Lt Mesa
Malton Police Department
Lt Mesa is a member of the MPD.
Malton Police Departments Group
This user or group supports the MPDG in their attempt at restoring law and order in Malton.
- Real name:Alex Mesa West
- birthdate:16/11/80
- Character name: Lt Mesa
- Location: North Blytville Malton, England
- Group; MPD
- Badge: 117
- Rank:Inspector
A police officer who served Malton at his best when it was a good place to live in. Now, after the outbreak, he still wants to keep Malton as a peaceful place.
Current Assignment
Until March 2009, Sergeant Mesa was assigned to SW-1.
Jul 4 2009, Promoted to Inspector.Working on North blythville
July 10 2009,SW-1 Intel.
Jul 4 2009, 03:35 PM
Promoted to Inspector.
[Promotion made by C.I-Verratio]
- 2008 Interpol officer Alexander Mesa from Uruguay arrive on Wykewood Malton.
- Mision:Arrest a Bank stealer from Uruguay hidding on Malton.
- Information isnt recovery get.
Malton Police Department
Lt Mesa is a member of the MPD.
This user is a Cop and is probably off shooting a zombie.