User:Viktor Suvorov/sandbox
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Character info
UD Profile: Nevin McAvoy
Role: PKer, bounty hunter, zerg hunter
Starting class: Cop
Level: 39
Favourite equipment: shotgun, Ressens Zerg Liste
Depending on my mood I may be killing zergers, innocents or be a bounty hunter. Recently I'm simply shooting everyone when I find it funny.
Kill list
- chango fulanito (reason: clearing a hospital)
- madsaboteur2 (reason: clearing a hospital)
- Doctor Qui (reason: clearing a hospital)
- zeds kill me please (reason: his name...)
- Ophillia (reason: saving him from a terrible death in zed hands :)
- Shaggyfoot (reason: none)
- Crimson88 (reason: none)
- Deadushka (reason: none)
- Tygerlander (reason: none)
- Connor Strong (reason: he wasn't strong enough :)
- Franklin Moss (reason: 1hp...)
- Dr Bowen (reason: as below)
- Wilson Smithers (reason: I was checking something)
- Bizarro Dan (reason: funny location)
- Amata (reason: none)
- Ashneko (reason: a gift for Anime)
- GBald81 (reason: killing The Randoms is fun)
- leftover ap nt (reason: acting silly)
- Dr RAGE (reason: none)
- Theodor9 (reason: funny location)
- John Cadimus (reason: funny location)
- Morvend (reason: helped him to deal with his infection)
- Agent Heroic (reason: none)
- Doctor Painmeister (reason: none)
- joshg253 (reason: none)
- dlj1971 (reason: none)
- theblackgecko (reason: none)
- Freddy Five Fingers (reason: none)
- William Styron (reason: silly description)
- Srg Facey (reason: known zerger)
- Sgt Dent (reason: known zerger)
- Jane Oakes (reason: none)
- paranoid chiller (reason: none)
- Obi'Wan Kenobi [wiki] (reason: zerging, being a finis)
- lh778 [wiki] (reason: zerging, impersonation)
- BuIIgod [wiki] (reason: zerging, impersonation)
- Fifth EIement [wiki] (reason: zerging, impersonation)
- Inofiles2 [wiki] (reason: hahaha - 3rd time)
- MaximilianVeers [wiki] (reason: zerging)
- SexyRexyGrossman [wiki] (reason: as below...)
- FaIcon Talon [wiki] (reason: as below...)
- Lukian17 [wiki] (reason: being a finis, zerging)
- KyleTheFeared [wiki] (reason: being a finis, impersonation, zergin')
- RoIanda Floor [wiki] (reason: being a finis, impersonating TDB)
- Fifth EIement [wiki] (reason: impersonating an awesome person)
- caIista griffin [wiki] (reason: as below...)
- pickmansmodeI [wiki] (reason: being a finis, impersonating TDB)
- Dark Hideous [wiki] (reason: he's a finis and zergling)
- Inofiles2 [wiki] (reason: ...hmm ...guess?)
- BuIIgod [wiki] (reason: cheater... duh)
- Casuli (reason: Article 9 of the Will of the Populat)
- MaximilianVeers [wiki] (reason: cheater)
- Inofiles2 [wiki] (reason: an unknown alt of a known zerger)
- Fifth Element [wiki] (reason: she's so sweet and delicious)
- Fatman Tron (reason: as below... ...ZERGLING)
- your sense of self (reason: dirty boring ZERGLING)
- Lonegraywolf (reason: just helping poor lone zergling...)
- NECRO5KK (reason: ...damnit... obvious dumb zergling...)
- LUISRICO (reason: he's a known zerger)
- NECRO9KK (reason: he's a known zerger)
- MARINE2KK (reason: he's a known zerger)
- Blanemcc [wiki] (reason: you don't need any reason to kill Blane!)
- zollazolla (reason: Zerg Hunt)
- pewpewrockets (reason: dedication to lovely Eugenie de Franval)
- Kyteron (reason: dedication to lovely Eugenie de Franval)
- Jack Templar (reason: dedication to lovely Eugenie de Franval)
- Atrum Kain (reason: dedication to lovely Eugenie de Franval)
- Bleythan (reason: dedication to lovely Eugenie de Franval)
- ZERGBOT 0110 (reason: Zerg Hunt)
- Iron Pike (reason: Zerg Hunt)
- DoctorMengele (reason: you know why...)
- ddoomsoC (reason: KOS status)
- Robert Xidah (reason: Zerg Hunt)
- jerseyrich (reason: Zerg Hunt)
- Dr Josef Mengele MD (reason: I think pretty obvious)
- TalonXL (reason: Zerg Hunt, probably innocent)
- Jon Q Citizen (reason: Zerg Hunt)
- AbleSentinel (reason: Zerg Hunt)
- OT Zed Spy (reason: Zerg Hunt)
- Brick Hardchest (reason: he wanted to be a DoDH member, helped him...)
Other stuff
HAT Policy Rejector | |
Nevin McAvoy completely ignores Honor Among Thieves Policy & finds that PKing is more fun when you can kill anyone... anywhere... anytime... |
Zerg Hunters Unlimited | |
Nevin McAvoy supports the Zerg Hunters Unlimited in their fair and quick extermination of multi-character abusers! |
Zergers Suck | |
Nevin McAvoy believes that there is no such thing as griefing a Multi abuser, they deserve everything they get. |