Order of the Black Rose/News

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Order of the Black Rose

Home - *OBR Weekly* - Members & Allies - OBR Building Watch

Here you will find weekly OBR Situation Reports as well as information relating to group activities.


19 Feb

The Order of the Black Rose departs from its current activities to help Marven Mall in South Blytheville prepare for Mall Tour 2009.


Crooketon: The suburb is looking pretty secure, at least in the southern half. What was inaccurately still listed as a ghost town on the suburb danger map is a relatively safe suburb.

Grigg Heights: The most recent reports indicate high concentrations of zombies still in the suburb, many still around the Merson NT.

Lerwill Heights: Reports indicate that much of the suburb is in ruins; also indications of a small zed population, so likely a small survivor population as well.

Mornington: Danger levels in the suburb have escalated, with reports of approximately 40 non-breathers and many ruined buildings.

Reganbank: No report


Crooketon: No Report

Grigg Heights: The suburb has quieted down significantly, particularly in the north, where zed activity is... well dead.

Lerwill Heights: Latest reports were that the suburb is quickly falling into disrepair, with an increased zed presence.

Mornington: No Report

Reganbank: No Report

23 Jan-3 Feb

Moving to support 404: Barhah Not Found, the OBR helped hold onto the Merson NT. Despite growing zed numbers in the area, break-ins were few. After many nights of Twister and parties in Merson, survivors got bored and gradually moved out. The Merson NT fell back into disrepair a few days later.


Crooketon: By last report the suburb is mostly repaired, but still very much barren of life.

Grigg Heights: Has been hotly contested over the last week. 404: Barhah Not Found along with the OBR has held the Merson NT, which has drawn ever-increasing numbers of zombies to the area.

Lerwill Heights: No report

Mornington: No report

Reganbank: Rebuilding efforts continue, but survivor numbers in the suburb are low.

14 Jan

The Order of the Black Rose moved to reinforce Breach of Peace and The Randoms who had recently re-taken the Merson NT in Grigg Heights. After the first day, the quickly rising number of zeds on the scene verified that both Rot From The Moors and Lebende Tote were present to lay siege to any TRPs in the area that survivors wished to lay claim to. Survivors batten down the hatches.

By 16 January the Merson NT, Blaxall Way PD, and St. Wolfgang's Hospital are all ruined with zed presence. The OBR and other survivor groups discuss their options.

9 Jan

Implementation of our new look on the wiki! Awesome has officially increased ten-fold!!