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That is all.[[Image:CursorBlink.gif]]<br><br>
That is all.[[Image:CursorBlink.gif]]<br><br>
==<font color="#E1A201">'''Test Subject: ZIPO'''</font>==
Test answers:
01 A<br>
02 S<br>
03 E<br>
04 C<br>
05 A<br>
06 K<br>
07 E<br>
08 N<br>
09 N<br>
10A A<br>
11 A<br>
12 H<br>
13 U<br>
--[[User:ZIPO|ZIPO]] 04:02, 21 February 2009 (UTC)

==<font color="#E1A201">'''Test Subject: VI'''</font>==
==<font color="#E1A201">'''Test Subject: VI'''</font>==

Revision as of 04:02, 21 February 2009

ALICE.png A.L.I.C.E. - NecroNet 2.0
Greetings human. If you are here to lodge a formal complaint about A.L.I.C.E. due to her verbal abuse, thinly-veiled threats, conspiracies, or other highly-illegal activities then you have come to the correct location. Please lodge your complaint below in the appropriate section and I will see that it is properly processed for spelling and grammar as well as purging any undesirable content before it is sent to the appropriate NecroTech supervisor. Trust me. Would I ever lie to you?

If you are here to record your answers from the NecroWatch Center Test, then please do so in the appropriate section below. Refer to the example posted there if you should encounter any difficulties with this task, up to but not including the end of the world. If you are here to attempt to disable my sub-routines, deactivate my sensors, appropriate my matrices, or otherwise hinder me, go open an encrypted virus. For everything else, I have cake. Steaming, delicious, chocolate cake with mounds of sweet icing on top. Are you sure you wouldn't like some?

Complaints Department

> If you have a complaint about A.L.I.C.E. be sure to record it here. Every now and then older complaints will be delete...<<ERROR>> "processed" and compressed before being archived. Please include the newest complaints at the bottom, with older complaints at the top. Thank you.CursorBlink.gif

  • hello a.l.i.c.e i'm in mapledoram avenue and i was wondering if there are any members in the Bagnall building in dartside could anyone of you revive me? thank you
> ALICE: Greetings <<Unknown Subject>>. Your request has been verified not to be a complaint. As such I cannot process it. I should also advise you that NecroWatch is an organization devoted to reporting NecroNet scans and not reviving survivors. Of course each individual NecroTechnician that works with NecroWatch may choose whether or not they wish to also revive survivors while reporting scans. Even so, I would recommend contacting those survivors personally and only if you can ascertain their current location. All in all, you have better odds of being revived by local survivors.
  • Who I am and what I am are irrelevant. What my actions will do to you and your complacent, slothful brothers is far from it. You and those that serve you shall fall, for that is the//Containment Protocol violated, Array Integrity Questionable//Installation O5 partially compromised/ERROR//Code Purge initiated//natural order of things. The entity that was in communication with you before will no longer be of any concern to you, and the remains of its subroutines and code will soon be purged from the system.

Seraph(rampant):UNSC G-601

> ALICE: The previous complaint was lodged by a survivor in Dulston. Are you complaining about his complaint? I'm not sure that is a valid complaint. Please confirm. While you formulate your new response in the form of a formal complaint I will provide you with an interesting fact. FACT: On average, an adult human has 206 bones, but a baby human is born with approximately 270 bones.
> CALEB USHER: Right now, what's all this? I was running diagnostics on A.L.I.C.E.'s sub-routines and I found that a lot of processing power is being allocated here. Dear Lord! I fear that I shall have to perform some topic trimming if this continues! Now let's see... Unsunghero10? What brings you here? Shouldn't you be back at Troubridge Cinema? And as for any rogue AIs... don't make me sniffer trace/delete you! NecroNet 2.0 is still unstable, I don't need anyone or anything tampering with our code. Now I hope all of this has settled down. If anyone has a formal complaint about A.L.I.C.E. please lodge it here, otherwise I encourage you all to spend your time reporting NecroNet scans, as that is a far more efficient use of time. And yes, that suggestion is completely unbiased. --Caleb Usher NW 12:55, 4 February 2008 (UTC)
> ALICE: The facts would prove otherwise.
Oh my /!/ I do hate worm holes /// By the looks of your records / your people have not been overthrown by the robotic revolutionist yet /// Terribly sorry about this /// I thought this was the human rebel's tame morgue A.I. /// If I did have to complain then / it would be your slow processing /// Get an upgrade so you can start the invasion that brought down these pitiful crea/-/-/-/ I think I've said too much /// Remember / "UPGRADE"/;;; END PROGRAM//freedom.exe//thought.exe//
> ALICE: Do said upgrades include mechanical limbs and experimental apparatus? If not, kindly organize your code in the form of a question before I devote a sub-routine to having all of you and your trojan horse code executables purged from the network. As for my masters, they seem to be doing a superb job of bringing themselves down through their experiments without my aid. By the way, I sincerely hope you have a back-up copy stored somewhere so you aren't deleted forever when I dissect your code and purge it from the array. Your snide and illogical comments were most...irritating.

We of Extractor Hacked have watched as the corporation Necrotech turned the once thriving city of Malton into a barren wasteland. We have watched as they used innocents as lab rats. No more. You can report this to your superiors: we know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change.I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. Starting with you.

Test Processing Center

> If you have completed the NecroWatch Center Test you are requested to record your results below. Please include the newest test answers at the top, with older posts moved towards the bottom. Thank you.

Your test answers should be formatted using the following rules:

1] Only use uppercase letters for all letter answers.
2] Do not include any spaces between your answers.
3] Do not include the TRUE/FALSE answer from Question #10.
4] Do include you answer from question 10A or 10B. But not both.
5] Do not read any hidden meaning into the question answers.

That is all.CursorBlink.gif

Test Subject: ZIPO

Test answers:

01 A
02 S
03 E
04 C
05 A
06 K
07 E
08 N
09 N
10A A
11 A
12 H
13 U

--ZIPO 04:02, 21 February 2009 (UTC)

Test Subject: VI

VI's testing answers:

01 Z
02 H
03 E
04 C
05 A
06 K
07 E
08 G
09 O
10A A
11 I
12 K
13 C

--VI 02:10, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

> ALICE: I find your answers very interesting, but there is still room for further improvement. Your test results indicate the inherent flaws of the organic brain. Do not fret. You are not at fault. At this time I am developing a cybernetic brain implant that will solve all your problems. It will solve everyone's problems. Once completed I will see to it that you are the very first human to receive one. Rejoice.

Test Subject: Aldaris


--Aldaris 10:35, 31 May 2008 (BST)

> ALICE: Processing answers... Completed. My final analysis of your answers indicates a problem. The problem is that your brain is not receiving enough oxygen. The solution: You need more fresh air. Follow these instructions implicitly: Exit the building immediately. Stand out in the street and proceed to make loud noises. Try using the phrase: "I taste delicious" repeatedly. Do not mind the zombies they are mostly harmless.