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This page is considered humorous. Trenchcoater is a derogatory term for a player with an "action hero" mindset, who bases their actions in game around those seen in an action movie. It's a common insult in Urban Dead, and is especially popular among zombie players.

For the more informative and neutral article, see Trenchcoater/definition

What does a Trenchcoater look like and why is he called a Trenchcoater?

The term stems from the trenchcoat, which is featured in almost all trenchcoater descriptions; if a color is given, the trenchcoat is almost uniformly black. Other things usually mentioned in trenchcoater descriptions are scars and bandaged wounds (which are somehow immediately visible, but not severe enough to hinder activity at all), notches on a belt or gun barrel counting all the zombies they've killed, "crazed looks" in their eye(s), shades/sunglasses, combat boots, swords (especially katanas, or other oriental styled sword, despite swords not being in the game save the fencing foil), being tall/pale/dark, automatic weapons like AK-47s and Uzis (again, despite not being in the game), rusty/gleaming/blood-stained melee weapons, references to being a Marine/Navy SEAL/special forces soldier, and outright statements that the character is "badass" or otherwise intimidates everyone they meet.

See Also

Pages in category "Trenchcoats"

The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.