Allied Travellers Organisation/NewsArchive

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ATO past news

This has all be archives here for referencing purposes. Please do not edit!

November 2007

30th Nov

External Military: "... That group... that ATO ... THEY SURE AS HELL ARE KICKING ZOMBIE ASS ... what a bunch of champs..." --Megapup 10:19, 30 November 2007 (UTC)

29th Nov

Nine standing Zeds in Beale. Everyone horde ammo and wipe the bitches out!--CounterStruck 09:40, 29 November 2007 (UTC)

28th Nov

Still many zombies in Beale. We need help to get them out and reclaim our building back. The police station next door is still barricaded and under control at the moment--Megapup 17:14, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

27th Nov

This comment has been given the official 'pfft' and this user should go to his room and think about what he has done.

Chancelwood still holding up fine, unless more Zeds charge at Haslock it should be held for a while yet. I'll have a trek over to Dulston tomorrow but I personally think we are better off waiting for the zombie horde to leave unless we can get the Dulston Alliance to help clear the place out.--CounterStruck 10:34, 27 November 2007 (UTC)

In response to the above comment: are you insane? It's our HQ and you want to let zombies take it and wait for another group to clear it out? And as for the DA, i think they'd help out even if we didn't ask them to, and even if we weren't there. That's the type of people they are. Nice. Unlike some. Ever heard of fraternity or brotherly love? That was a very un-traveller-y thing to say. You get the official 'pfft' on your comment. Get to Dulston and help out if you can Travellers. --Lewin 09:56, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

26th Nov

Our HQ has fallen and is ruined in the hands of zombies. Everyone get to Dulston and help!! --Lewin 10:15, 26 November 2007 (UTC)

25th Nov

The Dulston ATO HQ at the Beale Building has been breached by zombies of the infected swarm! The doors are closed and minor barricades are in place, but three zombies are still inside and help is needed! If you're in the NE corner, get up there and help! --Lewin 01:54, 25 November 2007 (UTC)

The situation has become very serious. I strongly urge everyone to go to Dulston and help. --Lewin 05:45, 25 November 2007 (UTC)

24th Nov

Our dear friends FLUB have come under attck in the suburb of Dulston. All on-hand travellers should come to the Beale Building to help in the attack on the zombies of the Infected Swarm. Oh, i'm sorry, the defective swarm. Get to it guys. --Lewin 02:31, 24 November 2007 (UTC)

I have moved to the suburb of Chancelwood after a spate of PK'ing in Santlerville. There is a large horde of zombies outside the NT building adjacent to Curton Mansion, the Haslock Building. Any travellers who would like to help out please meet me in Curton Mansion. This is the only place in Malton that you can get a fur coat! What sort of traveller are you if you don't have a one building unique item of clothing? Join the fun in Chancelwood!--CounterStruck 13:19, 23 November 2007 (UTC)

13th Nov

The ATO has signed a non-aggression pact with the Dulston Alliance and we have established a traveller's HQ in the Beale Building in Dulston where we also hope to maintain a revive point. I am currently stationed there. --Lewin 23:06, 13 November 2007 (UTC)

Santlerville, the old home town of our parent group the BBK is getting raped in a zombie seige. --CounterStruck 09:27, 13 November 2007 (UTC)

In response to that, Santlerville is not getting raped as such. Perhaps just an inappropriate touch up, but it is definitely not getting raped. DanceDanceRevolution 06:58, 14 November 2007 (UTC)
12th Nov

The Second Big Bash are on a new rampage this year. Malton survivors, in the area, are going to have some fun with chaos. Keep an eye out for them, travellers. DanceDanceRevolution 08:01, 12 November 2007 (UTC)

8th Nov

The suburb i am logging, Dulston, is experiencing zombie troubles. If you are in the NE corner and looking to help out, or just looking for some action, come pay us a visit and do your part. --Lewin 11:12, 8 November 2007 (UTC)