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Malton City Park

Timestamp: Lord of the Pies 21:57, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Type: Building Complex Addition
Scope: Everyone?
Description: Note: Put up for voting. --Lord of the Pies 01:15, 10 December 2006 (UTC)

Given its size, it's a little surprising that Malton lacks any real parks. I'm not talking about the parks it has now; those are just small, open areas with perhaps a playground. They're just local parks, but what I'm talking about is a larger park. Like, say, Hyde Park, but smaller. The City Park would replace numerous buildings and empty blocks in the South-West corner of Mornington, the South-East corner of Crooketon, the North-East corner of Nixbank and the North-West corner of Wykewood and would include a number of new building types, as well as incorporating ordinary buildings.

Concept Map:


All blocks considered to be a part of the City Park are marked with a red dot in the upper right-hand corner.

New Building Types:

  • Woodland - not actually a building. Anyone 'outside' is assumed to be on the edges of the wood, whilst anybody 'inside' has enter the wood. It is also assumed that the wood is dense enough that people can hide inside. Woodland is un-barricadeable, un-Free-Runnable, has no doors and cannot have a Radio Transmitter or a Generator. The external description of woodland is You are standing on the edge of a wood; several dark shapes and shadows sway inside and the interna; description is You are standing inside an area of woodland, a thick trail of blood leading further into the densely packed trees. Any tags in woodland areas are assumed to be sprayed on signposts or trees. The only items that can be found in woodlands are Beer bottles at a search rate of 0.5% and Mobile Phones at 0.5% too. The woodland around the centre of the City Park is treated as a large building. Attempting to Free Run into any woodland places the player outside of the woodland.
  • Malton Tower - can't be bothered to think of a better name now. It's like a Monument, but actually a tower with a staircase inside. It's a regular building except it can't be Free-Runned into or out of. It's also a tall building - Binoculars can be used inside and people can commit suicide from it. The external description is You are standing outside the Malton Tower, a tall monument constructed from blocks of granite whilst the internal description is You are standing inside Malton Tower, a dank spiral staircase leading up to the top. The only item to be found in Malton Tower would be Binoculars at a search rate of 2.5%. 2XP could be gained from tagging the Tower.
  • Mausoleum - a mausoleum, hence the name. The external description would be You are standing outside a large mausoleum, a historic tomb with baroque architecture whilst the internal description would be You are standing inside the mausoleum. One of its crypts has been broken into, its coffin empty at the foot of a long streak of blood. Items to be found in the Mausoleum would be Crucifixes at 3% and Bibles at 2% (Bibles are detailed in another of my suggestions which is here and it'd be better to just link to it rather than repeat it). The Mausoleum would be large enough to Free-Run into and out of

New Empty Blocks:

  • City Park - an empty block with the description of You are standing in the city park, an expanse of greenery and flat ground surrounding you. Items to be found in City Park squares would be Baseball Bats at a search rate of 1.5% and Mobile phones at a search rate of 0.5%. It is assumed that tags would be sprayed on signposts, 'Please Keep Off the Grass' signs etc..

Other buildings in the City Park are Churches, Libraries and Museums. Other empty blocks in the City Park are Cemeteries and Monuments.


  • I like it - but the woodland should be free runnable - just imagine that there was already a woodland trail, a series of rope-bridges and platforms leading through the trees - altered now by survivors, so only they have the agility to reach them. Note, I'm not suggesting that survivors be in any way immune or in their treehouse, just that they could free run and be in the woods without having to hang around the outskirts. Also, change the flavour text to something like you think you can see shadowy figures deeper in the woods - that leaves it open so that maybe there is and maybe there ain't people (or undead beasties) in there. --Funt Solo Scotland flag.JPG 22:36, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, I like what solo is saying about the woodland, they should allow free running. When I think of undead beasties, I think of the animals from the zoo - where are they all hiding now??--Ducis DuxSlothTalk 23:45, 9 December 2006 (UTC)