(To The) Four Winds/News

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Recent News

7th August

18th July

9th June

5th June

24th May

22nd May

  • After the ceremony last tuesday, we moved back to West Greyside. We're restocking here and prepairing to move to a new suburb.

20th May

  • Today we remembered our dear friend Brother Angst. The ceremony took place around 9pm GMT, inside the St. Callistus's Church [34,64] in Brooksville . We've sent out four flares, symbolizing the Four Winds.


12th May

  • We had an extended stay in Havercroft, where we had a busy time reviving souls at cemetery [31,47]. Now most of our members have moved on to West Greyside

14th April

  • After our work in South Blythville we spend a little time in the far south-west, doing some team-building exercises, etc. Now moving more north.

1st April

  • Gee Avenue and Park Walk will be cleared as quickly as possible.

30th March

  • All three revive points of Buttonville were cleared out within a couple of days. But after the sudden danger in Roftwood last week, we didn't had the chance to restock. Therefore we'll make a little stop at Thompson Mall, Lockettside, to restock on our items before we move on to the next targetsuburb.

25th March

  • After a long stay in Roftwood we were notified of some great danger heading in our direction. So we decided to target Buttonville for our revives.

21st February

13th Februari

  • Most of our members got spread out the last few weeks. So we decided to regroup and work in Roftwood again.

5th Februari

  • Need to leave Roftwood/Stanbury as the homegrounds of the Beavers, Santlerville, is being threatend by the Bash.

2nd Februari

  • Moved out of Pitneybank just before Giddings Mall and Morrish NT fell. Roftwood presented itself as next target.

13th Januari

17th December

  • We got some news that Fort Perryn needs help. So figure out yourself where we're heading.

15th December

  • Ready for the next, Wray Heights. Danger level is orange already so new move is on it's way.

9th December

  • New week, new suburb. I hope East Grayside will be done as fast as we did Wyke Hills.

2nd December

  • Our work in West Greyside is done. Wyke Hills is the next suburb on the list.

21st November

  • The decision has been made; West Grayside is our next target. Revive Point: Cemetery [52,83].

20th November

  • Most Winds moved to Buttonville as the Bash was assumed to hit it, but the Bash has moved on to West Grayside. Will discuss on plans how we're proceding.

16th November

  • Thompson Mall is rebuilding after it was raided by the Bash for the second time. Will restock for a few days and move after the Bash again.

10th November

  • We are leaving Lockettside and moving north to South Blythville to stay safe while reviving. Cheeke is ruined and now before LUE hit again tonight, there are already a few zombies in the mall.

9th November

  • LUE is back in Lockettside, the survivors here have fought bravely and have so far managed to hold Cheeke NT for about 24 hours. The mall is not hit yet.

4th November

  • Thompson Mall is back in survivor hands, but the Bash is planning to visit Lockettside again. The Winds are preparing for the fight.

24th October

  • Chasing the Bash for about three weeks now. Thompson Mall is under attack by LUE, so some of our members are planning to help our friends of the TMS. Others are still on the tail of the Second Big Bash.

3rd October

20th September

  • Moved to Yagoton. Suburb is doing quite well. New move in the very near future.

22nd August

  • The main part of the members are at the moment in Havercroft helping AMS with the LUE siege.


22nd June

10th June

7th June

2nd June

27th May

  • We have descided to go to Santlerville to help cleaning up after the siege.

23rd May, 2007

  • We are pressently trying to find a suburb in need of us, and are recruiting new members.

13th May, 2007

  • Even thought most of the remaining members of (To The) Four Winds have joined Ackland Mall Security we are now all working to get the group back on its feet.