User:Rosslessness/Safehouse Hatred

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This is what's wrong with survivors.

I'm quite annoyed.

  • Survivors and zombies alike are finding it easier to navigate the familiar wreckage of the city streets. Survivors can get directions to a nominated safehouse; zombies automatically focus on the most recent groan or scent trail.
  • Settling in for the long haul, some survivors have been modifying and memorising their safehouses. Those able to scout a safehouse can spend 30AP to survey the building, giving them approximately 5 extra AP per day within their nominated safehouse, until they die or the safehouse is ruined.

The new game additions add nothing new to the survivor experience. All they do is reinforce old and completely stupid assumptions about how survivors should behave.

Maths first.

In order to benefit from the safehouse option you have to be in your safehouse. When there you have a 10% chance on each AP expended that you will get the action for free. This works out at 5ap in bonus every day. Now factor in the cost. In order to regain your 30ap, you'll need to expend 300ap within the building of your choice.

That's 6 days. Inside the same building. So what kind of building is worth spending that number of AP's inside? A Bank? Probably not. You're probably going to select a TRP.

Staying still for almost a week.

So now you're standing inside your safehouse. What are you going to do? Stock up on ammo? Or needles? Anything else?

Oh yeah. Barricade. As long as the zombies are outside, you can't die, and they can't ruin the building. That's brilliant.

Except its not. It's Fiddler's Green Syndrome on a city wide scale. Safehouses full of people protecting their safehouses. Raising the cades. Ignoring the newbs even more than usual. Who cares whats happening at that other PD? You need to protect your one. Imagine that, in every Hospital in the city.

Now in fairness, in some cases it may be an advantage. Gelasius General Hospital (Vinetown) or The Merson Building in Griggs Heights are examples of lone structures that would really benefit from being your safehouse. It might even help in a siege.

Except it won't.

Sieges are still the same

Because if I'm in a siege, I'll probably die. And then I lose my bonus. And because I want to get right back into the fight, I'm not going to be able to waste 30ap to reaquainte myself with my safehouse. I need those AP's to throw that rotter out and get some damn cades up.

Oh yeah cade blocking. Because if the zombies break in, it will still be as difficult to barricade. Of course it might take them longer to get in, because you've got a few more AP, but once the zombies are inside, you suffer the same imbalance in cades that existed before. But now what do you do? Do you meatshield to stop the place being ruined, or run to stop yourself dying? Because either way you WILL lose your safehouse bonus.

Of course none of this matters. Because you shouldn't have a home base! Even setting a home base implies that you're working in a defined area. If the big bash are in your suburb is it sensible to stand there? Of course not! River Tactics are by far the best strategy. Get repairing in their wake! Don't cry over the ruins of your special home.

Dying isn't bad!

Its also another part of the game including a punishment for dying. This again reinforces the assumption that dying is bad. It really isn't. A dead survivor can scout a ghost town at his leisure, decade entry points far better than if he was alive, and is the only outcome of the truly altruistic suicide repair. Dying is temporary, the biggest problem that survivors have is that they don't like dying.

404 no benefit found

Truly mobile groups, out there repairing the 100+ repairs are going to gain nothing at all. If I'm setting a repair cost, I'll die, and any building I'm focussing on will probably be reruined (but with a vastly smaller reapir cost) by the time I get up. If anything the job is harder, as static groups will want to spend more time nearer there base, as its more ap effecient to search there than anywhere else.

The Home Tracker

I'm a newb. I wake up in a PD and make it my home base. From then on every time I move there's going to be a reminder about where I'm from. The implication is that I should stay close, and return to it. Might not matter there's 30 zombies next door, that's my home. Have you seen that zombie film where all the survivors stay where they are, and everything works out fine? Its another way to shepherd the survivors together inside "safe" TRP's. Which is stupid as now there's another danger from all standing in the same building.


If survivors were supposed to stand still, barricade their safehouse up to EHB and sit there all the time searching and barricading, Build Safehouse would be an amazing benefit.

But survivors excel when they run revive points, repair wherever the need arises and help each other throughout the city.

This is nothing but a huge disadvantage to those of us who aren't idiots.

--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 14:20, 17 August 2010 (BST)