Philosophe Knights/Policies

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Abbreviation PK
Group Numbers A hoarded secret
Leadership Philosophes
Goals To annihilate the ignorant and uneducated survivors
Recruitment Policy Register
Contact Forum

Crimes and Punishments

Class A Individual Crimes

Disrespect for Knowledge
Any individual who has committed the following may be found guilty: spray painting anti-knowledge slogans, phrases, or imagery, theft of artifacts, destroying property (e.g. generators, barricades, or radios) or committing acts of violence within a center of learning.
Any individual who commits an act of violence against a living member of the Philosophe Knights or any ally of the Philosophe Knights may be found guilty of Hindrance.
Any individual who speaks or writes injurious word of the Philosophe Knights is guilty of both Slander and Disrespect for Knowledge.
Aiding the Enemy
Any individual found giving aid of any sort to a declared enemy of the Philosophe Knights may be found guilty of Aiding the Enemy. This aid includes, but is not limited to: giving medical attention to an enemy individual, reviving an enemy individual, supporting the barricades of a building controlled by an enemy, or speaking and/or writing slogans, phrases, or images which support an enemy.
Any individual found posing falsely as a member of the Philosophe Knights will be found guilty of Fraud. This applies to anyone who has assumed the title of "Philosophe Knight" without the express permission of another Philosophe Knight, even if the individual in question publicly upholds all standards and regulations of the Philosophe Knights.

Punishment for Class A Individual Crimes

Any individual guilty of a Class A Individual Crime will be sentenced to execution by a member of the Philosophe Knights or an ally of the Philosophe Knights in the area. In addition, any factions, unions, or parties associated with the criminal will be asked to formally apologize for the actions of that individual. If the faction, union, or party in question fails to do so, then that faction, union, or party will henceforth be deemed an enemy of the Philosophe Knights and of the advancement of knowledge.

Class B Individual Crimes

Any individual my be found guilty of ignorance by the arbitrary decision of any member of the Philosophe Knights.

Punishment for Class B Individual Crimes

Any individual guilty of a Class B Individual Crime will be sentenced to execution by a member of the Philosophe Knights or an ally of the Philosophe Knights in the area. In addition, any factions, unions, or parties associated with the criminal which do not have an entirely open recruitment and membership policy will be asked to formally apologize for the actions of that individual. If the faction, union, or party in question fails to do so, then that faction, union, or party will henceforth be deemed an enemy of the Philosophe Knights and of the advancement of knowledge.

Faction Crimes

Mass Disrespect for Knowledge
Any coordinated group of individuals that supports spray painting anti-knowledge slogans, phrases, or imagery, destroying property (e.g. generators, barricades, or radios) or committing acts of violence within a center of learning may be found guilty of Mass Disrespect for Knowledge.
Mass Hindrance
Any coordinated group of individuals that supports acts of violence against a living member of the Philosophe Knights or any ally of the Philosophe Knights may be found guilty of Hindrance.
Mass Slander
Any coordinated group of individuals that supports the speaking or writing injurious word of the Philosophe Knights is guilty of both Slander and Mass Disrespect for Knowledge.
Mass Aiding the Enemy
Any coordinated group of individuals that supports giving aid of any sort to a declared enemy of the Philosophe Knights may be found guilty of Aiding the Enemy. This aid includes, but is not limited to: giving medical attention to an enemy individual, reviving an enemy individual, supporting the barricades of a building controlled by an enemy, or speaking and/or writing slogans, phrases, or images which support an enemy.
Mass Ignorance
Any coordinated group of individuals that is arbitrarily declared ignorant by more than half of the active Philosophe Knights is guilty of Mass Ignorance.

Punishment for Faction Crimes

Any coordinated group of individuals found guilty of a Faction Crime shall be declared an enemy of the Philosophe Knights and the advancement of knowledge.

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We Support

Books.jpg Centers Of Learning Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Centers of Learning Policy & acknowledges that all libraries, schools, zoos, and museums in the city of Malton are considered safe places. No survivor in one of these locations may be killed for any reason unless that survivor is a specified enemy of this user or group.

The Philosophe Knights have founded and support the Centers of Learning Policy. They will not kill anyone inside of a library, school, zoo, or museum.

APP1.jpg Artifact Protection Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Artifact Protection Policy, acknowledging that the looting of museums is strictly prohibited. This user or group will do what they can to prevent museum theft in order to preserve Malton's cultural and intellectual integrity.

The art and science exibits are highly valued to the Philosophe Knights. The knights wish to protect the artifacts, and thus why they support this policy.

Fine Arts1.jpg Fine Art of Malton Supporter
This user or group supports the Fine Art of Malton movement & acknowledges that all museums are PK ceasefire zones, heal points, and are to be a barricading priority.

The Philosophe Knights believe that it is important to protect and maintain the art of Malton in order to study and understand its history and corresponding culture. The Philosophe Knights will do all in their power to protect the museums by barricading them, healing those inside and supporting the Centers of Learning Policy. To see the contributions the Philosophe Knights have made to Fine Art of Malton check the Fine Art of Malton wiki page.

Gladiatorial Arena.jpg Gladiatorial Arena Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Gladiatorial Arena Policy & acknowledges that all stadiums in Malton are gladiatorial areas, in which the killing of another survivor is not a crime and therefore not punishable in any way.

The Philosophe Knights fully support the Gladiatorial Arena Policy, believing it is a fine way to let the ignorant finish each other off. In addition, this policy allows a training ground for future Knights.

Thinker.gif Royal Society of Malton
This user or group is a member of the Royal Society of Malton, a coalition of groups and individuals who pride themselves on their intellect and strive to make the survivors within Malton more intelligent.

The philosophe knights are supporters and founders of the RsoM, though it does nothing as of yet.

Balance scale.jpg Coalition for Fair Tactics Group
This group has ratified the Coalition for Fair Tactics Group Pledge.

This user or group is associated with The PKer Alliance

The Philosophe Knights are members of the PK Alliance. Although the Knights do not support all actions and members of the alliance, we believe they, like the zombies, are useful in destroying the plague of ignorance.

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"The source of every crime, is some defect of the understanding; or some error in reasoning; or some sudden force of the passions."

-- Thomas Hobbes

Main Page
Return to the main page.

Philosophe Knight ideology and thoughts.

Policies supported by the Philosophe Knights

Member ranking and information.

Kill List
A list of all kills made in the name of knowledge.

The Chivalrous Sophists
The survivor wing of the Order.

Friends, adversaries, and other remarkables.

Information on current and past operations.

Educator's Handbook
A guide for all educators

All discussion should be kept on the discussion page of the main page or on the forum.

This page design was greatly influenced by the designs of Sirens. Thank you. Other influencing figures include Italo Calvino and Rembrandt.