Angels of Mercy

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Revision as of 02:32, 2 January 2009 by Linkthewindow (talk | contribs) (Inactive, May 2008)
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Angels of Mercy are no longer active. Its group page is preserved for archival purposes. Please do not edit this page. This group was reported inactive on 02:32, 2 January 2009 (UTC) Not Inactive?

Angels of Mercy
Abbreviation: AoM
Group Numbers: 10ish
Leadership: Someone Important
Goals: Reducing suffering for all of humanity.
Recruitment Policy: Find someone and ask....
Contact: We'll call you

The Angels of Mercy are dedicated to reducing suffering throughout Malton. Theres no reason for survivors who have been badly injured to die painful, terrible deaths. We make sure they die with dignity, instead of screaming for their mommy and crapping their pants.

A Note

After further consideration and negotiation Blackhawk Nation has accepted our previously tendered offer.

A Note to Current Patients

Sadly, Blackhawk Nation didn't react well to our generous compensation package we offered due to an administrative snafu on our part. As a result we have no recourse but to surgically remove a pound of flesh. All doctors have been re-directed to the Vinetown and their patients are urged to find medical care elsewhere. We apologize for the inconvenience.


There's some particularly miserable individuals in Vinetown that are in need of our tender mercies.

Community Service

After spending some time abroad taking care of poor illiterate refugees in West Grayside the Angels of Mercy have returned home to Giddings to render some community service to local down on their luck ruffians, most are illiterate, and struck with syphilis.

Giddings Mall

The Big Bash 2 has attracted all manner of patients to the Giddings area. The dashing, winsome and handsome doctors of the Angels of Mercy are keeping busy treating them all.


One of the scourges of our fine physicians here are the malpractice lawyers. It seems a certain (former) supporter of doctors everywhere was arranging a malpractice lawyer meet up. So we decided to crash the little get together. Sadly the entire thing was such a failure that Doctor Kicky killed...errrr operated on nearly everyone all by his lonesome. Ah well. As a result of this excellent work Kicky has been awarded with a promotion to Head Resident Surgeon.

Treweeke Mall...

After launching a massive aid effort on the upper left corner of the mall, the dashing and handsome doctors of the Angels of Mercy are on the move again.

Finished treating.... Team Zombie Hardcore

The Angels of Mercy have successfully treated the infection known as Team Zombie Hardcore. Sadly, they didn't offer up much of a challenge before running like scared little girls.

New Allies

The Angels of Mercy are also proud to have spread our methods and teachings to a new group. We welcome the Burger Hut Avenging Angels. While they may not seem have our professionalism, they have embraced our methods. So so say hello to the South Blythville de facto branch of the Angels of Mercy: Dead Body Woman, and RebelReefer.

Patient Eligiblity

Our doctors are highly trained in their profession and as such are experts in evaluating the level of pain a person is in. Generally any player below 30HP is eligible for treatment, but other factors may also be considered.

Becoming a Doctor

We require that our doctors have combat skills and diagnosis so that they may competently fulfill their duties and avoid malpractice suits. Other than that simply add Angels of Mercy to your group name and get to work euthanizing. We'd prefer if you took a stroll by Giddings Mall and let Blurredbrain2 know you're out there practicing medicine.

Primary members of the Angels of Mercy include;

Groups We Strongly Support

Creedy Defense Force - The Angels of Mercy and the CDF are very special friends with the AoM providing a special level of support for the CDF. If you are a member of the CDF and require a FAK or some other service please let us know in our talk page and we'll be sure to get help to you as soon as humanly possible. Be sure to leave your name, location and profile ID to assure the fastest possible service.

Satisfied CDF Customers

Tryce of Thunder

Why are you doing this?

People shouldn't die in terrible pain. We relieve their pain and make the world a better place. Also, these suffering survivors make for easy targets for zombies which leads to higher level zombies which are much more dangerous. By euthanizing these suffering victims we're making sure that they don't suffer, and don't create higher level zombies.

Pay Scale

We have very reasonable rates based on your level of income. Just bring in your tax returns from the year before and we'll work with you. We will also process your Medicare paperwork for you, and if we approve you for our services and Medicare turns you down then we'll waive your fee!


We currently have an agreement with the Mad Craskers that they will not attack any Angel of Mercy and, in exchange, they will not be kill on sight for the AoM so long as they put this policy on their wiki page and no Mad Crasker kills an Angel of Mercy in the future. However, if a Mad Crasker is below 30HP an AoM may administer our particular form of treatment.


We are currently at war with the Sons of Abraham.

VICTORY!!! The Sons of Abraham have scattered and offered no real resistance in quite some time. Therefore we declare complete and utter victory over them and their PKer of a leader crazylilvietguy.

Patient List

Har4, waterguardian, JDove, alpha project, Sgt Forde, EveDE, Dealerman, CptHeadshot, SinSpawn, VampirellaJones, Soulman89, Alexander McNuir, Predater5, CiberWolf, Jenners, ryank7, Zoe Muller, Mr Ryall, Maxiimo, Ihealforyou, Merchant Banker, Capt Lance, Rev Trev x 2, Pvt Silvier, Sejin, Cowboy Up, cactboose, cipher556, Anthony Palmer, Zelda89, Rankojin, Merkinhead, Chris Judd, HexIce, Gary Flamer, Captian Winters, Archie Malone, recdiver, Vargast, Enforcement Leader, Xanzer, DCDS, Red Foxx, crawlsPace, JuIes WinnfieId, rozman, Dani California, Swimbird13, Vidarr, Cult x2, Dean Keaton, Idaeus, Jesus Franco, inclinus, NecroNick x2, Schultze,ARCH ANGEL DA MIGHTY, Roydal x2, Sl4rt1b4rtf4st X8, Shwantz X4, AVN, UDkiller X7, DJSMITH X8, Matt Spencer X2, Haimayonnaise, Farmer Bob X2, SonySucksIsAnAsshat, Scout Pete X2, SmarmySmile, Sammy L, Vilero, TheUnclebob X13, Bobby2sheds, clowntears, Jumafallout, babystar, shortshorts, Way, Drazghul, Mr Greg, Falsetto, Wonko The notsoSane, kip gillum, Guy Miscampbell, soilwork, I'll smoke your ass, pret2, Ryan87lx, ZBQW, TheZealot, Davy Jones, Wesley Roberts, Generica, werealreadydead, linkkkid, Serena Frost, ArcaneGunner, Brain Burger, Wesker Albert, Mr McMonkey 2, DOMOdaSTUD, Terminus Prime, Jimmyjunk, AVN, evlwee, T4st3sL1k3Ch1ck3n X2, Bridge Feeder, The Wilds, E Con, P Jack, strill, Biggest Dave, etimS, Queasor, DefenestratorX, thetrenchcoater...