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I'm taking an indefinite rest from the game. Enjoy yourselves, kiddies. --Maisy Queen of the Ziggurats 14:18, 28 October 2008 (UTC)

UD Prof: Morgueasm, MMS! A trusty, busty, red-head in white PVC nurse's dress.

And the Template madness begins again!

Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.
TT4W01.jpg (To The) Four Winds Ally
This user or group is an ally of
(To The) Four Winds.
Desertedisland.jpg Island Vacationer
Morgueasm & Feely has either taken an authentic and relaxing vacation on one of Malton's fifteen islands or been castaway there and forced into an authentic and mind numbing solitude.
Skull n syringes.gif The Big Prick
Whittenside .
Malton recycle.GIF Combat Revive Any Person
Oh, C.R.A.P.!

Yet another proud supporter of the Malton Zombie Recycling Program

MCMSeal.gif Malton College of Medicine
This user supports the efforts of

Malton College of Medicine

in bringing healing and higher education to Malton.

MCMSeal.gif Malton College of Medicine
This user was a prestigious guest lecturer at Malton College of Medicine.
FlyingSpaghettiMonster.jpg Flying Spaghetti Monster
This user has been touched

by his Noodly Appendage.

Zhgghead.jpg ZOMBIES A GO-GO!

We support the zombie party deathstyle! Click here to find the next PARTY!
Zrmbrrh hra grh-grh!

WedInvite.jpg I was there!!!
This user attended the first Human to Zombie wedding between Morg and Feely at St. Ethelbert's Church on 04/29/08
GREAT NOODLE!.jpg Pastafarian
This user is a pastafarian, and as such worships his great noodlieness in all his saucy splendor.
DJ Portrait.png Assisted
This user has received help with his userpage and signature from an anonymous assistant