User talk:A whale's vagina

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Revision as of 16:20, 3 May 2008 by Seventythree (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 1128892 by Special:Contributions/Shakey60 (User talk:Shakey60))
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Got a question for me? I might have an answer for you.

Vidi Well Brother

No worries it really was poor judgement for me to sleep in that gate house. Hope the operation was still carried out.--The'Joker The Watchmen|RHA|RRF|AB 22:22, 2 January 2008 (UTC)

Hey WV, here is a profile for KZN02, Flogging MollyTinywhitemask.GIFPK 03:59, 4 January 2007 (UTC)

I never said thanks for this F....but thanks! --A whale's vagina 21:12, 8 May 2007 (BST)

You need a kill counter

Add your totals WV. I'm curious about how many you have now but I know you have several multiple executions thus counting the victims alone does me no good. --SO 20:17, 31 January 2007 (UTC)


Hello there, just got your message. You people sure are hard to contact! Masque killed me earlier today (as you probably know) and i got revived. I made my way over to the cemetery by isidores and both of you were standing there. I guess i was lucky in that sense. As i was typing i was getting attacked by a zed so i really couldnt talk for that long. Anyways the whole story behind me killing Masque is that he was in the same corner as me and i saw he killed a guy. Since i roll with the C4NT, im not a bounty hunter, but if i notice a pker i either attack him or report him to the crowd. Then, when you attacked me, i logged on during your first or second attack, checked your profile and thought it was a deul. I will say that it was a rousing time, i thought it was pretty cool to be attacking somebody who was attacking me.

Now onto serious business. I dont have a problem with you pking me - provided that i am not being targeted by every member of your group every moment my character is visible in game. Or if you somehow find me in some down and out suburb thats been deserted. I was actually reading through your group's wiki and thought "Oh i hope to God i wasnt being pked because of my name". But since Masque commented me telling me the whole situation i think i get it. I do appreciate the gesture of laying off of me for a while, because im a little light on ammo as of this moment. And because of this gesture i will refrain from attacking and Philospohe Knight members untill this deul has begun. If you have any specific rules, post them in my discussion area. I believe i know how a deul works, but i think that even the pkers in UD have rules about this sort of thing. I'd also like to give you an interview on pking for the C4NT. Id like to get a pkers (hope you dont think that its a derogatory term) thoughts on the subject of pking. I hope to hear back from you.

Stay Classy, TheHippestCat

P.S.: I thought it was kind of ironic that your name is "A whales vagina" and that same phrase was used in the Anchorman movie by the beloved Ron Burgundy, when referring to the definition of San Diego.

Lovely Username

Yeah. Real nice. And hey, TheHippestCat, I think that's the point. Not that ironic afterall. --Ducis DuxSlothTalk 07:12, 22 May 2007 (BST)


Thanks for the welcome. I'm still trying to get the hang on things, but I'm getting there ;)-- Che -T GC X 03:53, 12 July 2007 (BST)

RE: That didn't go as planned

Heh, thanks for the message and the compliment... And indeed, I always appreciate a witty punch line before I get PKd. Better luck next time… *grin* BTW, I forgot to save a screenshot, so I’m afraid your kill won’t be written down in the Rogue’s gallery… --John Cannonfodder 10:15, 13 July 2007 (BST)

RE: Enemy List

Yes, I now harbor no grudge against the PK. It appears the leaders of our respective groups (and Clan Nosferatu's) have a treaty. I now welcome all members of the PK as my allies. --Wildcard5 10:49, 28 July 2007 (BST)

Holy Shit A Philosophe Knight

So I had just killed a zed and was making my way over to another zombie, who was mauling some level one survivor, when another zed popped in and grabbed a hold of me. I only had about 8 ap left and decided screw it I'll take off. So I got to a safe house and decided to hit the back button a few times to see who the zed was. Then I saw your profile pop up. So, I felt kinda bad for bitchin out of a fight and want to know if there is any way to make up for bailin. You guys are really well reknown and for being a newbie I'd be honored to slug it out with you sometime.--Denver Randleman 22:57, 20 October 2007 (BST)

Thank-you, any time you are in the Greentown/Lockettside area contact me and we'll get this set up, have a safe trip.--Denver Randleman 22:16, 22 October 2007 (BST)

Ad compliance

Right, the ad looks reasonably good. The image is a bit too high, so you should do something about that. The text is a bit more than standard but that will be ok. Now just post that onto Lebende_Tote/recruit, and post the template code that is given on the recruitment page with the alterations:


If you have any more questions or if I was unclear just let me know. - Whitehouse 17:58, 2 December 2007 (UTC)

Ads must have their timestamp updated every two weeks. I'm supposed to check every day and remove ads that are past two weeks, though due to real life issues I am sometimes a bit behind when it comes to erasing expired ads. - Whitehouse 22:09, 2 December 2007 (UTC)
Since you are using <div> to colour your ad, you need to also place a cancel tag to stop it including the whole page. Just put </div> to stop the colouring proceeding any further than the end of your ad. And I am not bothered by being asked questions, so if you have more just ask. - Whitehouse 03:45, 3 December 2007 (UTC)

Word count

Rules state that no more than 200 words should be displayed in your ad section (don't ask me why this amount, it was so before I took over as editor). That does of course not include the mandatory header, and also doesn't include small flagboxes like the one the FU has about vultures. I'm looking at allowing more words though (as long as people would keep their ads from spanning more than 600x600PX, or something like that). - Whitehouse T 21:34, 10 January 2008 (UTC)


How did your username not get blocked as soon as you made it? Well done.--Nallan (Talk) 09:38, 2 April 2008 (BST)

A list of all kills made in the name of knowledge

Mall Tour
Various records of WV's ongoing Mall Tour.

All discussion should be kept on the discussion page or the main page or on the forum.