User:Major Striker

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Major Striker
Joined: November 29, 2006 at 02:21:17
Character class: Military, Zombie
Favorite equipment: Claws
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Undead and on the warpath against everything that betrayed him
Character group: Striker's Battalion
Character stats: Lev 42
Journal: No journal for Major Striker

History of Major Striker

I joined in November of 2006 as a soldier in Dulston just trying to survive and spent about 2 months there maxing out my survivor skills before moving on down south to Fort Perryn were I first died and spent 3 months zking and finshing off my zed skills except brain rot. After I became a lev 41, I moved to Pitneybank where I made my legacy capturing Fort Creedy from the zombies in May of 2007 back before survivors could dump bodies over the walls. Right after that defining event that made me famous I tried my hand at another thing that could make me famous, battling the super horde, LUE, which was fruitless so I went back up north to Dulston after failing and I began hunted pkers for a month before be killed by one and then I got brain rot and idling out in for awhile. I then rose ingame again on February 2008 for more fruitless wiki battling against the new super horde, The Dead, though I never tried to fight them ingame and after that little cold wiki war I went inactive again but I rose again just recently but on the zombie side so I can reclaim my legacy, Fort Creedy, from the survivors and hold it for zombies. In July I was among the group of zombies that destroyed Fort Creedy and I also traveled a few times north to help to destroy Giddings but I wasn't really big on it as I was content on staying in the fort but recently the survivors have recaptured the fort but you know how all survivor attempts of holding the fort end, it ends with us zombies eating them so all I have to say is "Its only a mater of time". Thats about where my history is up to for now...

Current Goals

1. Capture and ruin Fort Creedy.

2. Make sure Creedy remains that way for as long as possible.

3. Repeat back to step one after fort refills with new trenchies.

Advice for Zombies Attacking Fort Creedy

I'm gonna start posting ideas so we can capture the fort while not allowing the survivors any room to live or get exp from us so if you are a zombie and are interested, check often.

Current Advice- Lets just stay down for now since we can't make a beachhead in the gatehouse. I'd hate to say it but the Dumb Ass trenchies are actually having sucess but lets just stay down and deny them the exp they seek from killing us. Just let the pkers disrupt the fort from within then we'll strike when they are weak. Till then fellow zombies heed my advice or just stand up and keep getting shot over and over after breaking into the fort and bite maybe 2 people, it doesn't matter to me but I know what I'm doing and if any zombie wants the specfic details just ask on my talk page and I'll set up a secure place to discuss tactics.

Main Goal Status


[78,47] - [80,49] (bic) (statuses) (update)
Fort Creedy
Secured and occupied by several survivors. A few zombies stare forlornly at the gate.
--VVV RPMBG 02:39, 29 January 2025 (UTC)


800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png American
This user is American.

This user is a Republican.
John McCain for President
This user wants John McCain for President.
This user is a Christian.

Male.jpeg Male
This user is male.

Cake.jpg Happy Birthday
This user was born on May 21

ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Dead
This user is a zombie and proud of it.

Dawn ut dead.jpg OMG, Yet Another Headshot!
This user is amazed their zombie can still lurch after so many headshots.

Zombie river icon 2.gif Zombie River Tactics
I am the void that devours all.

Template:Beachhead Tactic

Brains with captions.jpg Brain Rot
One of Major Striker's characters has brain rot and/or supports those select few who do have brain rot.

Grave.png Improve Urban Dead
Katthew's Zombie Improvements should be incorporated into Urban Dead.

Bubble.jpg Zombese
mmzazbz?aa-bzzn,n.nnn,aa-bz?n.z! aaz?z,n.nnzhz?aa-zz-znnzn.z?

Stargate SG-1 Season 8 Title.jpg Stargate SG-1 Fan
This user watches Stargate SG-1 and is a fan of it.

Template:Stargate Atlantis Fan

Stargate.jpg Stargate User
This user knows how to use a Stargate and will appear in your building through one and strike you without warning then leave back through it before you can recover.


Template:Alteran Language

Screen Cap01.jpg Puddle Jumper
This user thinks puddle jumpers are cool and wishes they could own one.

Tactics.jpg Strategy Maker
This user is great at making strategies to get out of sticky situations even if things seem hopeless.

Stewie.gif World Domination
This user has plans for world domination.

Kitty small.jpg Kitties!
This user supports the use of Kitties for extreme cuteness and lovability.

Coffee mug.jpg Coffee Addict
This user believes coffee is the NECTAR OF THE GODS.

Llama.JPG Drama Llama
The Llama is watching you.
Visited Fort Creedy
This user has visited Fort Creedy.