Close Personal Friends of Anime Sucks/Anime's Angels

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Anime's Angels
Anime's Angels
Anime's Angels.png
Abbreviation: AA
Group Numbers: XXX-clusive
Leadership: Anime Sucks
Goals: To Be Sexy and Kickass
Recruitment Policy: Don't Contact Us, We'll Contact You
Contact: Don't Contact Us, We'll Contact You

Anime's Angels are an elite and erotic special team within the Close Personal Friends of Anime Sucks group.


It is unknown as to when Anime's Angels first appeared, but it wasn't until recently that it became more known to the public. During a routine surveillance, MI6 picked up conversations between media mogul, and self-made quazillionaire Antoine "Anime Sucks" Simpson, and his consigliere, who is only known by JelloFun, outside of a Venice coffee shoppe about operations involving Anime's Angels.

Since then MI6 has been gathering resources trying to find as much information as they can on this elite special team.


Little is known about the purpose of Anime's Angels. MI6 has received intelligence about plans for global domination, but Mr. Simpson, and his Angels are rarely seen away from the headquarters. It is hard to tell if they are planning something truly nefarious, or are just plain lazy.

File Cards


Amber Waves of Pain

Amber Waves of Pain

Anime Angel Silhouette.jpg

Codename: Amber
Primary Speciality: CLASSIFIED
Secondary Speciality: CLASSIFIED






Anime Angel Silhouette.jpg

Codename: Keke
Primary Speciality: Master Linguist
Secondary Speciality: Distraction via Sexy Schoolgirl Outfits
Join Date: Summer 2008
Status: Active

Cialan was one of the fastest rising Angels in the history of the organization. It was no surprise when Anime Sucks put her in charge of translating foreign editions of Playboy, and not to mention, the special secret projects Anime Sucks conducts with her alone in his lead-lined underground chamber. Cialan will continue to be a major player within Anime's Angels, and is worth noting her rising star status.

<Cialan> I thought I was 18 in those pics, but I just checked on something
<Cialan> I was 17
<Cialan> So don't fap to them >_<


Empress of Moldovi

Empress of Moldovi

Anime Angel Silhouette.jpg

Codename: Empy
Primary Speciality: Supernatural Bullshit Detection
Secondary Speciality: Training New Angels
Join Date: Fall 2005
Status: Active

Empress of Moldovi would be considered the madam of the group. All of the other Angels follow her lead as she is the original and highest ranking Angel. Intelligence says that Anime Sucks favors Empy above all the other Angels. Though, it is not known as to how close their relationship is.

<&Empress> oh, jesus fucking christ on a bike

Eugenie de Franval

Eugenie de Franval

Anime Angel Silhouette.jpg

Codename: Genie
Primary Speciality: CLASSIFIED
Secondary Speciality: CLASSIFIED




Fifth Element

Fifth Element

Anime Angel Silhouette.jpg

Codename: Fiffy
Primary Speciality: Master of Disguise
Secondary Speciality: Corrupting the Youth
Join Date: Spring 2008
Status: Active

Fiffy is one of the more interesting members of the society. She is a notable socialite, but rarely ever gets out amongst the common people. Infiltration has gathered that it sometimes takes her 3-9 hours to apply her disguise, that by the time she is done all the clubs have closed for the evening. Though, this doesn't bother Antoine Simpson in the slightest, because along with her disguise applications skills that she learned at university, she minored in massage therapy in which Mr. Simpson seems to find as a happy ending to a long day.

<AnimeSucks> pking is the result of sexual frustration
<AnimeSucks> I'm very sexually frustrated
* Fiffy needs to kill more
* Fiffy is also sexually frustrated
<AnimeSucks> ya know.....


Kristi of the Dead

Kristi of the Dead

Anime Angel Silhouette.jpg

Codename: Kristi
Primary Speciality: CLASSIFIED
Secondary Speciality: CLASSIFIED






Anime Angel Silhouette.jpg

Codename: Maisy
Primary Speciality: Research and Development
Secondary Speciality: Official Secretary to Antoine Simpson
Join Date: Fall 2008
Status: Active

Maisy is one of the most talented recent recruits to the Angels. Widely known for her scientific process of extracting the carbon from sparkles found very readily in dollar stores across the world and with a top secret method compressing the carbon into Sparklegems. Sparklegems have been used exclusively by scientists employed by Antoine Simpson in creating various weapons, from guns to orgy bombs. Maisy, in her new wealth founded the Sparkle Museum which opened up early in September 2008, located next to Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida. The Sparkle Museum is believed to be a front for a secret Research and Development complex that is hidden underneath the museum. It is also unknown how they managed to get Academy Award Winning Actor, Morgan Freeman to narrate the 90 minute History of Sparkles documentary that plays in the museum. It is MI6's conclusion that the Rainbow Speckled Sparklegem has mind influencing properties, and was used on Mr. Freeman as a test to gauge its abilities.

Antoine, seeing her potential quickly assigned her as his personal secretary, making sure to keep her late after hours to dictate various ideas or plans in his head. Though it is unknown as to what plans he has been telling her, deep cover sources of MI6 have deduced that it must be important and consuming, considering how late she stays, her tired appearance upon retiring for the evening, and the fact that Angel physicians have been treating her right hand for carpal tunnel.




Wan Yao

Anime Angel Silhouette.jpg

Codename: Bearfucker
Primary Speciality: Telling the Truth in Such a Way That Everyone Disagrees With Him
Secondary Speciality: Recruitment
Join Date: Summer 2008
Status: Active

WanYao is the only male within Anime's Angels. Anime needed someone who was very truthful in an Akulian way that nobody would trust what he was saying anyway so that all information passed back to Anime would immediately be discredited. Anime also needed someone effeminate enough to recruit within the Angels without having fearing that his Angels were being seduced by another male in his ranks. WanYao was the obvious choice for both these roles. Anime sends WanYao out to the most prestigious gay bars all around the world to gather profiles on the women that are only there to not get hit on constantly by guys.

<WanYao> And... yeah... me and my friends used to go this gay bar for free pool and cheap shooters before the club ... and i'd get bought drinks by guys ... and i stopped saying no ...