Talk:Unlimited Zerg Works

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Revision as of 04:22, 24 May 2011 by Revenant (talk | contribs) (→‎There may be more: [Zerg Liste|We're]] always interested.)
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Updating note

if you feel sufficiently bored enough, feel free to update the zombie count and whatnot, Try not to be dickbags about it though, thanks.


I saw them at the bottom of the group ranking while checking out the survivor/zed percentages... but the stats only register 40 members.... Arthur Dent BIN LADEN IS DEAD!!!!! 01:41, 20 May 2011 (BST)


Please feel free to report any and all of the zergers that you discover at the Zerg Liste here. --Akule Maker of fine, hand-crafted UDWiki sass since 2006 -- Akule School's back in session™ 01:46, 20 May 2011 (BST)

I would love to, however the prospect of getting 500+ screenshots is a bit daunting Serious Post. Please do not silly. You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DealWithIt.gif 01:54, 20 May 2011 (BST)
Well, if you post a few screenshots of them, we could get a complete list from the UD Profile Database and poke Kevan in an email. We've done it before, on previous zerg hordes. --Akule Maker of fine, hand-crafted UDWiki sass since 2006 -- Akule School's back in session™ 02:08, 20 May 2011 (BST)
ok thanks, i did just that. Hope it helps - Serious Post. Please do not silly. You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DealWithIt.gif 02:40, 20 May 2011 (BST)
Has Kevan been poked about these bitches yet? And where are they? --Paddy DignamIS DEAD 17:30, 21 May 2011 (BST)
I still liked all the Wutz zergs..       03:53, 22 May 2011 (BST)
I believe so. I will verify tonight. --Akule Maker of fine, hand-crafted UDWiki sass since 2006 -- Akule School's back in session™ 21:36, 23 May 2011 (BST)
Dunno. I left it up to the folks on the zerg list to deal with it. As it was said above they've dealt with this kind of thing before, and so would probably have more credibility than some random "the dead" member. Because we all know how much everyone loves the dead. - Serious Post. Please do not silly. You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DealWithIt.gif 12:39, 22 May 2011 (BST)
There is a lot of them in Penny Heights. I saw some on Coome Lane, Digby Walk, Tuxill Alley Fire Station, and Rossiter Crescent. It's pretty annoying because other Ferals keep groaning at them, so I can't even trust feeding groans right now. Jamis 17:26, 23 May 2011 (BST)
Add Foulkes Village, I got 9 on one screen.--TheFlys 18:16, 23 May 2011 (BST)
A few in pashenton (can provide screen shots if needed)--Arthur Dent BIN LADEN IS DEAD!!!!! 20:44, 23 May 2011 (BST)
We'll take screenshots at the ZL if you are willing. :D --Akule Maker of fine, hand-crafted UDWiki sass since 2006 -- Akule School's back in session™ 21:41, 23 May 2011 (BST)
I don't think it has to do with anything for "the dead" as it is more an individual user messaging Kevan about zergs. He tends to ignore individual user report emails on zergers, but since the ZL has worked with Kevan before, he tends to respond when it concerns large-scale zergers. --Akule Maker of fine, hand-crafted UDWiki sass since 2006 -- Akule School's back in session™ 21:41, 23 May 2011 (BST)

There's a clipped screenshot of one of them shooting someone. Do we have evidence of whether they are attacking zeds or survivors or both?Doctor Golf 22:29, 23 May 2011 (BST)

Mainly we look for screenshots of them together (or within 9 squares of one another), working in tandem, etc. The idea is to get multiple of them in a screenshot or screenshots of their similar proximity, so we can provide evidence of zerging. If Kevan doesn't do anything, then at the very least we have documentation of them in the Zerg Liste, so people can identify them in-game and "encourage" them to stop. --Akule Maker of fine, hand-crafted UDWiki sass since 2006 -- Akule School's back in session™ 22:55, 23 May 2011 (BST)


So is it basically a race at this point to see if UZW or The Dead will ruin Urban Dead first? Because I got a ten-spot on my boys if that's the case. --カシュー, ザ ゾンビ クィーン (ビープ ビープ) ;x You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild! @ 01:08, 24 May 2011 (BST)

More proof, just for the hell of it



Feel free to add more here. - Serious Post. Please do not silly. You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DealWithIt.gif 01:20, 24 May 2011 (BST)

You know, it could be...

It could be that this isn't a protest against The Dead, but against the search rate changes at low survivor population levels. Might be an attempt to unboost search rates by spamming in a bunch of throwaway street treats and tilting the stats.

It's much better for actual human players to have high search odds, than a bunch of freshly spawned zergs standing around in the street doing nothing.--FT 03:06, 24 May 2011 (BST)

You'd have to define "better", because my idea of things getting better for the survivors is to combat The Dead without boosted search rates, rather than have shit handed to us on a platter when things go awry. It's an interesting idea though, but I'm betting that it's against the dead. -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 03:19, 24 May 2011 (BST)
If this was against The Dead then one would think it would have occurred when survivors dropped to around 10-15% rather than more than a week later when numbers started to rebound as groups began to coordinate on issuing revives in place of repairs. The Dead WISH this was against them because that would mean it was "pubbie tears", the timing of it is far more indicative of someone who like you is pissed at how the search rates rise when survivor numbers are low. --Lord K 03:27, 24 May 2011 (BST)
The Dead don't fucking care. --You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!||||||||||||||||||||||||| 03:49, 24 May 2011 (BST)
This is the stone cold truth. Kevan could give you fuckers rocket launchers and jetpacks and you'd still be the stupid, disorganised bunch of idiots we've always had no trouble in murdering by the hundreds. --Katthew 04:40, 24 May 2011 (BST)
Agree. Also, You 4/5ths of fuck all about this, Lord K. Take your bullshit tinfoil hat conspiracy theories and inflammatory shit-stirring elsewhere. Thanks ever so much in advance. - Serious Post. Please do not silly. You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DealWithIt.gif 04:53, 24 May 2011 (BST)
The irony is strong with this one. You may want to look to your own and either try to contribute something or scram. --Lord K 05:16, 24 May 2011 (BST)

There may be more

It seems that there may be more names than the ones listed in the article. I'm finding nearly duplicate names registered very closely together, real names that match up, and other interesting tidbits having gone through things some. Kevan may have shut down the names listed on the article already, but I can't really say. Last udbebroken appears to have been registered as UDID 1919311 and we're into the upper 60s now. --Lord K 04:06, 24 May 2011 (BST)

I've seen duplicate names before when someone hit the account creation script a second time with the same name before it was done creating the first account. Since login is by account name, only 1 will spawn & be playable. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 04:47, 24 May 2011 (BST)
That can happen, but the names in question were only similar, not entirely duplicate. The more time goes on the more I wonder if they're unrelated, but if you're interested I can provide details. --Lord K 05:16, 24 May 2011 (BST)
We're always interested. Cig ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 05:22, 24 May 2011 (BST)