UDWiki:Administration/Arbitration/JebJ vs Kirsty Cotton: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Kirsty's replies to Jeb: sorry that reads odd, I wasn't sure whether Jeb was a him or her, so I avoided pronouns)
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==Kirsty's replies to Jeb==
==Kirsty's replies to Jeb==
My issue is not with bringing Meany into line with the desires of the community.  As far as I can tell, the only member of the community asked an opinion on the change was Aichon.  Even at this point, we aren't asking for opinions of the community, Jeb is asking the arbitration process to force the image to be removed.  I cannot imagine how anyone could think the image is sexual in nature.  Want to call it misogynistic? Not really, but I can see why (although really that's personal bias saying big breasts must equal stupid). Sexual? No. And apparently the image is why we are here:
{{quote|Jeb|And even if we were to judge this content to be valid RP, the image that is included (which is really what’s at issue here) does not even follow the story in the text.}}
I could believe the woman was a former hooker, she appears to be working on a car.  That is the story.
{{quote|Jeb|Rather than depicting a sexy mechanically-inclined woman expertly fixing a car, it depicts a woman who is clearly not dressed as a mechanic, and who cannot aptly work on a car due to the size of her breasts. Not only does this demean women by implying they cannot work in traditionally male fields, it conflicts with the rather thin story, making it a perfect candidate for removal.}}
Are there specific clothing that must be worn by a mechanic?  At a certain breast size are you no longer allowed to be a mechanic?  The only implication that women cannot work in traditionally male fields is Jeb's assertion that because the woman in the image isn't wearing what Jeb thinks she should and that Jeb thinks her breast are too large for her to have any skill as a mechanic. 
I did note in the clarification section Jeb did not include this RP "rule" from his source: Don’t flirt with/molest non-smut-characters to extreme extents.  Meany is certainly not extreme and it is not forced on anyone.  Don't like it, don't look at it.  This one was also missing: Don’t try to change how someone else RP’s a character due to personal preference only.  Although in this case, it's a location history rather than a character, there seems no reason a similar sentiment wouldn't apply. It would have been easy to post on the talk asking about changing the page, see if anyone objects and base a decision on that, but that isn't what happened.  It would have been slightly more difficult to simply find an acceptable image, tweak the story and leave the page in a similar condition minus the "offensive" material.  Inside, Jeb went the option of just deleting what offended Jeb. --<sub>[[User:Kirsty_cotton|<span style="color: lightgrey">K</span>]]</sub> 07:15, 13 December 2014 (UTC)

Revision as of 07:15, 13 December 2014

JebJ v. Kirsty Cotton

I would like to request arbitration for the Meany Auto Repair page. User Kirsty Cotton - http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/User_talk:Kirsty_cotton - and I are having a disagreement over whether a particular photo should be included there. I argue that the photo (and the associated text) is potentially offensive, and unnecessary to keep in the wiki (an opinion shared by Aichon - http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/User_talk:Thanatologist#JebJ), whereas Kirsty believes that the photo and text add needed flavor to the game/wiki. JebJ (talk) 12:06, 17 November 2014 (UTC)

Interesting case. I would be happy to arbitrate this case. A ZOMBIE ANT 22:24, 17 November 2014 (UTC)

I accept DDR. --K 04:39, 18 November 2014 (UTC)
Sounds good to me. JebJ (talk) 13:04, 18 November 2014 (UTC)

Well, that was just about the quickest setup to arbitration I've ever seen. DDR knows what to do next. Aichon 15:12, 18 November 2014 (UTC)

Really! Really? Really. Sometimes I do wonder about this wiki. --Rosslessness 21:57, 18 November 2014 (UTC)

Where did you find that private picture of ME!?!? --Sally A. Summers i Ω i 01:55, 19 November 2014 (UTC)

Clearly the fair solution to this is to also include a picture of a massive wab there too. Simple. Strength is just an accident arising from the weakness of others 23:55, 19 November 2014 (UTC)

Soooo... is something happening with this? JebJ (talk) 03:35, 3 December 2014 (UTC)

You should poke your arbitrator's talk page. If he's not responding for some reason, you two may want to select a different arbitrator. Aichon 08:14, 3 December 2014 (UTC)

Ugh. I am so sorry to both of you, I had a fire in my house a month ago and all my computing gear got taken by insurance to be restored/replaced. So I completely forgot to pop into a lot of places on the web. My apologies to both of you. I am going overseas and won't have internet access until the 14th so I guess it's for the best if you choose a new arbitrator. Apologies again guys and the best of luck to both of you. A ZOMBIE ANT 00:28, 4 December 2014 (UTC)

Eeep! Sorry to hear about that, DDR! Best of luck getting everything straightened out. Insurance can be a bear to deal with. JebJ (talk) 12:26, 4 December 2014 (UTC)

I offer to arbitrate. ~Vsig.png 02:25, 4 December 2014 (UTC)

Sounds fine to me. JebJ (talk) 12:26, 4 December 2014 (UTC)
Sure. --K 21:39, 4 December 2014 (UTC)

I will get this started just as soon as I get to a computer (don't want to do it on my mobile). In the meantime, if either of you want another user to represent you, please start on that. If not, just post here and I will get the abry page proper created and begin arbitration. ~Vsig.png 00:02, 6 December 2014 (UTC)

I'm fine representing myself. JebJ (talk) 11:48, 6 December 2014 (UTC)
Very well. If Kirsty also wants to represent herself, then I will begin arbitration. ~Vsig.png 17:59, 6 December 2014 (UTC)
Yeah, I'm good. --K 13:43, 7 December 2014 (UTC)

Ok, let's get this started. Below, I have started separate headers for you to use to state your case. Please provide links to any examples, policy or precedent which you feel supports your case. After you have both stated your case, you will then have an opportunity to reply using headers that I will create. If you are not Jeb or Kirsty, please do not comment on this case. Use the talk page if you want to discuss it. Any comments from other users, especially those misogynic in nature, will be moved to the discussion page and will not be considered during my ruling. Good luck to you both.


JebJ's statements

A wiki that disallows content only if it meets a standard of “direct attack/threat” – as asserted by Kristy – is one that can be ruled by content of almost any kind, masquerading as “role-playing.” In his famous quote, Samuel Johnson admonished us that we should not tolerate those who claim an identity (in his case, patriot; in this case, RP enthusiast) as their last refuge in a time when no other identity will protect them. In that spirit, I encourage people to think more broadly. We would not (I hope) approve of a page based on offensive stereotypes of members of a particular race, religion, or sexual orientation. In the same way, we should not accept one which stereotypes based on sex.

To say that this location should be protected as valid RP fails to take into account what most RP is, which is a coherent portrayal of characters or situations. Rather than being a nuanced (or realistic, or engaging, or enlightening) portrayal of the history of a location, and its former/current inhabitants, Meany Auto Repair instead represents a male fantasy of what women “should” be like: primarily, to be sexually attractive and available to men. The current text even acknowledges this fantasy by inviting the reader to “imagine [their] preferred size” of the breasts possessed by the women in the account. This is not RP – it is a sexual fantasy.

And even if we were to judge this content to be valid RP, the image that is included (which is really what’s at issue here) does not even follow the story in the text. Rather than depicting a sexy mechanically-inclined woman expertly fixing a car, it depicts a woman who is clearly not dressed as a mechanic, and who cannot aptly work on a car due to the size of her breasts. Not only does this demean women by implying they cannot work in traditionally male fields, it conflicts with the rather thin story, making it a perfect candidate for removal.

In terms of precedents, I began checking the wiki pages of auto repair shops, and even after finishing just the “A” and “B” entries, I had already encountered a wealth of different approaches for how to create RP surrounding what might be an otherwise mundane building. I came across several locations with descriptions of their shopsand the local area, but I also came across a pro-zombie repair shop, two feuding auto repair shops with similar names - Bythese Auto Repair and Bythesea Auto Repair - and even a brewery masquerading as a repair shop . These are all fun in their own way, and add an enjoyable element to the game which doesn’t demean anyone. Even the two entries I found which featured obvious sexual content - Blaxall Auto Repair and Bently Auto Repair - were fairly neutral, and provided no sexually-themed photographs to accompany the text. So, even in terms of other auto repair shops, Meany is an outlier, to say nothing of when we compare it with the thousands of existing pages, the majority of which have no offensive content, and which actually add something interesting to the game.

To sum up, the Meany page suffers from content that is offensive, yes, but perhaps even greater is its failure to meet basic RP standards, or to be in line with other similar pages elsewhere in the wiki. I move that the photo be removed, and that the community be allowed to decide what to do about the text. JebJ (talk) 22:16, 10 December 2014 (UTC)

Kirsty Cotton's statements

With brevity? I'd like to first point to the responses on this page, which seem to indicate a general "wtf". The UD Wiki is based on user provided content, in this case: a tongue-in-cheek description of the previous(?) residents of a specific location within Malton. This is generally accepted behavior. However, the issue appears to be potential offensiveness. The wiki has historically sided that civility or offensiveness be judged on whether it is acceptable roleplaying versus a direct attack/threat. This is clearly a bit of RP, certainly not directed at any single individual or even presented in any manner other than joking. Therefore, I object to it's simple removal in the name of censorship of potentially offensive materials. As for the image specifically, I can find no better explanation for that image than the story already attached to it. Being a public page and I not being the original author, I have no problem with a change that improves the page and makes changes to any potentially offensive material, but simply removing relevant aspects of the page is not improvement. --K 23:50, 8 December 2014 (UTC)


Before I open this up for you to reply to one another, I want to ask for a few points of clarification. Your answers to these questions will help me come to a ruling. Just reply under the headers below. ~Vsig.png 00:23, 11 December 2014 (UTC)

Vapor's questions to Jeb

You said that the article "...fail[s] to meet basic RP standards...". Other than your own definition of Role Playing, could you point to any other standards to which editors should follow when injecting RP into UDWiki articles? ~Vsig.png 00:23, 11 December 2014 (UTC)

Most true RP takes the form of people who portray, in text form, stories which are consistent with the world they've chosen. There's a lot of different standards that could apply to RP, depending on how you want to play a character, but this is a pretty good list. To give a summary:
- RP realistically: Make sure that the things you have your character say and do are consistent with the world in which they live. So, no god-mode, no crazy-unlikely feats, etc.
- RP in-character: Don't bring a bunch of stuff into a world that isn't appropriate there, especially things from the "real" world
- RP consistently: Don't change your character dramatically from session to session - one day s/he is outgoing and happy, the next brooding and shy, etc.
- RP in a (user-)friendly way: Don't assume relationships with other people, don't force relationships on other people, don't harass other people, respect people's limits
- RP respectfully: Don't judge people, don't interrupt people, don't bother people, etc.
- RP understandably: Make sure your writing is spelled correctly, and grammatically correct
JebJ (talk) 04:45, 13 December 2014 (UTC)

Vapor's questions to Kirsty

Can you provide examples to substantiate your statement, "The wiki has historically sided that civility or offensiveness be judged on whether it is acceptable roleplaying versus a direct attack/threat."? ~Vsig.png 00:23, 11 December 2014 (UTC)

Sure I'll take a stab at it.

I don't think you were also asking for examples of the direct attack or threat being removed, but I'll try to round up one or two if you were? I recognize, not everything I listed has the same "not deleted" status as CK, but I think the lack of attempts should generally show the wiki's sensibilities. --K 22:30, 11 December 2014 (UTC)

I was more curious to see specific examples where something potentially offensive was being judged on weather it was role play or a direct attack. I think maybe your intent behind the statement is clear. But if you can find a specific example, I'd like to see it. Or if you want to clarify your statement you could do that here. ~Vsig.png 01:09, 12 December 2014 (UTC)
Some clarification possibly... Offensive material is generally acceptable unless it: is grossly inappropriate, is used to harass or antagonize, is criminal or a violation of the wiki TOS, is not relevant to UD or the wiki. That might be better? --K 04:18, 12 December 2014 (UTC)

Thank you for your points of clarification. During the next stage of arbitration, you may reply to o.e another. Use the headers below to add any counter-arguments you may have. You may comment on any part of the statements above, including statements made in reply to my questions above. ~Vsig.png 05:21, 13 December 2014 (UTC)

Jeb's replies to Kirsty

Kirsty's replies to Jeb

My issue is not with bringing Meany into line with the desires of the community. As far as I can tell, the only member of the community asked an opinion on the change was Aichon. Even at this point, we aren't asking for opinions of the community, Jeb is asking the arbitration process to force the image to be removed. I cannot imagine how anyone could think the image is sexual in nature. Want to call it misogynistic? Not really, but I can see why (although really that's personal bias saying big breasts must equal stupid). Sexual? No. And apparently the image is why we are here:

Jeb said:
And even if we were to judge this content to be valid RP, the image that is included (which is really what’s at issue here) does not even follow the story in the text.

I could believe the woman was a former hooker, she appears to be working on a car. That is the story.

Jeb said:
Rather than depicting a sexy mechanically-inclined woman expertly fixing a car, it depicts a woman who is clearly not dressed as a mechanic, and who cannot aptly work on a car due to the size of her breasts. Not only does this demean women by implying they cannot work in traditionally male fields, it conflicts with the rather thin story, making it a perfect candidate for removal.

Are there specific clothing that must be worn by a mechanic? At a certain breast size are you no longer allowed to be a mechanic? The only implication that women cannot work in traditionally male fields is Jeb's assertion that because the woman in the image isn't wearing what Jeb thinks she should and that Jeb thinks her breast are too large for her to have any skill as a mechanic.

I did note in the clarification section Jeb did not include this RP "rule" from his source: Don’t flirt with/molest non-smut-characters to extreme extents. Meany is certainly not extreme and it is not forced on anyone. Don't like it, don't look at it. This one was also missing: Don’t try to change how someone else RP’s a character due to personal preference only. Although in this case, it's a location history rather than a character, there seems no reason a similar sentiment wouldn't apply. It would have been easy to post on the talk asking about changing the page, see if anyone objects and base a decision on that, but that isn't what happened. It would have been slightly more difficult to simply find an acceptable image, tweak the story and leave the page in a similar condition minus the "offensive" material. Inside, Jeb went the option of just deleting what offended Jeb. --K 07:15, 13 December 2014 (UTC)