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Alvaro Mesa
Joined Urban Dead:12/12/08
Characters: Alex Mesa
Alvaro Mesa
Adrian Mesa
Emiliano Mesa

Uruguay.jpg Uruguayan
This user is proud to be from Uruguay
Nacional.jpg NacionalFC
This user is proud to fan of the National Football Club Nacional
Dead.gif Urban Dead
This user plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?
RightSaidFred.jpg Sexy
This user claims to be too sexy for his car, too sexy by far.
ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Alive
This user is a survivor and proud of it.
ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be A Zombie Hunter
This user is a Zombie Hunter and is probably off head shotting a zed right now.
This user has officially given up on trying to make a balanced barricade suggestion. Barricades should be useless, just like in real life.
250px-OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb.jpg A Complete Waste of Time
This user doesn't even know why they bother using templates anymore.
ErrorUgly.png Too Many Templates
This user puts way too many templates on their page.
Bored.jpg Why are you still reading these?
This user thinks you have way too much free time on your hands.
Zergling.gif Alt user
This user has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.
Smiley.png It's a Joke, OK?
This user supports the use of humor, even when other people don't get it.
Lonelyguy.jpeg Code Stealer
This user is a wiki code stealer, and probably stealing your sidebar while you read this.
This user supports bringing the World Cup back to Malton.
Male.jpeg Male
This user is male.


  • Real name:Alvaro Adrian Mesa Gonzalez
  • birthdate:16/11/89
  • Location: Montevideo , URUGUAY

I'm Uruguayan (shame on me), so:

Union Flag.png The English Language?
Sorry guys I'm not very good at it.
Language.jpg Language (In)Competence
I can speak Espanish and poor English. W00T.

User Info

I am the only Uruguayan here in Malton ..sometimes I feel alone but I have great partners. Home is the place you feel it! Malton home sweet home. Begin to play the game on 2008 12/12 and after that day i am part of UD comunity always tryng to get new friends and having fun. I have 4 alts inside Malton all with the same surname so if not say my surname maybe is a impostor.

I am editing my wiki myself but recive a lot of help from other users.

Thanks to

  • Extropymine for your help and be a great inspiration!
  • SilverMemory because we arent diferent...together we are players with diferents roles.MPR




Ron Thal

Members of PH using my name.





PH creations to grief me...If you kill them i give you a Prize!

My Sandbox

sandbox panel

Supported Policies

Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

River.gif River Tactics Supporter
This User or Group supports River Tactics.

Syringe.jpg No Random Revives Supporter
This User or Group supports the No Random Revive Policy by utilizing Revivification Request tools.

Mpd.png PK Reporting
This User or Group supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.
Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)
Please use the receptacles provided.

Uruguay.jpg Uruguayan
alvaromesa is Uruguayan.