User talk:Paddy Dignam

From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 05:29, 3 March 2013 by Bob Moncrief (talk | contribs) (→‎"their" vs. "his or her": Just gave a talk today on pronouns in English and other languages, so it was fun to come home to this :))
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Please leave new messages at the bottom of the page.


Do you have a crush on my soon-to-be girlfriend Gina? Advertise it with this template:

GTcrush.jpg Gina Semple
This user has a crush on Gina Semple.

Have I flirted with you? Tell everyone how hot you are with this:

Paddy&JJ.jpg Paddy Dignam
This user has rejected the amorous advances of

Paddy Dignam


  • My militant zombie alt Zombuddha finds you to be a worthy opponent. BARHAH! Buddhagazelle 14:17, 29 May 2007 (BST)
  • I must concur with Zombuddha. Your comment to me is immensely flattering, although I'm afraid I cannot claim coordination with blackthornwhatsit. (I do hope he's not zerging--that's a sad state of affairs if he is.) Hope to see you next time I'm in your neck of Malton! --Vandr 22:04, 18 July 2007 (BST)


Got your message. I'm interested in what you may have in mind. You got a link to your brainstock threads, or posts? --The Envoy 00:20, 24 July 2007 (BST)

Yup. You can check out the thread here. The general idea is in the first post, but there are some good questions down the line if you feel like wading through all the bullshit. What I'm trying to do now is come up with a framework and get some support from independent parties and smaller groups (non-egomaniacs interested in the bigger picture). If you know anyone who fits that description, by all means pass the word. --Paddy Dignam 03:28, 24 July 2007 (BST)
I'll mention it around my digs, but really I think you and Sonny are talking about the same thing, just Sonny's a bit more authoritarian or a badge-fetishizing, while you think the job can be done with no stinkin' badges. I don't see how either system improves upon the way things are coordinated via Brainstock or the New Malton Collossus. There's a shared mindset you and Sonny have that this game can somehow be "won". Maybe back in Sonny's day when there were far less players, and comms were limited to just a few boards, areas could be heavily secured. Then isn't now.--The Envoy 06:31, 26 July 2007 (BST)
Anybody who thinks the game can be won is delusional. This isn't about winning, it's about getting more people involved. It's about paying less attention to "glorious battles" and more attention to the suburbs without Blackmore Buildings. How many groups are in the NMC? Would the NMC ever respond to a crisis in, say, Starlingtown? Having another board isn't the point. Hell, Brainstock would probably work just fine, although I don't think it's secure enough for this sort of thing (and I think having a neutral site is wiser). The idea is to get folks to think, at least in part, beyond the 10x10 square they grew up in. --Paddy Dignam 19:35, 26 July 2007 (BST)

DRRP Template

I've started working on a group template for the DRRP in my sandbox Paddy, if you want to take a look and tell me what you think I can set it up as a normal template really easily. Drop me a line either here in reply or on my talk page to let me know what you think. the one, the only, sushiknight (talk contribs HARD E.N.D.) 17:07, 25 July 2007 (BST)

Gah, almost didn't see your comment hidden -in- my sandbox like that. Henh. Easier to leave a message on my talk page next time :D. I moved the template into the template userspace already! Template:DRRPsmall Call it with {{DRRPsmall|User=Your Name HERE}} to get what's below.the one, the only, sushiknight (talk contribs HARD E.N.D.) 01:59, 2 August 2007 (BST)
DRRPsmall.jpg Danversbank Relief and Reconstruction Project
Paddy Dignam likes to get drunk with the DRRP.
Under the My preferences tab you can set it to see anything that was posted on one of your pages you have watched or made. I do this just so I don't miss any msg.--XxPale HorsexX 12:43, 2 August 2007 (BST)


What you saw was my shotgun, and I'll chalk that up to your optical nerves being chewed up too many times. --ZuluDeacon 00:53, 8 December 2007 (UTC)


Thank you, kind sir. --Fdarsafarg 23:03, 27 February 2008 (UTC)

You're welcome. Love the profile. --Paddy Dignam 21:18, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

Props from the Feral Undead

We are well met! As someone who has stuck around this goofy game for awhile, it’s refreshing to find groups who still play the game with a sense of humor - it is what makes this whole thing fun. I am glad we stumbled across you fine folks and am more than happy to play along. R33F3RM4N mentioned the possibility of a zombie karaoke session - I am sure that would generate interest within the Feral Undead.--Priapus 02:24, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

RE: Signature

Fonts? Hmm, I don't all of the ones that work. It depends on the browser though. They work in some, but not others. Here are a few I know off the top of my head:


Cracked <-- no work in IE


Courier New


Times New Roman


Trebuchet MS

Lucida Sans






Anything else? --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 18:41, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

I copied from Wikipedia. :P You could try some others from MS, but I don't know how many would work. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 18:48, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
I don't think it's an IE thing, probably just a "What fonts does the user have installed?" thing. So you can only be guaranteed the stock stuff under stock names. "Cracked" works for me, because I have it installed, however, it's under the name "Crackhouse" and so you have to call it by that name to get it to work. I can get one of my custom fonts to show, but I doubt anybody else would have it. So yeah, stick to stock otherwise your font will default to TNR. -- User:The Rooster RoosterDragon User talk:The Rooster 19:09, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
Will do. I found a font I like and will now see how long it takes me to make a signature without (1) pulling out all my hair, or (2) blowing up the wiki. Thanks again. --Paddy Dignam 19:21, 12 March 2009 (UTC)


It's only fair that you know. Linkthewindow  Talk  06:58, 28 March 2009 (UTC)

I don't really know what happens after two weeks, to be honest ;). There's no way we usually do this (it's nearly always done by discussion, with maybe a straw poll, but no binding votes, which is why I linked to the Wikipedia policy.) It looks like it's whoever gets the most votes wins, now. I don't really think you need an impartial party to do the tally - you don't have to be impartial to see which has the most numbers below it :P.

If he goes ahead anyway, you could take him to arbitration and get it solved there. I understand that he doesn't really know what he's doing here - he's ether an idiot (per him trying to change the barricade plans the first time,) or trying to be bold but going about it the wrong way. Like you've suggested before, I think he's just young. We've got people like that in MCM - one must be careful when taking them aside and telling them off for something.

He's been doing similar things over the past few weeks - such as putting the Dead up for a historical nomination, his promotion bid and this deletion request. I think he's trying to become active in the community but doing it the wrong way, and rubbing people the wrong way while doing it.

Anyway, enough with my rambling :P. Contact me if you need any more help or have any questions. Linkthewindow  Talk  07:18, 29 March 2009 (BST)


Hey, I've been standing around in Angerstein cemetary for little while now and I saw you pass by.. could you revive me please?? =) Thanks - I also requested a revive using the tool but someone has yet to come by. --ScaredPlayer 15:33, 11 April 2009 (BST)


Is falling into disrepair! The bastion of survivor hope, VOSS LANE PD is like dead, as are many of the surrounded dark and generator-less buildings. I've spent the last couple days looking for generators in Whitemore Auto repair (the closest source of fuel/gennies to danversbank, correct me if im wrong), but I've found no generators yet. BTW can I add my group affiliation as DRRP? I've decided to settle down permanently here. I really like it, especially how the barricade plan is almost always followed. And now, in Danversbank's time of distress I'm glad to help out. Most people don't care about fixing the burb though, more like they just sit around in dark buildings then spend their days worth of AP whaling on zombies. --ScaredPlayer 16:13, 23 May 2009 (BST)

I need to talk to people more...

...because this is the first time in a couple days I've found a user talk that I needed to edit that I've never edited before. At least as far as I can remember. I'm a bit tired right now. And I've edited a lot of the active users at one point or another. I just wanted to remind you of this funneh quote I found of you.

"God help me, I have recently discovered the delicious crack called Recent Changes"


--Mr. Angel, Help needed? 01:23, 3 June 2009 (BST)

Hello and request

Wondering if you would mind dropping by my page for a chat. Would like to possibly work with your group. Excellent profile page by the way-really enjoyed it! Regards,--Belisarius17 18:52, 14 November 2009 (UTC)

Greetings! This isn't about taking back a fort, right? Because we don't do that sort of thing. --Paddy DignamIS DEAD 23:47, 14 November 2009 (UTC)

rootin tootin kabootin

matootin smootin putin footin bootin --Karloth Vois ¯\(°_o)/¯ 18:37, 29 May 2011 (BST)

Emot-argh.gif --Karloth Vois ¯\(°_o)/¯ 11:22, 8 June 2011 (BST)

Still alive and kicking I see

Received your message, dropped by your room at the Davey Motel but it was empty. Still in the area? Its been a while, how have you been doing? -- Sabanya 10:14, 3/6/2012 UTC


Pleasure to meat you! Happy (It's been far too long!) ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 13:34, 29 May 2012 (BST)

Maybe regular hordes don't check banks, but this is the MOB. We generally eat everything silly enough to be in our vicinity. Tongue :P
Also, I admit I recognised you and Gina Semple and ate you first— because I consider you friends, and friends don't let friends breathe. Disgusting habit, and one you're well rid of. Content ^^; ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ

"their" vs. "his or her"

As a fellow grammar nazi, I feel compelled to point out that third person plural is acceptable in cases dealing with indeterminate gender. This whole idea of it being considered improper was the result of a few grammarians who forced that idea into some textbooks around the turn of the last century. Prior to that the usage was commonplace, and despite it having fallen out of favor for most of the 20th century, it never fell out of use, with a number of authors regularly relying on it, even though textbooks were saying it was incorrect. Much to my pleasure, the usage has been making a recent resurgence in response to all of the idiocy that political correctness has inflicted on the language, and it's now starting to once again be taught as acceptable. Thank God. Aichon 17:32, 2 March 2013 (UTC)

Acceptable, but, in my opinion, illogical. "User" is singular. "Their" is plural. I admit the his/her is awkward, but it's still the norm in academic and journalistic writing. (The politically correct shit--s/he, for instance--drives me nuts as well.) -----Paddy DignamIS DEAD 17:43, 2 March 2013 (UTC)
Oh, quite true, but, when you think about it, it's really no more illogical than "you" (singular) and "you" (plural). Except that in this case it's with the third person instead of the second person, and it only applies as a singular in one particular case. Unusual, to be sure, and certainly illogical, but nonetheless acceptable in everyday speech. As for academic writing, you are definitely correct, but that has more to do with what's appropriate for formal writing, rather than what's correct. That's a whole other topic that I had to deal with way too much when I was teaching classes and grading essays for a senior-level ethics course at my university. Anyway, I suppose you could argue that policy writing should be formal, in which case "his or her" would be appropriate, but I've always figured that this is a wiki for a game, so there's no need to be unnecessarily stuffy with the language we use. ;) Aichon 17:58, 2 March 2013 (UTC)
Dude, you can't play Anal Retentive Chef with wiki policy on a daily basis and then use the "it's just a game" cop out. Come on, now. In any event, yes, I was suggesting that his/her is more appropriate for policy writing, something that I unfortunately have to do frequently. But it was just a suggestion. --Paddy DignamIS DEAD 01:16, 3 March 2013 (UTC)
Using "they" as a "neutral singular" had actually (as Aichon mentioned) been in widespread use for centuries until the Victorian era, when grammarians tried to make English "more like Latin" through a number of rules (Latin, of course, being the ideal, perfect language that all others should strive to emulate.) This is also where we get my least favorite rule, the "no prepositions at the end of a sentence" one, also borrowed straight from any elementary Latin book. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 05:29, 3 March 2013 (UTC)