Malton College of Medicine/medic runs

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Malton College of Medicine
Malton College of Medicine
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MCM Medic Runs

An MCM nursing student on our Heal-the-Revivers medical run


Before you leave

1. Rest. Do not leave on a medic run without plenty of AP. You'll be better able to respond to problems, and you'll be of more help to those you encounter along the way. For longer routes, wait until you are at or near 50 AP.
2. Stock up on FAKs. Fill your inventory with them, and you will use your AP most efficiently and gain experience faster.
3. Those undertaking security patrols of the medic runs should carry a minimum of 5 FAKs along with their weapon of choice and plenty of ammunition, so that they can give emergency medical assistance as well as securing buildings along the way.

On your run

1. Heal people! Unless you encounter survivors on the Ignore List or well known griefers, heal all surviors indiscrimately. If you encounter several wounded in one building, administer one FAK to each before giving any one individual more attention: that way you will cure all infections, which is the medic's first priority.
2. Announce yourself! Talk to people. Tell them that you're on a MCM medic run, and name out loud who you heal so that people can tell you've been busy. This also gives people a good reason to return the favour when St Simon's is under attack. After all, the butt you bandage may one day save your own!
3. Be creative and cheerful. Remember that humor is a powerful healing force.

Maps and Descriptions

Once MCM is settled into its new home in Eastonwood, we will devise new medic runs for the surrounding area.

The medic runs that MCM established in Greentown and adjoining suburbs when it was resident at St George's Hospital have now been archived here. Of course any medics now based in St George's should feel free to follow them.

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