Malton College of Medicine/medic runs

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Malton College of Medicine
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MCM Medic Runs

An MCM nursing student on our Heal-the-Revivers medic run

As college enrollment grows, more medical runs will be added so that more of the surrounding are is served, and so that traveling healers overlap as little as possible, thus conserving precious AP.


before you leave

1. Rest. Do not leave on a medic run without plenty of AP. You'll be better able to respond to problems, and you'll be more help to those you encounter on your route. For longer routes, wait until you are at or near 50 AP.
2. Stock up on FAKs, either at St. George's or possibly at Marven Mall if you have the mall rat skills. Fill your inventory full of FAKs, and you will maximize your AP usage and gain experience faster.
3. Security patrols of the medic runs should carry a minimum of 5 FAKs in addition to their weapon of choice and plenty of ammunition. This allows the security guard to continue to easily gain XP, and also allows him or her to render emergency medical assistance.

on your run

1. Heal people! Follow one of the routes linked to below, and heal the injured as you find them.
2. Announce yourself! Talk to people. Tell them that you're on a MCM medical run, and name out loud who you heal so that people can tell you've been busy. This also gives people a good reason to help out MCM when St. George's is under attack. After all, the butt you bandage may one day save your own!
3. Be creative and cheerful. Remember that humor is a powerful healing force.

Maps and Descriptions

Our two basic medic runs are the Heal-the-Revivers medic run (through South Blythville), and Brooksville 1. Medium runs are for those with more AP, and longer runs will require a full day's AP and possibly finding a secure place to rest en route. The Greentown and South Brooksville medic runs involve stepping out onto street level, and a mistake in counting AP or failure to check the barricade level before exiting can leave a medic trapped and exhausted on the street, easy prey for hungry zombies. Undergraduate students should stay on the first two medic runs.

We recommend that new medics stick with the first two basic medic runs until they are familiar with the procedure used on medic runs, and with counting steps and AP.

And if you get lost, check this map: Map of 4 suburbs surrounding St. G.

Short Runs

Medic runs good for those just starting out or who don't want to use a lot of AP. These runs don't involve stepping outside.


Heal the Revivers Medical Run

Brooksville 1

Brooksville Medical Run

Medium runs

Medic runs that are of medium length (15-30 AP)

Runs that involve stepping outside should be undertaken only by upper-level students with experience in counting AP and who are familiar with the area (meaning you know where several entry points are and can find them unerringly if one is overcaded!) When you take that step outside, always have 5 more AP than you should need to get to safety; otherwise, stay put and rest!

Southern Brooksville

The South Brooksville run is a one-way route since it involves stepping outside. Going clockwise on this route leaves you returning to St. George's, which is maintained as enterable. Always have 5 more AP than you expect to need when you step outdoors in case your first entry point is overcaded!

South Brooksville Medical Run

Greentown 1

This is a one directional run (for safety) that requires entry at Club Harnap. Please allow for extra energy and caution in case barricades at Club Harnap are too high.

Greentown Run.JPG


To be used when Dixon Way PD and/or Boulevard PD is under attack

Outdoor Scouting

For advanced students only. Please give a complete report about the zombie presence in the area upon return to campus.

Longer runs

Medic runs that need most of a full day's AP to complete and do several heals or cading (30 AP or more). Since they may involve finding a secure place to rest en route, they should be attempted by more advanced students.

Once again: Runs that involve stepping outside should be undertaken only by upper-level students with experience in counting AP and who are familiar with the area (meaning you know where several entry points are and can find them unerringly if one is overcaded!) When you take that step outside, always have 5 more AP than you should need to get to safety; otherwise, stay put and rest!

Northern Brooksville

North Brooksville Medical Run, version 1

North Blythville

First draft of a new North Blythville run is available for comment. Please leave all comments on the Dean's Office page.

North Blythville temporary.gif

Greentown 2

South Brooksville, long version

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