Dunell Hills Police Department/Archive/Rogue Squad

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Rogue Squad
Abbreviation: DHPD-RS
Group Numbers: 0
Leadership: DISBANDED
Goals: To respond and adapt to whatever the most dangerous situation plaguing the DHPD is at any given time.
Recruitment Policy: Become a DHPD member and ask commanderian about joining.
Contact: Radio Free Dunell Hills

Our Origin

A few weeks ago, I got my inspiration for this squad when Cotty came under attack. A lot of us were in Owsleybank, and ended up getting recalled to the Hills, to help the situation at Cotty. Me and some of my fellow Alphas were frusrated at this, as we felt our missions never got finished, we were always getting called away for something else. I drew on ideas from Star Wars, where the famous Rogue Squadron has no standing orders, so that they could be in the "hot spots", wherever the Rebel Alliance most needed them. They were the ones always there to combat the Empire, whenever the Alliance was in need. Thus, this squad is borne from that idea.

What We Do

Rogue Squad is one with no standing orders, one where the team can jump from situation to situation as needed. Rather than having a set mission or missions, we as the Rogues represent everything outside of order: we don't act so much as react. We also need to be extremely variable in our talents, so that we may better be able to react to any situation, whether it be many wounded needing healing, a large zombie threat to be disposed of, revives to be done, or simply barricading up some buildings.

As such, I shall most likely deem where it seems where the greatest need seems to lie at any given time, though I open to suggestions from anyone. In fact, outside of the squad even, I am willing to take requests from other DHPD'ers, specifically requesting our presence in whatever situation they're currently involved in.

Despite the Everyman position that I am going to want ALL Rogues to be able to fulfill, I am going to have specific roles that will be taken, where slight tweaking will be done with your inventory, and your main role to the squad. For instance, a medical officer, whose primary role will be to heal the rest of the team, as well as others. Even this MO will be expected to fufill all other roles, it's just these predominant roles as special officers will be included so that we have our specialist in each area. Since the team is just starting up right now, not everyone is going to have a role assigned, and by no means will everyone have one, once the Rogues are maxed out. And not every officer role will be given out right now at the beginning, I will assign such preliminary roles now, but things are subject to being mixed up quite a bit in the first few weeks, til we settle in.


Each squad member will have a designation-- a call sign to be called in-game. We do not call each other by actual names during missions. I'll be Rogue Leader, and the other designations will be 2-12. Rogue 2 will be my XO (exectuive officer), and second-in-command. Once a fully manned squad of 12 is complete, we'll have the group split into three teams: Team 1, commanded by me, encompassing Rogue Leader-4, Team 2, commanded by Rogue 5, containing 5-8, and Team 3, commanded by Rogue 9, also having 10, 11, and 12. The teams will be useful for if we need to split up to handle multiple objectives at once. (Ex: Hills come under attack, many buildings opened, many dead survivors, many injured survivors. Team 1 takes barricading, Team 2 takes reviving, Team 3 takes healing.)

Everyone is going to have their own specific team mate, who I want them to ALWAYS travel with, to create a greater deal of coordination and to foster friendships. We need to be a close-knit group. (Not to mention if you've always got a buddy assigned to you, less chance of getting eaten by just a lone zombie, if you've got someone else with you) However, no more than 2 Rogues will take a building together. For the most part, the callsigns will determine who your team mate is, for instance, Rogues 5 and 6 will be a pair, and 11 and 12. However, these may change from time to time, depending upon missions and whatnot.

Former Rogue Squad Roster

  • Rogue Leader- Commander Commanderian (temporary medical officer)
  • Rogue 2- Brevet Captain Prosperina (temporary executive officer)
  • Rogue 3- Lieutenant Rogue
  • Rogue 4- Lieutenant Tablewar
  • Rogue 5- Lieutenant Plashricrem (temporary revival officer)
  • Rogue 6-
  • Rogue 7- Lieutenant Lakoome
  • Rogue 8- Lieutenant Mothac
  • Rogue 9-
  • Rogue 10-
  • Rogue 11-
  • Rogue 12-

MIA: Raventhedestroyer

Recruitment and Division

As more people fill in the positions (which I am still waiting on a few replies and whatnot), the callsigns will most likely get switched up, as well as the officers, and as I said before, more officers will be added, as the team grows. For now, Prosperina will be temporary second-in-command, it may or may not be permanent. My squadmate is now Rogue, Prosperina and Tablewar, you're squadmates. We make up Team 1, Team 2 Leader is Plash, who is currently without a squadmate. Lakoome and Mothac have been added as squadmates in positions 7 and 8, as they were already partners in game. Right now everyone except Plash has a partner, next recruit is his.

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DHPD Main Page

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DHPD Precincts: Broadbelt Grove | Bunter Street | Burrell Way | Cottam Way | Cotty Street | Kenefie Lane | Ruggevale Walk | Rodwell Row | Swinnerton Square | Uppill | Yea Drive

DHPD Squads: Alpha Squad | Bravo Squad | Charlie Squad | Delta Squad | Dixie Squad | Ghost Squad | Omega Squad

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Other: Radio Free DHPD | DHPD Forum | Department Archives | DHPD Policies and Procedures | DHPD Most Wanted | Rogues Gallery | DHPD Testimonials