About Me
I'm apparently on the RRF War Council or something, but I'm not entirely sure how that happened and am taking steps to address it.
Need to contact me for any reason? You can send me a PM on Barhah.com or just leave a comment on my talk page.
I'm also a pixel artist. Check out my Pixel Joint gallery! Any art you see on any of my pages is made by me.
Shit List
Inspired by Eve Amedeus's page! I hate the following people:
Adward |
4/2/10 |
trying to get me promoted to Mama
Banana |
4/19/10 |
Draugrh |
4/19/10 |
being a cruel and sadistic dickface of a game master
globule13 |
5/14/09 |
defacing my talk page (I AM NOT A SUCKER YOU JERKFACE)
golam |
6/3/09 |
stealing my kills
Gus Thomas |
4/5/10 |
ripping off my wiki page code o.0
Jadkor |
4/2/10 |
trying to get me promoted to Mama
Jea |
5/14/09 |
making defamatory threads full of libel
Johnny Bass |
5/29/09 |
being a beer-sodden dickhead
kylestyle |
5/15/09 |
trying to get me promoted (HA HA HA, IT HAPPENED TO YOU TOO)
Lord Moloch |
5/21/09 |
calling me a secretary and promoting me >:(
Michael Barnaby |
4/2/10 |
trying to get me promoted to Mama
Murray Jay Suskind |
5/13/09 |
changing my forum title to Paper Pusher Extraordinaire
MikeaveLi |
5/16/09 |
defacing my talk page
Revenant |
6/9/10 |
being a pimp
Swing Your Pants |
4/2/10 |
trying to get me promoted to Mama and creating this (what a cruel betrayal from my darling waifu ;-;)
ZombieBabyJesus |
5/16/09 |
engaging in the production and distribution of slanderous, offensive imagery
Zombie in Pajamas |
always |
Death Cultist
If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
This user is a PKer and is probably off killing some poor defenseless survivor.
This user is female.
Red Rum
Prima Giedi is the epitome of taste, class, and lighthearted homicide.
Mostly Harmless
Prima Giedi has a sharp knife and a sharper wit.
Proud To Be Dead
This user is a zombie and proud of it.
Math fun
This user thinks that math is awesome.
Batshit Insane
This user is off their rocker, out of their mind, lost their marbles, crazy, nutty as a fruitcake. Their cheese is sliding off the cracker! Beid is Batshit Insane.
Kyle 4 Everything '09
Aphelion has pledged support to the KyleStyle For Everything '09 Campaign, agreeing that Kyle should be given every conceivable responsibility in the game.