The City Zoo
The City Zoo of Malton is a truly Unique complex located in Ketchelbank. Mostly comprising of empty ground with six enclosures. Although history remains silent on wether the animals where evacuated before the quarantine or wether they escaped into the streets, there are no animals left in the zoo now. The enclosures still standing in the zoo function as the remaining useull buildings in the complex.
General Information
City Zoo In good condition, even a few gennies running. The Malton Zookeepers have a significant presence. |
City Zoo
Ketchelbank [41,30] – [45,33]
Resource Items |
Misc Items |
Clothes Head
More on the Zoo
As a large complex the Zoo is unique among the other such buildings in Malton, Each block of the Zoo is functionally seperate, unlike those in Malls and Cathedrals, the Zoo is not surrounded by a restricting border like the Forts and movement in the Zoo is the same as through a group of independent and seperate buildings. Inside its borders the Zoo is split up into multiple parts these are as follows:
- the Lion Enclosure [42,30]
- the Reptile House [45,30]
- the Bear Pit [43,31]
- the Elephant House [41,32]
- the Giraffe House [44,32]
- the Aquarium [43,33]
The reptile house and aquarium are buildings without doors, but the other buildings are wire-fence locations similar to junkyards and all other blocks not listed above are simply named City Zoo and are outdoors.