Malton College of Medicine/FAQ

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Malton College of Medicine
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Malton College of Medicine FAQ's

FAQs for prospective students

Who can enroll?

Almost anyone who is honestly pro-survivor. The only persons ineligible for enrollment are currently attacking zombies, or survivors who kill a faculty member or student, (especially on the MCM campus,). Former zombies who are having difficulty readjusting to life among the breathing are welcome, as long as they are not members of a death cult. Former PK-ers will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. We reserve the right to expel any persons deemed to be griefers.

But I want to shoot things! Can I enroll?

Of course! Life in Malton is hazardous, and hospital security is often called upon to eject unruly zombie visitors. MCM faculty often carry shotguns, but it's helpful to have guards and/or scouts who travel along the medic runs to ensure the safety of our healers. Carpenters and repair personnel are also often needed.

What do I do to enroll?

First you will want to journey to the college which is located in St. George's Hospital (Greentown) at (31, 71) in Greentown. Then you will need to register at the MCM forums

What do I do after enrollment?

1. Ask questions! Heal the injured, cure the infected, revive the dead, and defend the hospital and nearby Pippard NT.
2. Medical students with Free Running and Diagnosis are encouraged to go on one of our designated medic runs.
3. If you want, you can put Malton College of Medicine in your group designation or profile. But you don't have to.

What do I do on a medical run?

1. Heal people! Follow one of the routes linked to below, and heal the injured as you find them.
2. Announce yourself! Talk to people. Tell them that you're on a MCM medical run, and name out loud who you heal so that people can tell you've been busy. This also gives people a good reason to help out MCM when St. George's is under attack. After all, the butt you bandage may one day save your own!
3. Be creative and cheerful. Remember that humor is a powerful healing force.

FAQs for non-students

What kinds of qualifications do you people possess to open an institution of higher learning in Malton?

Um, we're alive in a zombie apocalypse?

Why the role playing? Isn't that just a waste of AP?

Because if a faculty member spends one AP talking in order to save two new survivors a day's worth of AP each, that's a net gain of 99 AP. Haven't survivors as a whole benefited that way? Just because someone is lower level doesn't mean that their AP expense has to be mostly wasted. We've found that new survivors aren't necessarily dumb, they're just uninformed. Often they have questions but don't know who to ask or where to go. The faculty is just a collection of people who like helping new survivors and who enjoy each other's company.

But seriously, why the role playing? Why don't you just give the information in a straightforward lecture?

Because that would be sooooo boring. Didn't you get enough of that in school?

Where's your forum?

MCM's forum is housed at 10 minutes from hell's forum.

There's no real degrees here! It's not realistic! Duh!

I'll bet you can't actually carry three generators, seven shotguns, and jump from rooftop to rooftop, either. But our final word about realism is this: ZOMBIES.

Please ask any further questions on the discussion page.

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