Mobile Phone Mast

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Gsm mast.jpg

Mobile phone masts, when powered, allow survivors to use mobile phones to leave messages for those on their Contacts List. Masts are mounted on the roofs of a variety of buildings.

From outside, a mast without power has the following description: There is a mobile-phone mast on the roof of the building. Setting up and fueling a generator inside the building changes the external description to: On the roof of the building, the lights of a mobile-phone mast blink against the sky.

The masts themselves cannot be reached or attacked directly. A mast is disabled when the generator powering it runs out of fuel or is destroyed.

The Game Statistics page has info on what percentage of the network is currently running; presumably, since there are 100 suburbs in Malton, each mast represents one percent of the total network. The current statistics are displayed below.

Mobile Phone Mast.png Mobile Network Coverage:
  • Actual Network Coverage: 25%
  • Known Active Masts: 17

Correct as of: 21:40, 5 June 2020 (UTC)

know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.

Frequency: 27.00 MHz
Transmitter Coordinates: Mobile Phone Mast Status Monitor --


All mast locations have been reported by members of the Wiki community.

The Unofficial Map graphically indicates the locations of buildings with masts.

The Mobile-Phone Mast Information Center has a full list of danger reports, this is a better page is you want to know the status of the buildings, rather than of the masts they contain. The MPM Status Map shows the same information graphically.

To update the status of a mast you should update the Danger Report for the building containing the mast. You can link to the report by clicking the building's name on the sorted list, or by clicking the building's co-ordinates on the map. Change the "mast_status=" line of the danger report according to the definitions provided below. You must sign the report as the timestamp provided in your signature is the same timestamp displayed here to ensure the data is recent.

The following are the working definition for the status chart below:

  • active = Service has been positively confirmed in suburb.
  • nofuel = The presence of a generator has been confirmed, but it is out of fuel.
  • destroyed = The lack of a generator has been confirmed. Fuel and a generator are needed to return the mast to active status.
  • ruined = The mast building is ruined. A toolbox, generator, and fuel will be required to restore the mast to working order.
  • occupied = One or more zombies have taken up residence in the Mast Building. A lot of firepower and maybe some team work will be needed to get the Mast up and running again. Is most likely ruined.
  • inactive = There is no service in the suburb, but for an unknown reason.
  • activeold, nofuelold, destroyedold, ruinedold, occupiedold and inactiveold = Service to the suburb has not been checked in the last 5 days Activeold suburbs are not included in the "mapped active network coverage" at the top of the page.
  • unknown = Service to the suburb has not been checked in the last 10 days. The goal is to have no suburbs in this state

Listen on 27.00 for new status reports. Occasionally tag or pirate-broadcast this url -- -- so that others know to listen and update this list.

At most, a generator fuelling a Phone Mast will last five days from the time of fuelling. All 'active' masts whose timestamp is more than five days old ought to be reclassified as 'activeold.'

Please note that a bot has been created to take care of marking statuses as 'old' or unknown as necessary. This does not prevent you from changing statuses yourself provided that they have passed the proper 5 or 10 day limit.

Suburb Maps

Maps detailing the mobile mast coverage can be found at Mobile Phone Mast/Status Maps.

Alphabetical List

Below is an alphabetical listing of suburbs and the buildings in which a mobile phone mast is present for each.

active nofuel destroyed ruined occupied inactive unknown
The following depict suburbs that have not been updated recently.


Multiple Towers

Some suburbs have more than one tower. It is believed that only one tower actually provides network coverage to the suburb, and the other will not, even if powered.

Danversbank has a mast in the Barrow Building and a phantom mast in the Poulet Museum.

Paynterton has a mast in the Smither Building and a phantom mast in the Denning Museum.

Lukinswood has a mast in the Shortman Building and a phantom mast in the Galavin Museum.

Reganbank has a mast in the Lantrowe Building and a phantom mast in the William Museum.

Jensentown has a mast in the MacVicar Building and a phantom mast in the Borland Museum.

Spracklingbank has a mast in the Dobson Motel and a phantom mast in the Mickelson Museum.

Update this section if you find the true/phantom mast situation is reversed, or find another phantom mast.

Mobile Network Maintenance Teams

Want to maintain phone masts across Malton or just the one in your suburb? Add your group to the list! Include a timestamp so everyone will know if it's up to date. You may copy your entry from previous year to current year if still doing active work on masts.

Maintenance Teams Archive


MalTel Is back in action! Benaldo138 04:25, 29 October 2014 (UTC)


The Church of Static is protecting as many masts as they can. 21.44, 21 January 2013

Mobile Network Destruction Teams

Want to destroy phone masts across Malton or just the one in your suburb? Add your group to the list! Include a timestamp so everyone will know if it's up to date. You may copy your entry from previous year to current year if still doing active work on masts.


  • Dead Air, at least one old member back from the dead to smash phone masts across Malton. Salbek (talk) 04:33, 13 August 2020 (UTC)


  • Dead Air is having a resurgence of activity as old alleged member(s) return to systematically bring blissful silence to the skies. - JushhhuGKH 03:11, 19 January 2011 (UTC)


  • Dead Air is working to maintain a level of silence across Malton. 18:52, 3 January 2010 (UTC)


  • The Jenova's Witnesses are dedicated to destroying mobile phone masts in an aid to complete their mission.
  • Permazombie is dedicated to perpetually keeping the Judgewood mast offline. Asheets 16:00, 10 July 2008 (BST)


  • the soft parade has taken up a vendetta against telephone masts everywhere, following the theft of the soft parade's radio frequency at 26.54 by the Mobile Phone Mast Status Report team.

Template:Game Information