Playing God

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Playing God
The Manifesto of God
How does one Play God?

Who are the Players?
Our Statistics
Our Wonderful Miracles

Who is Playing God?

- Neutral Point of View -

Playing God is a nomadic, strictly human group which engages in both Player Killer and Pro-Survivor activities. It's goals and aims are not clear, as its most defined goal is the vague purpose to have "as much fun as possible".

The group rarely reveals its intentions, Pro-Survivor or PKer, when moving into a new suburb, and thus is often regarded with suspicion by others it interacts with. Whatever motivations cause the group to change from attacking humans to helping them is unknown, and some have speculated that it is pure chance.

- End Neutral Point of View -
Abbreviation PG
Group Numbers Below Ten.
Leadership A Rotating Responsibilty
Goals To Play God. And have fun doing it.
Recruitment Policy Levels 1-42, We play as Humans most of the time.
Contact Our forums

We are a small group of humans, nomadic and resourceful(about as resourceful as anybody who travels the city must be to survive). We may turn up at your safe-house, leave our dirty socks lying on the floor, lounge about smoking, and talking about our lives as they used to be, and help you against a freshly arrived zombie horde. Or, we may arrive at your safe-house, leave our dirty underwear in a pile on your sofa, lounge around wearing nothing but your last towels, and then kill you, and every other living person in the building. Don't take offense - we're not monsters, we're just playing God.

We decide who lives and who dies; which building survives a zombie assault and which building falls; which zombies get revived and which ones spend the rest of their days mrhing at the revive point, waiting for a needle which isn't coming. We hold the fates of Malton's people - living and dead - in our hands(or, possibly, in our back pockets, depending on preference). Why? The usual reason: Because we can.

And - take it from us - we can.