The Lone Awesomes

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The Lone Awesomes
Abbreviation: Totally unnecessary.
Group Numbers: Just this guy.
Leadership: Redundant.
Goals: Being awesome. Spreading the awesome.
Recruitment Policy: Affiliated with anyone else concerned with making Malton more awesome.
Contact: Eh, try the talk page.




A survivor... eh... group?


Dedicated to awesomeness, and the intense being thereof. Also: spreading the awesome to places lacking the aforementioned awesome.

The Lone Awesomes also keep a journal, which is currently lacking in actual journaling.


The Lone Awesomes prefer the northwest, an area which (although it does have its fair share of awesomeness) The Lone Awesomes feel could use slightly more awesome.


Accessible Resources

The Lone Awesomes support keeping resource points VSB, as it is frustrating to leave a police station with an armload of ammo, kill the marauding zeds, and then having to waste a thousand AP finding a neglected cinema and then worming around the whole way back. If you want to feel safe, you'd do well to hole up in a library and read The BFG. Being blocked out of every building in a ten mile radius is irritating and counterproductive. It angers the Lone Awesomes. And do you know what happens then?? We kill bunnies.

Good Grooming

The Lone Awesomes also support good grooming. The Lone Awesomes think it's silly to strut around wearing blood-soaked this and tattered that. Go find yourself a nice motel, draw yourself a bath, change out of your filthy clothes, crack open a bottle of wine, and look civil. Don't let these zombies take us down to their level! It doesn't even waste any of your precious AP. Clean up, Malton!

Good grooming.jpg Good Grooming
This user or group practices good grooming habits, and recommends that other Malton survivors do too.

Community Relations

The Lone Awesomes are here to lend a hand in making Malton more awesome, and if they get killed (i.e. turned into a zombie, as you can't really die here) in the meantime they aren't too bothered by it. If it's a zombie - nice work; if it's a survivor - it's irritating if the Lone Awesomes were doing something survivory and got turned into nonsurvivors, but the Lone Awesomes won't post you as a PKer, and won't go looking for revenge. Basically, the Lone Awesomes don't care either way; it is, after all, just a game. Being a zombie from time to time is also awesome, especially when it means munching on tasty fascists. And whether dead or alive, the Lone Awesomes always show up for some tasty victuals at Malton Food Not Bombs!

CircleA.jpg Anarchy
This user supports anarchy, as defined as "a way in which people deal with one another in a peaceful, cooperative manner; respectful of the inviolability of each other’s lives and property interests; resorting to contract and voluntary transactions rather than coercion and expropriation as a way of functioning in society." Link


The Lone Awesomes (in addition to not feeling bound by standard English, and therefore nouning adjectives at will) support things. The Lone Awesomes feel that templates displayed an a garish fashion are probably the easiest way to do this, and the Lone Awesomes like to be lazy sometimes.

Cthulhuplushshrunk6qb.jpg Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!
In his house at R'lyeh, zombie Cthulhu is in a cemetery Mrh?ing, and also waits dreaming.
Thinkingmonkey.jpg Friend Of The Zoo
The Thinking Monkey brings luck to friends of the Malton City Zoo!
McZeds.png McZeds™
This User or Group eats at McZeds™. They also support the Use of Corpses for High Quality Processed Fast Food.

Being awesome.jpg There's nothing quite like Being Awesome!
This user or group totally supports things that are awesome.


The Lone Awesomes unfortunately have no affiliation with the exceptionally awesome Portland, Maine-based band The Awesome.

209-rabbit.jpg Mr Fluffles
This user loves to butcher a cute, fluffy, darling, lovable bunny every single day!
Firefox.png Firefox User
This user uses Firefox, and so should you, because Microsoft sucks.