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This page is for suggestions that have 50% or more Keep votes vs Total Votes, but not more than 66% Keep votes, which would qualify them for Peer Reviewed page. These are good, but not quite good enough Suggestions that could (and probably should) be reworked, refined, and resubmitted by a willing, knowledgeable party. Before doing so, please perform the proper research; reading the votes and the associated Talk pages, and adjust your new submission. State on the submission that you are not duplicating, but have revised and are resubmitting for approval.

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February 1st, 2007

Ransack Change

Timestamp: ThreeSided 03:25, 1 February 2007 (UTC)
Type: action change
Scope: Ransacking zombies and Fixing survivors
Description: Simply put, the idea is that ransacking occur in levels. When a zombie first ransacks a building it becomes "lightly displaced". Then if a lightly displaced building is ransacked, it becomes "displaced", then "largely displaced", then "ransacked" and then "Heavily ransacked", making for a total of 5 levels of ransacking. Once the fifth level is reached, the ransack button disappears. When a survivor tries to fix up a ransacked building, they will only be able to fix one level per action. This way, it is harder for survivors to reclaim a building, which would make the balance more equal, and it would be more realistic in the sense that a heavily ransacked building would take quite a bit of effort to fix back up.
Notes: 13/21 (62%) See original votes.
Left Queue: 06:36, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

February 7th, 2007

Switch Radio Operation and Free Running

Timestamp: Reaper with no name TJ! 22:22, 7 February 2007 (UTC)
Type: Skill rearranging
Scope: Skill Costs
Description: Free Running is without a doubt the most important skill for survivors (at least with construction and lab experience you can rely on other people). It is essential for any and all play styles. So then, why is it a military skill? Why should soldiers have to pay less (and scientists more) for a skill that every class requires? It is widely believed that Free Running works by either jumping roof-to-roof or by making use of some sort of rope network between buildings. Either way, there is nothing inherently "military" about Free Running, as normal people do this sort of thing all the time for sport, exercise, and/or entertainment (track/field, wall climbing, etc). It would make a whole lot more sense for Free Running to be a civilian skill.

Radio Operation, on the other hand, suffers from the opposite problem. Supposedly, the reason why only those with radio operation can broadcast in the restricted range is because of the military jamming communications. Now, how many non-military personnel do you know of that can get around military radio-jamming? Not too many, I'll bet. One would also expect that military personnel would have a much easier time getting around military radio jamming than a civilian would.

Fortunately, both of these problems can be easily corrected by switching Radio Operation and Free Running on the Skills Tree so that Radio Operation becomes a military skill and Free Running becomes a civilian skill. Getting around military radio-jamming should be a lot easier for someone actually in the military than for a civilian, and a skill as essential as Free Running should cost the same amount for everyone.

Notes: 15/24 Keep/Total (63%) See original votes.
Left Queue: 13:15, 21 March 2007 (UTC)

February 10th

Yet another Barricade Suggestion

Timestamp: -- 21:15, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
Type: Minor Barricade Nerf
Scope: Hurman Barricaders
Description: As we all know Zombies, tend to suck in this game. Also as we all (should) know, one of the main reasons humans don't suck is becuase they have barricades. Now I'm not gonna get all statisticy here, becuase that would require effor however I do propose a way to semi fix this balance problem. It's been argued several times before, that humans shouldn't be able to barricade up buildings the moment the barricades fall (read mall tours/any other sieges). So how do you fix this?

I believe an easy way to solve this problem would be to do this; if the barricades fall completely and one or more zombies get inside of a building, the barricades should not be able to be closed behind them so long as at least one of the zombies inside the unbarricaded building has made a movement within the past minute. A movement would be defined as spending an Ap doing anything. So if a zombie had made a movment within the past minute, the "barricade this building" button would simply not appear, forcing the survivor to do something truly insane, kill the zombie.

If you want this to be realistic, well think about it, if you we're in building and a zombie stormed in would you be killing the zombie or throwing desks infront of the doors?

Notes: 13/23 Keep/Total (57%) See original votes.
Left Queue: 13:43, 21 March 2007 (UTC)


Timestamp: DinkyDao 23:16, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
Type: Weapon
Scope: Harmanz
Description: A re-done version of the .22 Rifle that i suggested before. Why a .22 and not something bigger like a 30-06?

Well we suppose Malton is in Britain, and the most common long-arms there are double-barrelled shotguns and little .22 rifles.

Weapon: Rimfire Rifle A Small, lightweight .22LR rifle used for hunting. It is a ten-shot bolt-action, tube-fed and reloads with individual cartridges, wich are taken from a Rimfire Cartridge box wich contains max 10 bullets (findable 1-10). Each bullet deals 6hp damage against an unarmored target, but only 3hp to an armored target since the bullet does not have the weight or velocity needed to completely penetrate it. It can be found in Mall Sporting Stores (5%), Junkyards (3%) and Mansions (1%). The ammunition can be found at the same places (8%, 4%, 2%) (whitout bargain hunting). Base Accuracy is 15% (because of it's light weight, kick and natural grip). With BFT, it climbs to 40%. With Shotgun Training to 65% and finally with Advanced ST to 75%. Its clip size, widespread ammo and high accuracy is balanced by it's low damage (especially to players with flak jackets) and painfully long reloading AP cost. What this is really is the noob-friendly firearm.

Resumed: Damage 6/3, Capacity 10, round-by-round loading (shotgun), Accuracy 15%/40%/65%/75%

Notes: 12/20 Keep/Total (60%) See original votes.
Left Queue: 13:46, 21 March 2007 (UTC)

February 11th

Crush (zombie skill)

Timestamp: --Karloth Vois RR 11:34, 11 February 2007 (UTC)
Type: zombie skill
Scope: Barricades
Description: 100 XP, available to all zombies

Once purchased, this adds an extra button to the interface: Crash Barricades, only usable outside against barricades. Using this expends 3 AP and 3 IP hits at once, and rolls for three individual attacks against the barricades. That's it. It does not increase attack percentage or damage, or add any other effects. Also, you cannot use this to go into negative AP.

So what's the point? It removes some of the monotony of hitting the barricades 50 times by simply reducing the number of times you click that button, but it also has benefits to real time combat; Right now, active survivors can rebuild barricades faster than they can be destroyed (4x the odds in one AP). This skill doesn't remove that advantage, but it brings the balance closer to equality. Zombies can now do significant damage in a shorter time- real time sieges become more interesting for everyone. However: Don't vote kill merely because it's limited in scope to real time sieges- the benefit is mainly the first stated above, to regular zombies everywhere.

To sum up: This is just a button that does the work of clicking "Attack barricades" three times.

Notes: 13/21 Keep/Total (62%) See original votes.
Left Queue: 12:43, 23 March 2007 (UTC)

February 13th

Colour Contacts Legend

Timestamp: User:Provost 11:36, 13 February 2007 (UTC)
Type: Gameplay Improvement
Scope: Everyone
Description: Allow Players to add their own legend to the colouring of contacts. At the moment players colour code their contacts. I suggest adding the ability for players to be able to note down what each colour is for.
Notes: 9/14 Keep/Total (64%) See original votes.
Left Queue: 15:48, 23 March 2007 (UTC)

February 14th

Contacts Top Of Healing Menu

Timestamp: Cap'n Silly T/W/P/CAussieflag.JPG 06:41, 14 February 2007 (UTC)
Type: Interface change
Scope: People who don't want to scroll down 1000 names to heal someone.
Description: Today at Whippey, I saw a contact on low health. I tried to heal them, but had to dig through 200 trenchcoater names first. What I'm suggesting is that contacts are put at the top of the "use medkit on" drop down menu, saving people an annoying search for one name.
Notes: 13/20 Keep/Total (65%) See original votes.
Left Queue: 15:58, 23 March 2007 (UTC)

February 18th

Triumphant Slaughter

Timestamp: Dance Emot.gifTheDavibob LLLDance Emot.gif 15:03, 18 February 2007 (UTC)
Type: Skill
Scope: Zombies
Description: The Triumphant Slaughter skill resides on the Vigour Mortis tree, with no other prerequisite than Vigour Mortis itself. It only comes into effect after the zombie kills a survivor, and it grants the zombie a +15% bonus to all claw attacks and a +10% bonus to all bite attacks for the next 5 attacks.

This works with Tangling Grasp, and only happens if all further attacks are against humans. There are a number of ways this bonus could be lost, and these are:

  • Performing another action other than attacking will negate the bonus.
  • Attacking another zombie will negate the bonus, though it still applies to the original attack.
  • Attacking with a blunt weapon will negate the bonus.
  • Being attacked by either a zombie or a survivor will negate the bonus.
  • Being healed by a survivor will negate the bonus (it is presumed that the First Aid calms you down).
  • If these actions are not fully used within the next 5 hours, the bonus it lost.

Speaking or groaning does not disable the bonus; however it takes the place of one of your attacks. So if you still have 4 attacks with the bonus, then speak, you will only have 3.

This shows the zombie killing a survivor, then, in its lust for blood; it charges forwards and attempts to rip another survivor up. This blood lust is represented by the higher accuracy, which more accurately represents the higher frenzy of attacks.

Thank you for reading this, it is not as complicated as I have probably made it sound.

Notes: 7/13 Keep/Total (54%) See original votes.
Left Queue: 13:48, 26 March 2007 (BST)