Dunell Hills Police Department/Archive/Rabit Hole

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Obsolete. Retained for historical interest only. Purple Cat ~ DHPD 19:52, 16 June 2010 (BST)


The Rabit Hole

Code Name for the Secret Secure Location of the Dunell Hills Police Department it is where you can locate the department Heads and Special Operatives for the Department. Contact with the DHPD can be achieved by contacting Radio Free Dunell Hills.


The Rabit Hole is a Location that doesn't truly exist. It is an RP term for where any DHPD activity that takes place outside the game occurs. Theoretically located in Malton, the closest in-game representation is Cotty Street Police Department where the DHPD got their start in the fairly early days of the game. Regardless of the state of the department, the Rabit Hole continues to operate.


The Term Rabit Hole serves two purposes. First, it is a veiled reference to both Alice in Wonderland and The Matrix. Second For those individuals who aren’t old enough to remember the Old BBS Days, Rabit is aka RABIT an acronym for Remote Access Bulletin and Information Transfer, one of the old BBS's used by some of the early MUDers.

Dhpd.jpg Dunell Hills Police Department Dhpd.jpg

DHPD Main Page

DHPD Departments: Comissioner's Office | Internal Affairs | HR and Recruitment | Field Operations | Research Sciences | Internal Communications | Public Relations | Resource and Supply | Interdepartmental Relations | Medical Services | Chaplain Services

DHPD Precincts: Broadbelt Grove | Bunter Street | Burrell Way | Cottam Way | Cotty Street | Kenefie Lane | Ruggevale Walk | Rodwell Row | Swinnerton Square | Uppill | Yea Drive

DHPD Squads: Alpha Squad | Bravo Squad | Charlie Squad | Delta Squad | Dixie Squad | Ghost Squad | Omega Squad

DHPD Allies: Special Tactics And Rescue Squad | U.S. ARMY INFANTRY | The Crimson Clan | The Veterans | Umbrella Corporation | CMS-Meta | Malton Rangers | Zombie Squad

Other: Radio Free DHPD | DHPD Forum | Department Archives | DHPD Policies and Procedures | DHPD Most Wanted | Rogues Gallery | DHPD Testimonials