User talk:Timerider3
As the old saying goes, a day late and a dollar short
I received your message about the fort today but I am sorry to tell you that you just missed our strike on the fort. We were able to hold it against 23 zombies with 7 personnel for 14 hours using a strategy we are developing. We may have one more experiment before Big Bash sets in. If so, I will be happy to include you, provided you agree to work within the scope of the exercise. We are scientists and to us this is a scientific endeavor. The military application of the fort is of secondary importance to us but it is a powerful tool that facilitates the collection of scientific data and allows for limited social engineering within the Whittenside area. On a personal note, my group is affiliated with The Damn Yankees, of whom I am also a member, so I must say it is good to see some people connected with Zombra’s Pub in this neck of the woods. My Northern relations speak very highly of your group. Feel free to drop by our forum should you be interested in working with us. We are few but we are resourceful, and we are wholeheartedly invested in the pursuit of scientific advancement and the application of such gains towards the betterment of our community.
Yours in science,