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Revision as of 00:02, 22 April 2010 by Aphelion (talk | contribs)
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About Me

I'm apparently on the RRF War Council or something, but I'm not entirely sure how that happened and am taking steps to address it.

Need to contact me for any reason? You can send me a PM on or just leave a comment on my talk page.

Shit List

Inspired by Eve Amedeus's page! I hate the following people:

Adward 4/2/10 trying to get me promoted to Mama
Draugrh 4/19/10 being a cruel and sadistic dickface of a game master
globule13 5/14/09 defacing my talk page (I AM NOT A SUCKER YOU JERKFACE)
golam 6/3/09 stealing my kills
Gus Thomas 4/5/10 ripping off my wiki page code o.0
Jadkor 4/2/10 trying to get me promoted to Mama
Jea 5/14/09 making defamatory threads full of libel
Johnny Bass 5/29/09 being a beer-sodden dickhead
kylestyle 5/15/09 trying to get me promoted (HA HA HA, IT HAPPENED TO YOU TOO)
Lord Moloch 5/21/09 calling me a secretary and promoting me >:(
Michael Barnaby 4/2/10 trying to get me promoted to Mama
Murray Jay Suskind 5/13/09 changing my forum title to Paper Pusher Extraordinaire
MikeaveLi 5/16/09 defacing my talk page
Swing Your Pants 4/2/10 trying to get me promoted to Mama and creating this (what a cruel betrayal from my darling waifu ;-;)
ZombieBabyJesus 5/16/09 engaging in the production and distribution of slanderous, offensive imagery
Zombie in Pajamas always existing

Active Alts

Lunar Aphelion

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
--Friedrich Nietzsche

Bringing barhah to a suburb near you!

I originally joined UD sometime in '07 to run with a small group of friends, and Aphelion was my main alt. But the group slowly atrophied as people got bored or quit for other reasons, and eventually I ended up an unaffiliated survivor randomly wandering around Malton trying to help out in major sieges and whatnot. But I learned the hard way that trying to hold things (particularly malls) is generally a futile endeavor, and once I hit 41, playing felt doubly pointless. I lost interest and eventually quit.

Sometime in March '09, I unidled Aphelion in a surge of nostalgia. I decided that if I was gonna play this game, I wanted to join a group to have some sense of direction, and the Gore Corps wiki page caught my eye. I couldn't have picked a better group. Rolling with the RRF is a blast!

And for the record, yes, I'm aware that there's no such thing as a lunar aphelion.

Prima Giedi

"mostly harmless are pkers and are zergs they use their alts to help them with their kills, zombie in pajamas and Prima Giedi are the same person"

I created Prima back in the day because I felt Aphelion's Military class wasn't nearly nerdy enough, and I ended up as a dedicated reviver for Stanbury Village's Yeoman Park. When I came back, I left Prima idled out until some jerk I've known for way too long ran across Aphelion and recognized the handle. I'm from the same site as LUE and happened to know him, but neither of us had any idea the other played. Long story short, I got dragged into the Mostly Harmless IRC channel, and good times have been had by all since!

Since ZiP's retirement and Mostly Harmless's unfortunate but inevitable decline, Prima has been wandering around Malton engaging in amusing hijinks of various sorts. She is currently a member of Red Rum and Lord Curton's Gentlemen's Hunting Club.

Idling Alts



Holy shit, Aphelion's playing a pro-survivor character? Can it be done, or will she start shooting people?! (I can't help it! I see the red HP and my finger just....slips....)

I created Gienah as a random scientist before I remembered Prima existed, and for a while I wandered around trying to be pro-survivor but generally failing at it. Like, I was operating an RP for a while, but aside from sticking the odd hapless newbie, all I really did was make snarky comments about harmanz with trenchy profiles at the RP and revive these PKers who kept hitting my NT. And I mean, they weren't even particularly good or amusing PKers--they didn't emote, for one--but you gotta entertain yourself somehow, I guess.

I eventually joined 404: Barhah not found because a bunch of my friends are in it I wanted to better understand how an effective breather group operates, both because this makes nahmming them easier and to do something different, and instantly had a lot more fun. 404 is pretty special; since it consists mostly of zombie players with harman alts, it brings the IRC whoring high degree of coordination enjoyed by undead strike teams to the survivor side, and it does things that are tactically sound (e.g. smart combat revives to clear buildings) even if they're unpopular. If you're looking for a harman group that's both a ton of fun and knows what the fuck it's doing, I highly recommend giving it a look.


"Batshit Insane: Eating brainz and taking names!"

Originated with the Mall Tour '09, then joined Batshit Insane after the tour ended. Wants your bra!nz!

Although I consider myself a pro-zombie player, Beid is one of only two zombie characters I have, and it cults when it gets CRed. Even though I don't regularly carry guns, I enjoy graffiti and broadcasts and baiting harmanz into shooting me too much to buy rot.


It's dead. It's a babah (well, not anymore, but it was). Originally created because I wanted to see how the MOB ran things compared to the RRF, it's a pure zombie and my only rotter. BARHAH!


Gore Corps Template.jpg Gore Corps
Aphelion is the coolest member of the RRF Gore Corps.
Skull1 small.gif Death Cultist
If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Bloodyknife.jpg PKer
This user is a PKer and is probably off killing some poor defenseless survivor.
Female.jpeg Female
This user is female.
Redrum small.jpg Red Rum
Prima Giedi is the epitome of taste, class, and lighthearted homicide.
MHprinny.png Mostly Harmless
Prima Giedi has a sharp knife and a sharper wit.
ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Dead
This user is a zombie and proud of it.
404group image small.png 404 Member
Gienah is a proud member of 404: Barhah not found.
Heartmath.png Math fun
This user thinks that math is awesome.
MTTemplate6.JPG Mall Tour 2009
This User or Group participated in Mall Tour 2009. They traveled all over Malton and had LOTS of brains with all their friends. Thanks, harmanz!
BI Template.png Batshit Insane
This user is off their rocker, out of their mind, lost their marbles, crazy, nutty as a fruitcake. Their cheese is sliding off the cracker! Beid is Batshit Insane.

Kyle Campaign Template.jpg Kyle 4 Everything '09
Aphelion has pledged support to the KyleStyle For Everything '09 Campaign, agreeing that Kyle should be given every conceivable responsibility in the game.

RRFhead.JPG Ridleybank Resistance Front
Lunar Aphelion is part of the glorious Ridleybank Resistance Front and has defended the homeland, conquered its enemies, and spread Barhah.