Malton Civil Defense Unit/The Black Knights

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MCDU Unit Two "The Black Knights"
Paintedknight copy.jpg
Abbreviation: Unit Two
Group Numbers: Classified
Leadership: 1st Lt. Zoopers, CO
Goals: Defense of the living, revival of the willing, termination of the undead.
Recruitment Policy: Join the MCDU
Contact: Brainstock

The Black Knights

Second Unit of the MCDU, the Black Knights go where others dare not tread. Eager to confront challenges head-on, the Black Knights fly into the breach whenever possible, favoring the challenge of clearing and holding Necrotech facilities.

Group Backstory

The legend of how the Black Knights were formed goes back to the days of when the first feeding groans echoed throughout Malton. The true history of the knights is concealed by the penumbra of legend. Some say that the knights are not human, rumors once spoke of Angels within their ranks- some even say that the Black Knights were forged from the black fires of Hell itself.

But beyond myth and speculation, one thing is certain:

Where the Black Knights stand, None Shall Pass!

Group Goals

To defend survivors where they are most imperiled, and to reclaim suburbs devastated by the zombie scourge.

Sister Groups

"The Black Knights" are Unit Two of the Malton Civil Defense Unit, which is itself a member of the Department of Emergency Management. Sister groups include the MFD, MPD, MFU and MEMS.

Recruitment Policy


Operational History

Coming soon.

Honour List

Distinguished former members include:

franx, former Black Knight, now retired.
Cameron Hawke, former CO of the Black Knights, currently General of the MCDU.
Six Winged Angel, former XO of the Black Knights, also first commanding officer of Unit 8: "The Legion", now retired.
Flode, former Black Knight, also first commanding officer of Unit Six: "The Coven", now retired.
Runtothetrenches, former Black Knight, also former commanding officer of Unit Seven: "The Red Storm", now retired.
Dr. Quack, former squad leader of the Black Knights, now retired.
J Howlett, former Black Knight, also former executive officer of Unit Seven: "The Red Storm".
Avaery, former Black Knight, currently executive officer of Unit Seven: "The Red Storm".
Capt San, former Black Knight, previously first commanding officer of Unit Seven: "The Red Storm", now retired.
Daniel Clark, former Black Knight, also refounding executive officer of Unit Three: "The Hell Hounds".
Father Thompson, former CO of the Black Knights, currently Director of MCI.

User Bar

Blackk.jpg Unit 2 The Black Knights
This user is a member of MCDU's The Black Knights



Malton Civil Defense Unit
Malton Fire Department
Malton Police Department
Department of Emergency Management