Evan Arnoldi
'05/'07, forgotten it
Character class:
Fire Fighter
Favorite equipment:
Do you give a damn about it?
Character profile:
Urban Dead profile
Current status:
Heading to Fort Creedy to help it's defense
Character group:
Legion of the Octopope
Character stats:
Uncountable death, kills, revive and NO PK.
User:Evan_Arnoldi/Stories for Evan Arnoldi
Some user page this is
Hi, and you just got rickrolld.
no, seriously, some user page this is, just ignore this section, alright? thanks
Character History
Many dying experience let him to short duration amnesia. One thing he remember, he LOVE CHOCOLATE.
oh, also he remember for having a hot girlfriend that later become zombie, forced to kill his entire family(they was infected, nuff said) and reloading his first gun when defending Fort Creedy.
Hardened by those unhappy experience, Evan set out to end this evil event, with destiny his only guide and axe his only weapon.
He walk around with eating chocolate, of course.
In Game Profile
A veteran and hardened survivor, Evan will bring doom to all zombies and bring FAK and syringe to all survivor when he eat his favorite chocolate. Fierce and Valiant<<Human
A mindless zombie that consume any survivor in his wake. He seems to be more enjoying brain than chocolate in this state. But sometime he just settle down and not attack any survivor.<<Zombie
Character class:
Favorite equipment:
Character profile:
Urban Dead profile
Current status:
Listening to the radio
Character group:
Ferals Radio, lulz
Character stats:
Dont Give A DAMN for darkro666
Project Evil Member
This user is part of Project Evil, and is plotting to destroy you and everything you hold dear, unless you pledge your loyalty to them.
Friend of the Octopope
We stand by the Octopope. May his dark and holy ink blind our foes.
South West Alliance Veteran
Evan Arnoldi is an SWA operations veteran. He participated in 2 combined efforts.
Proud Sponsor of Urban Dead!
This user or group decided to stop being a cheapskate and donated to Urban Dead. So what's your excuse?