User talk:TripleU/Crystal Harrak

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User talk:Crystal Harrak


On behalf of the UDwiki, I'd like to welcome you to our community. If you need anything, just ask. --VVV RPMBG 07:46, 14 October 2013 (BST)

Ya thanks, I guess. --Crystal HarrakLoyal soldier of Jerden 07:46, 14 October 2013 (BST)
OMG, posting one right after another = WIKI-ZERGERY. *misconbitragnarok*--RWSig1.png RWSig2.pngFoD PK Praise Rando!08:07, 14 October 2013 (BST)
Don't worry Crystal, most of us here don't bite. --VVV RPMBG 20:57, 14 October 2013 (BST)
OMG, addressing alts in the second person = SCHIZOPHRENIA. *misconbitragnarok*--RWSig1.png RWSig2.pngFoD PK Praise Rando!01:49, 15 October 2013 (BST)
Whoa whoa whoa, I'm no schizopath. You've got 59 bounty on your head; Which sure makes it look like you're the schizopath here. And a helluva schizopath at that. --Crystal HarrakLoyal soldier of Jerden 02:03, 15 October 2013 (BST)
You mean psychopath? --VVV RPMBG 02:03, 15 October 2013 (BST)
Fuck it, man, I had barely started secondary when they closed the borders. --Crystal HarrakLoyal soldier of Jerden 02:03, 15 October 2013 (BST)
At least you started out with a human language. And Radical, you fuckwit, stop harassing these innocent, obviously unrelated people >.> --Abby Omination 04:32, 15 October 2013 (BST)
Whoa, you're tall. What are you, 6'4"? 6'5"? Arms that long must give you great leverage for swinging at zeds when you're in open areas. I'm totally jelly. I bet I'd be taller if I hadn't been raised on cooked rat and airdropped peanut butter. Ugh. You know what I found on this dead fag the other day? Ding ding ding, give that woman a prize; More fucking peanut butter. Do they drop us any bread to spread it on? No. Do they drop us any chips or fruit or tree? No. Just those big-ass vats of peanut butter. It's like those external military dimwits don't even try, ya know? --Crystal HarrakLoyal soldier of Jerden 05:19, 15 October 2013 (BST)
Leverage? Abby has tentacles that are capable of ripping multiple people in half at once. Kinda like breadsticks that come with frozen pizza, you know. Except with a lot of dripping torsos. Speaking of which, instead of peanut butter and not-bread, she feeds all of her considerable mass with carbon-based animal lifeforms. The kind that there are thousands of in Malton... you know the sort.--RWSig1.png RWSig2.pngFoD PK Praise Rando!05:49, 15 October 2013 (BST)
Did you just call me FAT?--Abby Omination 05:49, 15 October 2013 (BST)
OH shi- --RWSig1.png RWSig2.pngFoD PK Praise Rando!05:50, 15 October 2013 (BST)
Tentacles? Now that's just plain mean. She's clearly just a regular gal, not some sort of abomination. If you can't go two minutes without murdering or verbally attacking someone, then you need to seriously rethink your life. --Crystal HarrakLoyal soldier of Jerden 06:14, 15 October 2013 (BST)
Yes, Crystal is clearly, clearly right Radical. Radical? Helloooooo? *pokes* Ah, right I forget you anim- you human be- ahem, us human beings tend to die when pulled in half. In any case, he won't be bothering you anymore ma'am. *tips non-existent hat*--Abby Omination 07:23, 15 October 2013 (BST)