User:A Helpful Little Gnome/School1CN3PridEx

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a classroom
1 human
You are the Stranger. You have 32 Hit Points and 1 Experience Point. You have ? Action Points remaining.

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You are inside a classroom of Pridmore Way School, a high school. Every wall has shelves built to the ceiling, every surface a book on it. Both make narrow walking corridors of the classroom floor space. Lamps hung from the ceiling make buzzing noises as they sectionally light the room. Also here is Ross (55HP).

Somebody has written the library has no organizational structure onto the door, to borrow or lend is theft or generosity onto a shelf, and answers are administered to questions irregularly onto the floor. Many are signed as the management, some crossed-out, others not.

You say, "We're going extinct?" You inflect that question with either alarm springing from moral concern, or some disconcertment over disbelief that feels contrived to you, since when you became conscious in this world (or where memories exist), there were perhaps only a few more people than there are now. You are quite accustomed to how things are, though with no prior state of being unaccustomed, being accustomed seems meaningless.

There are questions to ask here, on the state of the rest of the world, whether everywhere is bad, and how the apocalypse came about. It is better fit for a different set of questions.

Since your last turn:
Ross says "No, no—I don't know that." (54 seconds ago)
Ross says "Here, yes—we're going extinct; elsewhere, it's impossible to tell. We're closed off from the rest of the world by the border. Beyond, the information is outdated." (41 seconds ago)
Ross says "I assume the world is just like here, though I can't say it's true. It's the same inaccuracy that would arise from saying the city is empty because Pridmore is empty. Pridmore may just be unusually vacant, comparatively." (28 seconds ago)
Ross says "Everything could be bad. Or everything else could be fine, and we've been plucked off the planet and put into a box. We're all in the proverbial dark." (7 seconds ago)
Possible actions:
You carry a knife; a journal and a notebook; a bloodied radio and a flare gun. You have a shotgun (2), a pistol (12) and three spare magazines inside your vest pouches. You are wearing a tactical vest, blue jeans, a white T-shirt and a pair of shoes.

User:A Helpful Little Gnome