The Cabell Arms

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The Cabell Arms
--Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 06:28, 22 May 2023 (UTC)
the Cabell Arms

Stanbury Village [58,57]

Club Bartin Forse Walk School Frye Way
the Sprackett Building the Cabell Arms the Betty Building
Kersley Mansion Kersley Mansion Lorenzo General Hospital

Basic Info:

  • Pubs have no internal descriptions, apart from " abandoned pub."
  • Arms can be barricaded normally.


A strict No Zeds, No Neds, No Bluenoses policy is in effect.

A small but lively pub, often packed with Kilt Store regulars as well as open-mouthed visitors, gazing and gaping at the Kilt Store tartan and banners draped everywhere.


A dazzling array of memorabilia can be seen.

Opening in 1842, the Cabell Arms was named after Scottish traitor Campbell Mac Dougall, but descendants of those whose deaths he had caused stole the pub sign letters M and P so often it is now known simply as the Cabell, pronounced cowbell [1].

The pub took its name because the house in which it is located was (and is) the archive for the records of the Massacre of Glen Kevan in 1692. Campbell Mac Dougall invited rival clan leaders to a picnic at Glen Kevan, only to have arranged for Crown forces to ambush them "while they were tucking into their haggis, neeps and tatties, Scotch eggs and a wee dram o the water o life" (from The Book of Kevan, chapter 13). Campbell took up trouser-wearing and ordered all tartan and bagpipes in Stanbury to be burnt, on pain of death. He briefly dominated Stanbury Village as a result of this turncoatery, but was murdered in a street brawl while walking down Salvage Row. The records are written in blood on sheepskin and are of keen interest to starved zombies, but are kept securely behind the single malts where only the bravest dare get past the barman.

The pub was a popular haunt for the Village's Scots in the 19th century. After the opening of Nichols Mall, Kilt Store employees became regulars, as did hot Scottish lassies working as nurses at Lorenzo General Hospital nearby. Willum Kersley disliked the noise caused by the pub on matchdays, but was known to pop in for a quiet drink from time to time.

Barricade Policy

Zombies may trash the pub due to their perma-rage.

After a spate of vandalism and violent incidents [2], zombies [3] are now banned from the pub. However, the landlord and barman accept no liability for loss or injury caused due to zombie break-ins on the premises.