graffiti Defilement Mechanics===
|'''Timestamp:''' [[User:Lpha|Lpha]] 03:45, 25 April 2013 (BST)
|'''Timestamp:''' [[User:Khwud|Khwud]] ([[User talk:Khwud|talk]]) 17:27, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
|'''Type:''' Change in Game Mechanics
|'''Type:''' UI enhancement
|'''Scope:''' All zombies and survivors in Malton.
|'''Scope:''' Interface
|'''Description:''' Currently, defiling graffiti is a strange buisness. Sometimes, nearly all of the characters are obscured. Sometimes, only one or two are. Sometimes, the obscured letters are on the left sided of the message, and other times they are on the right side. This can allow graffiti to remain legible after defilement, and the zombie must spend one action point to re-defile the graffiti.
|'''Description:''' Allow 'ignore' from radio broadcasts; users are hiding behind their anonymity to allow them to broadcast things that would broadly trigger them to be ignored, if their user ID was visible. Adding their name, or an auto-generated call-sign (it is for a radio, after all) or something so that they could be blocked based on their broadcasts would help user experience. In addition, and broadcasts that get more than a threshold number could get tagged for review, and the user potentially having their (in-game) ham-license revoked.
This new system would ensure that graffiti is always unreadable after being defiled. Currently, when defiling graffiti, there is a chance that each letter, number, or symbol will be replaced with unintelligable gore. The system that I am proposing is a little different. When a zombie decides to defile a message spraypainted on a wall, the message would be defiled into five-character, spaces included, chunks. For example, "Kill because fuck you" would be divided into "Kill -becau-se fu-ck yo-u" with - representing the gaps between the chunks. Next, the chunks will be numbered chunk one, chunk two, and so on. Next, in the odd numbered chunks, three characters, not including spaces, would be substituted by random markings and in even numbered chunks, two characters, also not including spaces, would be replaced by random symbols. If a chunk contains nothing but spaces, nothing in that chunk would be turned into random symbols. However, at least one non-space character would always remain legible. "Kill because fuck you" might become "%i*@ @e#au%e f*c# %*u". As you can see, this suggestion spreads out the defiled letters and makes it harder to understand defiled print without substancially increasing the number of defiled characters. Thank you for taking the time to consider my suggestion.
====Discussion (Change in Graffiti Defilement Mechanics)====
====Discussion (Ignore based on Radio Broadcast)====
===Shrink the map===
===Feast Call===
|'''Timestamp:''' <span style="background:cyan; border:dashed 3px lime">[[User:Jebidijed|Jebidijed]]</span> 12:23 21 April 2013 (BST)
|'''Timestamp:''' --[[User:Uroguy|Uroguy]]<sup>[[Zookeepers|TMZ]]</sup> 16:28, 14 February 2023 (UTC)
|'''Type:''' Zombie Skill
|'''Type:''' Map change
|'''Scope:''' Zombies
|'''Scope:''' Everyone
|'''Description:''' A child move of Bellow, Feast Call is a zombie move that will make harman jaws drop down to the ground. If met with a total of 35 humans or more in the surrounding or current block that you are at, using Feast Call will allow zombies to let out a massive scream that can be heard up to 12 blocks away. Not only does it alert zombies near and far, it also gives the zombies that hear the call an extra 5% chance to hit someone with all non-weapon attacks, which lasts until 20 AP is used up by the zombies who heard the call. It costs 15 AP to do the call, due to how much air it takes from your lungs. Actually doing the call does not count as using 15 of the 20 AP for the extra 5% hit chance.
|'''Description:''' There are just over 3000 active characters in the game currently likely counting a significant percentage of alts and zergs. Shrinking the map by eliminating the outer first two rings of suburbs would increase the amount of interactions between the remaining characters. This shrink could be increased or decreased depending on future changes to the playerbase.
====Discussion (Shrink the map)====
For zombies who heard the call from afar: You heard a loud scream coming from an area, (# of blocks N,S, and/or # of blocks W,E, and time it occured) reinvigorating your senses and motivating you to kill humans.
For zombies who heard the call at their current block: You heard a loud scream that came from nearby, energizing your thoughts and motivating you to feast on flesh. (time it occured)
For the zombie who makes the call: You let out a huge scream, invigorating your senses, but tiring your lungs.
For the zombie who attempts to make the call, but bellows instead: You are not enraged enough to let out such a scream of that size, but instead bellow to lead nearby zombies this way.
For the zombie who attempts to make the call, but groans instead: You are not nearly angry enough to scream that loudly, so you threateningly groan instead, attracting the zombies who heard the groan.
====Discussion (Feast Call)====
An option (which would eliminate the last few examples you give) is to make the button for the call appear only when 35 or more survivors are in the block. That way, no one would attempt the call accidentally. {{User:Bob Moncrief/Sig}} 00:49, 22 April 2013 (BST)
:^^^ This. Bellow and Groan both do that already, since you can't Groan unless there is someone there, and you can't Bellow until there are enough survivors there. I don't know why this skill would behave differently. {{User:Aichon/Signature}} 01:31, 22 April 2013 (BST)
Bellow already gets used infrequently enough as it is, so I don't see the need for a further skill (I've personally only seen 3-4 Bellows used in the last year, but maybe because that's I don't hang around malls and forts much). Beyond that, however, I think this is a zombie buff that zombies don't need, since they already have the upper hand in the sorts of situations in which this would be used. There's a reason sieges don't last for more than a few days or a week nowadays. While zombies do need to be buffed ''overall'', survivors are the ones who need to be buffed when it comes to situations where you have a lot of players on both sides of the barricade, and I think that's mostly an issue of tweaking barricade interference to be stronger at the low end and weaker at the high end. {{User:Aichon/Signature}} 01:31, 22 April 2013 (BST)
If you try to bellow when there are not enough survivors, you groan instead, so why not add that mechanic to Feast Call anyway? Besides, it will cost as much as the respective guttural call, Bellow would cost as much as it should and Feeding Groan would cost as much as it would. Why would I make it so that it would cost 15 AP for all of the zombie noises?

===Action Points===
|'''Timestamp:''' 20:39 18 April 2013 (BST) <span style="background:cyan; border:dashed 3px lime">[[User:Jebidijed|Jebidijed]]</span>
|'''Timestamp:''' [[User:Wolldog1]] 10:07, 26 July 26, 2022
|'''Type:''' Game Mechanic
|'''Type:''' Action Points Increase Regeneration Rate
|'''Scope:''' Zombies + Survivors
|'''Scope:''' Everyone
|'''Description:''' What I think is that zombies and survivors should feel a quite bit uncomfortable after being revivified 5 times, after taking about 40 damage, and after being fed upon. What it does is that it makes your hit chance 10% off and makes it more difficult to hit your target. This lasts for 8 AP until you regain your regular accuracy.
|'''Description:''' Due to the passage of time with mobile games and other real time action games without restriction,  I think that we should address the action points system of the game. This game can only realistically be played for 5 minutes a day. So it's not really a seller for new blood. If we want to see this game survive it needs to evolve into something more exciting than 5 minutes. My suggestion is double the regeneration rate to improve activity. I love this game. I want to play it more. And the die hard fans I'm sure feel the same. More will go on in a day, sure. But that's for both sides. We're ready for it. Let's get this game moving again. We need this.
====Discussion (Action Points)====
Revivified: As you stand up, alive once again, you feel slightly nauseated and want to lie down again as you were before.
Taken Damage: You have been heavily beaten upon and are riddled with bruises, scrapes, and other various orifices. You feel woozy and want to rest for a while.
Fed Upon: You feel blood running down your torso in various places, and you can see deep bite marks riddled upon your body. You would rather sit down to relax, rather than go any further.
====Discussion (Wooziness)====
I'd switch it to just be with revivification, and make it happen every time, rather than after 5 times. And make it wear off after 10 AP instead. Call it Revive Sickness or something. Anyone who's played WoW or some of the other MMOs is already familiar with the concept of "Rez Sickness" after dying in those games, and this would be similar in effect. {{User:Aichon/Signature}} 21:53, 18 April 2013 (BST)

|'''Timestamp:''' 17:44 15 april 2013 BST
|'''Timestamp:''' [[User:Rosslessness|<span style="color: MidnightBlue ">R</span><span style="color: Navy">o</span><span style="color: DarkBlue">s</span><span style="color: MediumBlue">s</span><span style="color: RoyalBlue"></span>]][[User_Talk:Rosslessness|<span style="color: RoyalBlue">l</span><span style="color: CornflowerBlue">e</span><span style="color: SkyBlue">s</span><span style="color: LightskyBlue">s</span>]][[User_Talk:Rosslessness/Quiz|<span style="color: LightBlue">n</span><span style="color: PowderBlue">e</span>]][[Monroeville Many|<span style="color: PaleTurquoise">s</span>]][[The Great Suburb Group Massacre|<span style="color: PaleTurquoise">s</span>]]<sup>[[Location Page Building Toolkit|<span style="color: DarkRed">Want a Location Image?]] </span> </sup>  19:10, 23 July 2022 (UTC)
|'''Type:''' New skill
|'''Type:''' Survivor Item
|'''Scope:''' Zombies and survivors
|'''Scope:''' Survivors
|'''Description:''' Survivor grapple: A skill for survivors that allows them to grapple a zombie, preventing it from moving or attacking until the zombie escapes their grasp. A human may spend 1 AP to tackle the zombie and pin it against a wall or some rubble, either allowing allies to escape, or allowing them more accurate shots (plus 10%) against the grappled zombie. A grappled zombie may spend 2 AP (1 with lurching gait) to try and escape (50% chance, still costing AP if failed)
|'''Description:''' Portable drone, found in mall tech stores, which are pointless as we all know. Encumbrance is 10%. When activated for 15ap they provide an image of a 10x10 grid centred on the survivor, showing the current outside status of all blocks including zombies, survivors and dead bodies. Like DNA scanners, Drones are multi use.
A zombie with the equivalent skill can grapple a survivor, granting aditional accuracy to their own bites, all attacks against the human and hurting them for 1 HP if they fail to escape.
example messages:
"You slam into the zombie, grabbing it's wrists and restraining it."
" The zombie wriggles in your grasp, but fails to escape"
" The zombie violently throws you off, escaping your grasp"
" You leap at a survivor, landing on it heavily. they are in your grasp"
" The survivor wriggles and shouts, but your grip holds firm, their skin tearing slightly as your nails dig in"
" The survivor moves with startling speed, throwing you off and running out of reach"
" You are bowled over as a zombie leaps on you, it's powerful grasp keeping you from moving"
" You struggle against the zombies grip, and think you've escaped, but it grips harder, nails cutting into your skin"
" You push the zombie off with your feet and frantically dash out of reach"
" You smell the zombies rancid breath as it opens it's mouth to bite you"
" A zombie prepares to strike you, and you are to pinned down to dodge it's attack"
" A daring human slams into you, pinning you against a wall/some rubble/ a table, restricting your movement"
" You shake, but the human has a strong grip"
" You throw the human off you violently, escaping its grasp"
" A human takes aim at you, and your restricted movement makes you an easy target"
====Discussion (Grapple)====
====Discussion (Drone)====
So it's an op version of [[Feeding Drag]] for all characters? (Not sure which skill it resembles, but Feeding Drag seems to be the most like it.) <span style="background:cyan; border:dashed 3px lime">[[User:Jebidijed|Jebidijed]]</span> 8:22 AM, 6 April 2013 (EST) 3:54 PM, April 15th 2013 (EST)
Would there be a message displayed to the players to the effect of "there's a drone buzzing overhead", similar to a flare? --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 02:19, 24 July 2022 (UTC)
In just about every zombie apocalypse story, including Urban Dead, the undead are the ones who are grabbing survivors, and the survivors are the ones trying to stay the hell out of biting range. Therefore: <br>
1) Why the heck would grappling a zombie, which is stronger than a human, give you a better shot at it? Shouldn't it be the complete inverse? It's harder to use a gun when you're busy hugging it AND the zombie gets easier access to your vital organs. <br>
2) Basic logic should also dictate that tackling a zombie would be a self-sacrificial thing, not an offensive strategy. <br>
3) For the zombie side of this suggestion, Tangling grasp already does all of this. This is a pointless duplicate of an existing feature. <br>
4) Speaking of which, this means that the survivor side of this is Tangling Grasp For Survivors, which is just... stupid. See point #1, the zombies want to grab you, you don't want to grab them unless you have a deathwish, as per point #2. <br>
5) And again speaking of tangling grasp, this is far more powerful than tangling grasp and is therefore probably overpowered. <br>
6) If you really want to keep a zombie from moving or attacking, how about just killing and dumping it? Seriously. <br>
I would suggest modifying this suggestion along the lines of #2 to make it a sacrificial sort of thing. Of course, *that* kind of ability would lend itself too well to zerging, so you may want to forget about this whole idea altogether. --[[User:RadicalWhig|RadicalWhig]] 23:56, 15 April 2013 (BST)

===Free running out of ruined buildingd===
|'''Timestamp:''' [[User:Paynetrain|<font size="4" face="Matura MT Script Capitals" color="red">Payne</font>]][[User talk:Paynetrain|<font size="4" face="Matura MT Script Capitals" color="blue">Train</font>]] 14:04, 11 April 2013 (BST)
|'''Timestamp:''' [[User:Wild Crazy|Wild Crazy]] ([[User talk:Wild Crazy|talk]]) 20:55, 20 September 2021 (UTC)
|'''Type:''' game mechanic?i think..
|'''Type:''' New item
|'''Scope:''' zombies/survivors
|'''Scope:''' Survivors
|'''Description:''' even after ruining a building survivors can free run out of the building,but not come back in because it's too damaged?what the fuck is up with that?
|'''Description:''' This will be a new item found in schools with a 2% find rate and sports stores with a 4% find rate. The low numbers are because, like a flak jacket, once you find it you have it forever. It increases you encumbrance by 30%. However, you can't use an item that is in your backpack until you remove it from the backpack. It costs one AP to add an item to your backpack and one AP to remove an item. An item affects your regular encumbrance until added to the backpack. Items such as GPS, radios, cell phones, and flak jacket do not work when in your backpack. Items in your backpack will not be shown in your inventory, but the backpack itself will be shown in your inventory. There will be a drop box next to the word backpack that shows all the items inside. When you click on an item in that drop box, it removes it from your backpack (1 AP).
Q: Wouldn't this buff survivors, since they can carry more bullets and kill more zombies?
A: Since it costs an AP to add and remove an item, it wastes a lot of AP to put bullet clips in your backpack if you are planning on using them right away.

So my suggestion basically states that the Harmanz should be given a 70% chance of failing when free running out of ruined buildings as the buildings can still act as Entry points even if they are ruined,which kind of ruins the point of ruining.
====Discussion (Free running out of ruined buildingd)====
I've always liked it how it is. It's a nice balance, in that as zombies ruin a suburb, it gives survivors more of a chance to get indoors. Plus, doing it this way would effectively allow zombies to create clusters of buildings that are effectively pinatas. I.e. Surround an area of blocks that are EHB with ruins and suddenly no one can get into those buildings until the ruins are repaired or the EHB 'cades are broken down. While an interesting idea, I think it's a bit ludicrous that it could actually work. {{User:Aichon/Signature}} 18:03, 11 April 2013 (BST)
:There are some unorthodox survivor tactics built around the ability to freerun out of ruined buildings, such as the [[Roftwood Barricade Plan]] which relies on permanently ruined dark buildings as entry points. Changing that mechanic would just take away that angle without adding a new one. Make the game more fun, not less. --'''<span style="font-family:monospace; background-color:#222222">[[User:Spiderzed|<span style="color:Lime"> Spiderzed</span>]][[User talk:Spiderzed|<span style="color:Lime">█ </span>]]</span>''' 18:16, 13 April 2013 (BST)
::i know that,but i was just thinking that a shift in balance is required in favor of zeds rather than in favor of survivors,i mean almost all the suggestions or implementations have been made in favor of survivors,right. 1 of the basic reason's for ruining buildings is to obstruct free running,isn't it?so i feel this is a good suggestion--[[User:Paynetrain|<font size="4" face="Matura MT Script Capitals" color="red">Payne</font>]][[User talk:Paynetrain|<font size="4" face="Matura MT Script Capitals" color="blue">Train</font>]]<sup>'''([[NWO]]/[[FU]])'''</sup> 07:11, 14 April 2013 (BST)
I like this. It makes a lot of in-universe sense, and it would prevent populated suburbs from completely shrugging off or even benefiting from (in the case of overcading) small-scale zombie attacks, which is a huge peeve of mine. However, I think you may want to nerf this from the "no free running at all" to a 50% chance of fall out of the building/50% chance to free run normally, or something along these lines, to keep this from being too frustrating in heavily ruined burbs. --[[User:RadicalWhig|RadicalWhig]] 23:40, 15 April 2013 (BST)

:Thankyou,i have taken a part of your suggestion and pimped it into mine...--[[User:Paynetrain|<font size="4" face="Matura MT Script Capitals" color="red">Payne</font>]][[User talk:Paynetrain|<font size="4" face="Matura MT Script Capitals" color="blue">Train</font>]]<sup>'''([[NWO]]/[[FU]])'''</sup> 19:18, 25 April 2013 (BST)
Q: If it wastes AP, what is the point?

==Suggestions up for voting==
A: It will be useful if you want to carry around an extra stash of items, such as FAKs and Revivification Syringes, or if you are going far away from any resource buildings and need some extra supplies.
The following are suggestions that were developed here but have since gone to voting. The discussions that were taking place here have been moved to the pages linked below.

'''[[Suggestion:20130425 Door destruction|Door destruction]]'''
Please give your thoughts.
:<small>by [[User:Paynetrain|<font size="4" face="Matura MT Script Capitals" color="red">Payne</font>]][[User talk:Paynetrain|<font size="4" face="Matura MT Script Capitals" color="blue">Train</font>]]<sup>'''([[NWO]]/[[FU]])'''</sup> at 19:05, 25 April 2013 (BST) </small>

'''[[Suggestion:20130406 Add Rage to Malton|Add Rage to Malton]]'''
:<small>by '''<span style="font-family:monospace; background-color:#222222">[[User:Spiderzed|<span style="color:Lime"> Spiderzed</span>]][[User talk:Spiderzed|<span style="color:Lime">█ </span>]]</span>''' at 16:49, 6 April 2013 (BST) </small>
====Discussion (Backpack)====

Latest revision as of 17:27, 8 July 2024

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This section is for general discussion of suggestions for the game Urban Dead.

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  • Scope is who or what the suggestion affects. Typically survivors or zombies (or both), but occasionally Malton, the game interface or something else.
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Ignore based on Radio Broadcast

Timestamp: Khwud (talk) 17:27, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
Type: UI enhancement
Scope: Interface
Description: Allow 'ignore' from radio broadcasts; users are hiding behind their anonymity to allow them to broadcast things that would broadly trigger them to be ignored, if their user ID was visible. Adding their name, or an auto-generated call-sign (it is for a radio, after all) or something so that they could be blocked based on their broadcasts would help user experience. In addition, and broadcasts that get more than a threshold number could get tagged for review, and the user potentially having their (in-game) ham-license revoked.

Discussion (Ignore based on Radio Broadcast)

Shrink the map

Timestamp: --UroguyTMZ 16:28, 14 February 2023 (UTC)
Type: Map change
Scope: Everyone
Description: There are just over 3000 active characters in the game currently likely counting a significant percentage of alts and zergs. Shrinking the map by eliminating the outer first two rings of suburbs would increase the amount of interactions between the remaining characters. This shrink could be increased or decreased depending on future changes to the playerbase.

Discussion (Shrink the map)

Action Points

Timestamp: User:Wolldog1 10:07, 26 July 26, 2022
Type: Action Points Increase Regeneration Rate
Scope: Everyone
Description: Due to the passage of time with mobile games and other real time action games without restriction, I think that we should address the action points system of the game. This game can only realistically be played for 5 minutes a day. So it's not really a seller for new blood. If we want to see this game survive it needs to evolve into something more exciting than 5 minutes. My suggestion is double the regeneration rate to improve activity. I love this game. I want to play it more. And the die hard fans I'm sure feel the same. More will go on in a day, sure. But that's for both sides. We're ready for it. Let's get this game moving again. We need this.

Discussion (Action Points)


Timestamp: RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 19:10, 23 July 2022 (UTC)
Type: Survivor Item
Scope: Survivors
Description: Portable drone, found in mall tech stores, which are pointless as we all know. Encumbrance is 10%. When activated for 15ap they provide an image of a 10x10 grid centred on the survivor, showing the current outside status of all blocks including zombies, survivors and dead bodies. Like DNA scanners, Drones are multi use.

Discussion (Drone)

Would there be a message displayed to the players to the effect of "there's a drone buzzing overhead", similar to a flare? --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 02:19, 24 July 2022 (UTC)


Timestamp: Wild Crazy (talk) 20:55, 20 September 2021 (UTC)
Type: New item
Scope: Survivors
Description: This will be a new item found in schools with a 2% find rate and sports stores with a 4% find rate. The low numbers are because, like a flak jacket, once you find it you have it forever. It increases you encumbrance by 30%. However, you can't use an item that is in your backpack until you remove it from the backpack. It costs one AP to add an item to your backpack and one AP to remove an item. An item affects your regular encumbrance until added to the backpack. Items such as GPS, radios, cell phones, and flak jacket do not work when in your backpack. Items in your backpack will not be shown in your inventory, but the backpack itself will be shown in your inventory. There will be a drop box next to the word backpack that shows all the items inside. When you click on an item in that drop box, it removes it from your backpack (1 AP).

Q: Wouldn't this buff survivors, since they can carry more bullets and kill more zombies?

A: Since it costs an AP to add and remove an item, it wastes a lot of AP to put bullet clips in your backpack if you are planning on using them right away.

Q: If it wastes AP, what is the point?

A: It will be useful if you want to carry around an extra stash of items, such as FAKs and Revivification Syringes, or if you are going far away from any resource buildings and need some extra supplies.

Please give your thoughts.

Discussion (Backpack)